8 research outputs found

    Hierarchical structuring of Cultural Heritage objects within large aggregations

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    Huge amounts of cultural content have been digitised and are available through digital libraries and aggregators like Europeana.eu. However, it is not easy for a user to have an overall picture of what is available nor to find related objects. We propose a method for hier- archically structuring cultural objects at different similarity levels. We describe a fast, scalable clustering algorithm with an automated field selection method for finding semantic clusters. We report a qualitative evaluation on the cluster categories based on records from the UK and a quantitative one on the results from the complete Europeana dataset.Comment: The paper has been published in the proceedings of the TPDL conference, see http://tpdl2013.info. For the final version see http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-40501-3_2

    Using Apache Lucene to Search Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors

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    Surrogate Text Representation (STR) is a profitable solution to efficient similarity search on metric space using conventional text search engines, such as Apache Lucene. This technique is based on comparing the permutations of some reference objects in place of the original metric distance. However, the Achilles heel of STR approach is the need to reorder the result set of the search according to the metric distance. This forces to use a support database to store the original objects, which requires efficient random I/O on a fast secondary memory (such as flash-based storages). In this paper, we propose to extend the Surrogate Text Representation to specifically address a class of visual metric objects known as Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors (VLAD). This approach is based on representing the individual sub-vectors forming the VLAD vector with the STR, providing a finer representation of the vector and enabling us to get rid of the reordering phase. The experiments on a publicly available dataset show that the extended STR outperforms the baseline STR achieving satisfactory performance near to the one obtained with the original VLAD vectors.Comment: In Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2016) - Volume 4: VISAPP, p. 383-39

    I-SEARCH: a unified framework for multimodal search and retrieval

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    In this article, a unified framework for multimodal search and retrieval is introduced. The framework is an outcome of the research that took place within the I-SEARCH European Project. The proposed system covers all aspects of a search and retrieval process, namely low-level descriptor extraction, indexing, query formulation, retrieval and visualisation of the search results. All I-SEARCH components advance the state of the art in the corresponding scientific fields. The I-SEARCH multimodal search engine is dynamically adapted to end-user's devices, which can vary from a simple mobile phone to a high-performance PC

    Modelling Efficient Novelty-based Search Result Diversification in Metric Spaces

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    Novelty-based diversification provides a way to tackle ambiguous queries by re-ranking a set of retrieved documents. Current approaches are typically greedy, requiring O(n2) document–document comparisons in order to diversify a ranking of n documents. In this article, we introduce a new approach for novelty-based search result diversification to reduce the overhead incurred by document–document comparisons. To this end, we model novelty promotion as a similarity search in a metric space, exploiting the properties of this space to efficiently identify novel documents. We investigate three different approaches: pivoting-based, clustering-based, and permutation-based. In the first two, a novel document is one that lies outside the range of a pivot or outside a cluster. In the latter, a novel document is one that has a different signature (i.e., the documentʼs relative distance to a distinguished set of fixed objects called permutants) compared to previously selected documents. Thorough experiments using two TREC test collections for diversity evaluation, as well as a large sample of the query stream of a commercial search engine show that our approaches perform at least as effectively as well-known novelty-based diversification approaches in the literature, while dramatically improving their efficiency.Fil: Gil Costa, Graciela Verónica. Yahoo; México. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Santos, Rodrygo L. T.. University Of Glasgow; Reino UnidoFil: Macdonald, Craig. University Of Glasgow; Reino UnidoFil: Ounis, Iadh. University Of Glasgow; Reino Unid

    Resource Description and Selection for Similarity Search in Metric Spaces: Problems and Problem-Solving Approaches

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    In times of an ever increasing amount of data and a growing diversity of data types in different application contexts, there is a strong need for large-scale and flexible indexing and search techniques. Metric access methods (MAMs) provide this flexibility, because they only assume that the dissimilarity between two data objects is modeled by a distance metric. Furthermore, scalable solutions can be built with the help of distributed MAMs. Both IF4MI and RS4MI, which are presented in this thesis, represent metric access methods. IF4MI belongs to the group of centralized MAMs. It is based on an inverted file and thus offers a hybrid access method providing text retrieval capabilities in addition to content-based search in arbitrary metric spaces. In opposition to IF4MI, RS4MI is a distributed MAM based on resource description and selection techniques. Here, data objects are physically distributed. However, RS4MI is by no means restricted to a certain type of distributed information retrieval system. Various application fields for the resource description and selection techniques are possible, for example in the context of visual analytics. Due to the metric space assumption, possible application fields go far beyond content-based image retrieval applications which provide the example scenario here.Ständig zunehmende Datenmengen und eine immer größer werdende Vielfalt an Datentypen in verschiedenen Anwendungskontexten erfordern sowohl skalierbare als auch flexible Indexierungs- und Suchtechniken. Metrische Zugriffsstrukturen (MAMs: metric access methods) können diese Flexibilität bieten, weil sie lediglich unterstellen, dass die Distanz zwischen zwei Datenobjekten durch eine Distanzmetrik modelliert wird. Darüber hinaus lassen sich skalierbare Lösungen mit Hilfe verteilter MAMs entwickeln. Sowohl IF4MI als auch RS4MI, die beide in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt werden, stellen metrische Zugriffsstrukturen dar. IF4MI gehört zur Gruppe der zentralisierten MAMs. Diese Zugriffsstruktur basiert auf einer invertierten Liste und repräsentiert daher eine hybride Indexstruktur, die neben einer inhaltsbasierten Ähnlichkeitssuche in beliebigen metrischen Räumen direkt auch Möglichkeiten der Textsuche unterstützt. Im Gegensatz zu IF4MI handelt es sich bei RS4MI um eine verteilte MAM, die auf Techniken der Ressourcenbeschreibung und -auswahl beruht. Dabei sind die Datenobjekte physisch verteilt. RS4MI ist jedoch keineswegs auf die Anwendung in einem bestimmten verteilten Information-Retrieval-System beschränkt. Verschiedene Anwendungsfelder sind für die Techniken zur Ressourcenbeschreibung und -auswahl denkbar, zum Beispiel im Bereich der Visuellen Analyse. Dabei gehen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten weit über den für die Arbeit unterstellten Anwendungskontext der inhaltsbasierten Bildsuche hinaus