4 research outputs found

    The impact of crisis management on supply chain management to improve the performance continuity in the security sector in Abu Dhabi in the UAE

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    The United Arab Emirates is one of the most attractive countries for tourism and investment, it places additional strains on the country's public security sector in order to maintain the highest levels of safety and security., especially in the capital of the UAE, Abu Dhabi. It is known that effective crisis management contributes significantly to supply chains to ensure the continuity of civil activities in the country. Therefore, this study aims to explore the impact of effective crisis management functions on supply chain management in order to ensure business continuity in the security sector in Abu Dhabi. The study adopted leadership theory and communication theory in situational crises. The proposed conceptual framework explains the relationship between the practices of crisis management, supply chain management, and performance continuity. The research design in this study is scientific the research in this study is scientific, deductive, exploratory, and quantitative. This study employed questionnaires like those employed in the previous studies., which were adopted from previous studies. The population of this study is all employees who work in fields related to national security and their number is estimated to be at least 10,000 civil and military employees the target sample is 366 employees. As for the predictive model of performance continuity, the results show that the sub-model has moderate statistical significance as it can predict 49.8% of the variance in the continuity of performance based on the three predictors and supply chain management. The study showed that supply chain management plays an important mediating role, and the arrangement of the three independent variables is public relations, followed by the crisis management team, and then the crisis management strategy

    Arquitetura IOT para pequenos produtores de frango de corte do Paraná : proposta multiplataforma para gestão de dados

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Egon Walter WildauerCoorientador: Prof. Dr. André Bellin MarianoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão da Informação. Defesa : Curitiba, 28/04/2023Inclui referênciasResumo: A conexão de dados entre máquinas e pessoas é um dos pilares da Indústria 4.0 e da geração da Internet das Coisas (IoT- Internet of Things), favorecendo a produtividade na saúde, manufatura, logística e cidades inteligentes. No caso do agronegócio brasileiro, as projeções indicam uma menor difusão dessas tecnologias, porque ainda existe a dificuldade na adesão massiva de produtores rurais a novas tecnologias, principalmente no setor primário. Além da dependência de tecnologias estrangeiras; estas questões acabam gerando um cenário de seletividade social e tecnológica no qual por vezes, apenas grandes produtores rurais aderem às tecnologias da indústria 4.0. Outro aspecto encontrado na literatura é a ausência de identificação dos usuários com aplicativos para IoT existentes, ou seja, os usuários do contexto rural encontram dificuldade na utilização destas interfaces gráficas e acabam por abandoná-las. Neste contexto, esta tese tem por objetivo propor uma arquitetura informacional baseada em Internet das Coisas que seja open source, baixo custo e multiplataforma para pequenos produtores do setor de avicultura de corte. Para atingir os objetivos propostos foi realizado o mapeamento de necessidades, prioridades e lacunas tecnológicas com os atores da cadeia produtiva. A partir dessas informações o sistema foi modelado e construído contemplando os requisitos da camada física com o registrador de dados e a partes lógicas do back-end e front-end. A proposta também foi avaliada na perspectiva da experiência do usuário e validada estatisticamente com relação a seu impacto na melhora real do desempenho financeiro dos avicultores. Os resultados mostraram que houve um maior faturamento do produtor no lote com a arquitetura implementada comparada aos lotes anteriores à pesquisa. Outros resultados indicaram que os dados coletados pela arquitetura IoT da pesquisa foram estatisticamente significativas quando comparados aos dados de um sistema comercial implementado em um produtor de frango de médio porte. Foi possível concluir que pequenos produtores que fizerem uso desta ferramenta poderão tomar melhores decisões, identificar um baixo desempenho e agir de forma rápida, de baixo custo, simples e ergonômica para atender às exigências de competitividade internacional, quando em comparação com outros produtores da mesma região.Abstract: The data connection between machines and people is one of the pillars of Industry 4.0 and the generation of the Internet of Things (IoT), favoring productivity in healthcare, manufacturing, logistics, and smart cities. In the case of agribusiness 4.0, projections indicate a lower diffusion of these technologies because there is still difficulty in the mass adoption of new technologies by rural producers, especially in the primary sector, and a dependence on foreign technologies. These issues generate a scenario of social and technological selectivity in which only large rural producers sometimes adhere to Industry 4.0 technologies. Another aspect found in the literature is the lack of identification of users with existing IoT applications, that is, users in rural contexts find it difficult to use these graphical interfaces and end up abandoning them. In this context, this thesis aims to propose an information architecture based on the Internet of Things that is open source, low-cost, and multi-platform for small producers in the broiler poultry sector. To achieve the proposed objectives, mapping of needs and priorities was carried out with actors in the production chain, including technological gaps. With this information, the system was modeled and built, including the physical layer with the data logger and the logical part of the back-end and front-end. The proposal was also evaluated from the perspective of user experience and statistically validated with regard to its impact on the real improvement of the financial performance of poultry farmers. The results showed that there was higher revenue for the producer in the lot with the implemented architecture compared to the lots prior to the research. Other results indicated that the data collected by the research IoT architecture was statistically significant when compared to the data from a commercial system implemented in a medium-sized chicken producer. It was possible to conclude that small producers who make use of this tool will be able to make better decisions, identify low performance, and act quickly, inexpensively, simply, and ergonomically to meet the demands of international competitiveness when compared to other producers in the same region

