965 research outputs found

    Perceptions of the Impact Mathematics Support Classes Have on Student Achievement

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    Many students today struggle with mastering grade-level mathematics standards. School leaders have implemented mathematics support classes as a possible solution; however, not all students are showing significant improvement. The challenge is determining an effective mathematics support class that has the most positive impact on student achievement. As a result, the purpose of this research study was to examine the perceptions of principals, mathematics teachers, and mathematics support teachers on the impact mathematics support classes had on student achievement. This study employed a qualitative case study research design that consisted of one overarching research question and three sub-research questions that framed this research study that sought to uncover best practices within the mathematics support class, barriers within the mathematics support class, and ways in which the mathematics support class could be improved. Interview data were obtained from middle school personnel consisting of three triads of principals, mathematics teachers, and mathematics support teachers, with a total of nine participants, in a suburban public-school system in the state of Georgia during the Spring of 2020. The findings of this study provided insight of the perceptions of middle school educators on the impact mathematics support classes had on student achievement. Descriptive data analysis was conducted to determine commonalities and provide recommendations regarding mathematics support classes in order to increase student achievement in mathematics. As a result, the analysis of data uncovered six overarching themes: best practices identified were implemented instructional strategies; barriers included lack of students’ cognitive ability and skills, lack of educator’s subject and pedagogical knowledge, and conditions of the class; and, improvements consisted of structure of the class and recommended instructional strategies. It can be concluded that the implementation of the mathematics support class was not as impactful as expected due to the myriad of barriers that exist. While there was not a mathematics support class that was deemed effective, the findings expressed a need to re-evaluate the current mathematics support class and make adjustments to meet the needs of the students to increase student achievement


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    Active learning is all pedagogical alternatives that place the focus of learning on the students. With the mediation of competent teachers, the students learn by discovery, by investigation, and by problems. Such methodologies commonly promote more content retention and comprehension once the students are engaged in activities, whether through research, group collaborations, discussion, and problem solving. This work aimed to verify the temporal evolution of active learning methods in higher education Engineering courses, based on a systematic mapping of the literature. We observed which are the main researchers in this field, their geographic location and which methodologies are preferred in the context of these courses. From the results, we observe a growth of scientific publications on active learning methodologies and Engineering Education, especially in the last five years of the period analysed (between 2015 and 2020). We also see researchs on this field in all continents, with a predominance of studies led by American and European researchers. In the mapped studies, the inverted classroom and problem-based learning were the most identified methodologies. It demonstrates a concern of teachers in this area to promote activities with high involvement, which allow the development of personal and professional skills and competencies, even during their training period.Las metodologías activas pueden entenderse como alternativas pedagógicas que ponen el foco del aprendizaje en los alumnos. Con la mediación de profesores competentes, los alumnos aprenden a partir del descubrimiento, la investigación y los problemas. Estas metodologías suelen promover una mayor retención y comprensión de los contenidos enseñados, ya que el alumno participa en actividades, ya sea a través de la investigación, la colaboración en grupo, el debate y la resolución de problemas. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo verificar la evolución temporal del uso de las metodologías activas en el contexto de los cursos de educación superior en Ingeniería, a partir de un mapeo sistemático de la literatura. A partir de un protocolo de investigación debidamente definido, se buscó verificar cuáles son los principales investigadores en esta área, su ubicación geográfica y cuáles son las metodologías preferidas en el contexto de estos cursos. A partir de los resultados, se pudo observar que el crecimiento en el número de publicaciones científicas sobre metodologías activas en el contexto de la Enseñanza de la Ingeniería, especialmente en los últimos cinco años del período analizado (entre 2015 y 2020). Se puede observar la realización de investigaciones en este contexto en todos los continentes, con un predominio de estudios dirigidos por investigadores americanos y europeos. En los estudios mapeados, el flipped classroom y el aprendizaje basado en problemas fueron las metodologías más identificadas. Esto demuestra una mayor preocupación entre los profesores de la zona por promover actividades con alta implicación que permitan el desarrollo de habilidades y competencias personales y profesionales durante el periodo de formación.As metodologias ativas podem ser entendidas como alternativas pedagógicas que colocam o foco do aprendizado nos estudantes. Com mediação de docentes competentes, os alunos aprendem a partir da descoberta, da investigação e por problemas. Tais metodologias comumente promovem uma maior retenção e compreensão de contéudos ensinados, uma vez que o aprendiz se encontra engajado nas atividades, seja por meio de pesquisa, colaborações em grupo, discussão e resolução de problemas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a evolução temporal do uso de metodologias ativas, no contexto dos cursos superiores de Engenharia, a partir de um mapeamento sistemático da literatura. A partir de um protocolo de pesquisa devidamente definido, buscou-se verificar quais os principais pesquisadores desta área, sua localização geográfica e quais as metodologias preferidas no contexto destes cursos. A partir dos resultados, foi possível observar que o crescimento do número de publicações científicas sobre metodologias ativas no contexto da Educação em Engenharia, em especial nos últimos cinco anos do período analisado (entre 2015 e 2020). Pode-se notar a realização de pesquisas neste contexto em todos os continentes, com predomínio de estudos liderados por pesquisadores americanos e europeus. Nos estudos mapeados, a sala de aula invertida e a aprendizagem baseada em problemas foram as metodologias mais identificadas. Isso demostra uma maior preocupação dos professores da área em promover atividades com elevado envolvimento, que permitam o desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências pessoais e profissionais, ainda no período de formação

    Graduate Catalog. 2010, Fall.

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    Graduate Catalog. 2011, Fall.

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    Graduate Catalog. 2009, Fall.

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    Graduate Catalog. 2012, Fall.

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    Graduate Catalog. 2006-2007.

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    Graduate Catalog. 2005.

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    UTB/TSC Legacy Degree Programs and Courses 2014 – 2015

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    Embracing “OBE” in Engineering Education, Vol. 2 (2007/2008)

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