20 research outputs found

    Analytical modelling of hot-spot traffic in deterministically-routed k-ary n-cubes

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    Many research studies have proposed analytical models to evaluate the performance of k-ary n-cubes with deterministic wormhole routing. Such models however have so far been confined to uniform traffic distributions. There has been hardly any model proposed that deal with non-uniform traffic distributions that could arise due to, for instance, the presence of hot-spots in the network. This paper proposes the first analytical model to predict message latency in k-ary n-cubes with deterministic routing in the presence of hot-spots. The validity of the model is demonstrated by comparing analytical results with those obtained through extensive simulation experiments

    Performance analysis of wormhole switched interconnection networks with virtual channels and finite buffers

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    An efficient interconnection network that provides high bandwidth and low latency interprocessor communication is critical to harness fully the computational power of large scale multicomputer. K-ary n-cube networks have been widely adopted in contemporary multicomputers due to their desirable properties. As such, the present study focuses on a performance analysis of K-ary n-cubes employing wormhole switching, virtual channels, and adaptive routing. The objective of this dissertation is twofold: to examine the performance of these networks, and to compare the performance merits of various topologies under different working conditions, by means of analytical modelling. Most existing analytical models reported in the literature have used a method originally proposed by Dally to capture the effects of virtual channels on network performance. This method is based on a Markov chain and it has been shown that its prediction accuracy degrades as traffic increases. Moreover, these studies have also constrained the buffer capacity to a single flit per channel, a simplifying assumption that has often been invoked to ease the derivation of the analytical models. Motivated by these observations, the first part of this research proposes a new method for modelling virtual channels, based on an M/G/1 queue. Owing to the generality of this method. Daily's method is shown to be a special case when the message service time is exponentially distributed. The second part of this research uses theoretical results of queuing systems to relax the single-flit buffer assumption. New analytical models are then proposed to capture the effects of deploying arbitrary size buffers on the performance of deterministic and adaptive routing algorithms. Simulation experiments reveal that results from the proposed analytical models are in close agreement with those obtained through simulation. Building on these new analytical models, the third part of this research compares the relative performance merits of K-ary n-cubes under different operating conditions, in the presence of finite size buffers and multiple virtual channels. Namely, the analysis first revisits the relative performance merits of the well-known 2D torus, 3D torus and hypercube under different implementation constraints. The analysis has then been extended to investigate the performance impact of arranging the total buffer space, allocated to a physical channel, into multiple virtual channels. Finally, the performance of adaptive routing has been compared to that of deterministic routing. While previous similar studies have only taken account of channel and router costs, the present analysis incorporates different intra-router delays, as well, and thus generates more realistic results. In fact, the results of this research differ notably from those reported in previous studies, illustrating the sensitivity of such studies to the level of detail, degree of accuracy and the realism of the assumptions adopted

    Contention and achieved performance in multicomputer wormhole routing networks

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    Hypergraph-Based Interconnection Networks for Large Multicomputers

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    This thesis deals with issues pertaining to multicomputer interconnection networks namely topology, technology, switching method, and routing algorithm. It argues that a new class of regular low-dimensional hypergraph networks, the distributed crossbar switch hypermesh (DCSH), represents a promising alternative high-performance interconnection network for future large multicomputers to graph networks such as meshes, tori, and binary n-cubes, which have been widely used in current multicomputers. Channels in existing hypergraph and graph structures suffer from bandwidth limitations imposed by implementation technology. The first part of the thesis shows how the low-dimensional DCSH can use an innovative implementation scheme to alleviate this problem. It relies on the separation of processing and communication functions by physical layering in order to accommodate high wiring density and necessary message buffering, improving performance considerably. Various mathematical models of the DCSH, validated through discrete-event simulation, are then introduced. Effects of different switching methods (e.g., wormhole routing, virtual cut-through, and message switching), routing algorithms (e.g., restricted and random), and different switching element designs are investigated. Further, the impact on performance of different communication patterns, such as those including locality and hot-spots, are assessed. The remainder of the thesis compares the DCSH to other common hypergraph and graph networks assuming different implementation technologies, such as VLSI, multiple-chip technology, and the new layered implementation scheme. More realistic assumptions are introduced such as pipeline-bit transmission and non-zero delays through switching elements. The results show that the proposed structure has superior characteristics assuming equal implementation cost in both VLSI and multiple-chip technology. Furthermore, optimal performance is offered by the new layered implementation

    Mathematical modelling for TM topology under uniform and hotspot traffic patterns

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    Interconnection networks are introduced when dealing with the connection of a significant number of processors in massively parallel systems. TM topology is one of the latest interconnection networks to solve the deadlock problem and achieve high performance in massively parallel systems. This topology is derived from a Torus topology with removing cyclic channel dependencies. In this paper, we derive a mathematical model for TM topology under uniform and hotspot traffic patterns to compute the average delay. The average delay is formulated from the sum of the average delay of network, the average waiting time of the source node and the average degree of virtual channels. The results obtained from the mathematical model exhibit a close agreement with those predicted by simulation. In addition, sufficient simulation results are presented to revisit the TM topology performance under various traffic patterns