    An Application Development Framework for Internet-of-Things Service Orchestration

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    © 2014 IEEE. Application development for the Internet of Things (IoT) poses immense challenges due to the lack of standard development frameworks, tools, and techniques to assist end users in dealing with the complexity of IoT systems during application development. These challenges invoke the use of model-driven development (MDD) along with the representational state transfer (REST) architecture to develop IoT applications, supporting model generation at different abstraction levels while generating software implementation artifacts for heterogeneous platforms and ensuring loose coupling in complex IoT systems. This article proposes an IoT application development framework, named IADev, which uses attribute-driven design and MDD to address the above-mentioned challenges. This framework is composed of two major steps, including iterative architecture development using attribute-driven design and generating models to guide the transformation using MDD. IADev uses attribute-driven design to transform the requirements into a solution architecture by considering the concerns of all involved stakeholders, and then, MDD metamodels are generated to hierarchically transform the design components into the software artifacts. We evaluate IADev for a smart vehicle scenario in an intelligent transportation system to generate an executable implementation code for a real-world system. The case study experiments proclaim that IADev achieves higher satisfaction of the participants for the IoT application development and service orchestration, as compared to conventional approaches. Finally, we propose an architecture that uses IADev with the Siemens IoT cloud platform for service orchestration in industrial IoT

    An application development framework for internet-of-things service orchestration

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    Application development for the Internet of Things (IoT) poses immense challenges due to the lack of standard development frameworks, tools, and techniques to assist end users in dealing with the complexity of IoT systems during application development. These challenges invoke the use of model-driven development (MDD) along with the representational state transfer (REST) architecture to develop IoT applications, supporting model generation at different abstraction levels while generating software implementation artifacts for heterogeneous platforms and ensuring loose coupling in complex IoT systems. This article proposes an IoT application development framework, named IADev, which uses attribute-driven design and MDD to address the above-mentioned challenges. This framework is composed of two major steps, including iterative architecture development using attribute-driven design and generating models to guide the transformation using MDD. IADev uses attribute-driven design to transform the requirements into a solution architecture by considering the concerns of all involved stakeholders, and then, MDD metamodels are generated to hierarchically transform the design components into the software artifacts. We evaluate IADev for a smart vehicle scenario in an intelligent transportation system to generate an executable implementation code for a real-world system. The case study experiments proclaim that IADev achieves higher satisfaction of the participants for the IoT application development and service orchestration, as compared to conventional approaches. Finally, we propose an architecture that uses IADev with the Siemens IoT cloud platform for service orchestration in industrial IoT. © 2014 IEEE