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    El crecimiento de los computadores paralelos basados en redes de altas prestaciones ha aumentado el interés y esfuerzo de la comunidad investigadora en desarrollar nuevas técnicas que permitan obtener el mejor rendimiento de estas redes. En particular, el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas que permitan un encaminamiento eficiente y que reduzcan la latencia de los paquetes, aumentando así la productividad de la red. Sin embargo, una alta tasa de utilización de la red podría conllevar el que se conoce como "congestión de red", el cual puede causar una degradación del rendimiento. El control de la congestión en redes multietapa es un problema importante que no está completamente resuelto. Con el fin de evitar la degradación del rendimiento de la red cuando aparece congestión, se han propuesto diferentes mecanismos para el control de la congestión. Muchos de estos mecanismos están basados en notificación explícita de la congestión. Para este propósito, los switches detectan congestión y dependiendo de la estrategia aplicada, los paquetes son marcados con la finalidad de advertir a los nodos origenes. Como respuesta, los nodos origenes aplican acciones correctivas para ajustar su tasa de inyección de paquetes. El propósito de esta tesis es analizar las diferentes estratégias de detección y corrección de la congestión en redes multietapa, y proponer nuevos mecanismos de control de la congestión encaminados a este tipo de redes sin descarte de paquetes. Las nuevas propuestas están basadas en una estrategia más refinada de marcaje de paquetes en combinación con un conjunto de acciones correctivas justas que harán al mecanismo capaz de controlar la congestión de manera efectiva con independencia del grado de congestión y de las condiciones de tráfico.Ferrer Pérez, JL. (2012). DESIGN OF EFFICIENT PACKET MARKING-BASED CONGESTION MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES FOR CLUSTER INTERCONNECTS [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/18197Palanci

    New fault-tolerant routing algorithms for k-ary n-cube networks

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    The interconnection network is one of the most crucial components in a multicomputer as it greatly influences the overall system performance. Networks belonging to the family of k-ary n-cubes (e.g., tori and hypercubes) have been widely adopted in practical machines due to their desirable properties, including a low diameter, symmetry, regularity, and ability to exploit communication locality found in many real-world parallel applications. A routing algorithm specifies how a message selects a path to cross from source to destination, and has great impact on network performance. Routing in fault-free networks has been extensively studied in the past. As the network size scales up the probability of processor and link failure also increases. It is therefore essential to design fault-tolerant routing algorithms that allow messages to reach their destinations even in the presence of faulty components (links and nodes). Although many fault-tolerant routing algorithms have been proposed for common multicomputer networks, e.g. hypercubes and meshes, little research has been devoted to developing fault-tolerant routing for well-known versions of k-ary n-cubes, such as 2 and 3- dimensional tori. Previous work on fault-tolerant routing has focused on designing algorithms with strict conditions imposed on the number of faulty components (nodes and links) or their locations in the network. Most existing fault-tolerant routing algorithms have assumed that a node knows either only the status of its neighbours (such a model is called local-information-based) or the status of all nodes (global-information-based). The main challenge is to devise a simple and efficient way of representing limited global fault information that allows optimal or near-optimal fault-tolerant routing. This thesis proposes two new limited-global-information-based fault-tolerant routing algorithms for k-ary n-cubes, namely the unsafety vectors and probability vectors algorithms. While the first algorithm uses a deterministic approach, which has been widely employed by other existing algorithms, the second algorithm is the first that uses probability-based fault- tolerant routing. These two algorithms have two important advantages over those already existing in the relevant literature. Both algorithms ensure fault-tolerance under relaxed assumptions, regarding the number of faulty components and their locations in the network. Furthermore, the new algorithms are more general in that they can easily be adapted to different topologies, including those that belong to the family of k-ary n-cubes (e.g. tori and hypercubes) and those that do not (e.g., generalised hypercubes and meshes). Since very little work has considered fault-tolerant routing in k-ary n-cubes, this study compares the relative performance merits of the two proposed algorithms, the unsafety and probability vectors, on these networks. The results reveal that for practical number of faulty nodes, both algorithms achieve good performance levels. However, the probability vectors algorithm has the advantage of being simpler to implement. Since previous research has focused mostly on the hypercube, this study adapts the new algorithms to the hypercube in order to conduct a comparative study against the recently proposed safety vectors algorithm. Results from extensive simulation experiments demonstrate that our algorithms exhibit superior performance in terms of reachability (chances of a message reaching its destination), deviation from optimality (average difference between minimum distance and actual routing distance), and looping (chances of a message continuously looping in the network without reaching destination) to the safety vectors

    Small-world interconnection networks for large parallel computer systems

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    The use of small-world graphs as interconnection networks of multicomputers is proposed and analysed in this work. Small-world interconnection networks are constructed by adding (or modifying) edges to an underlying local graph. Graphs with a rich local structure but with a large diameter are shown to be the most suitable candidates for the underlying graph. Generation models based on random and deterministic wiring processes are proposed and analysed. For the random case basic properties such as degree, diameter, average length and bisection width are analysed, and the results show that a fast transition from a large diameter to a small diameter is experienced when the number of new edges introduced is increased. Random traffic analysis on these networks is undertaken, and it is shown that although the average latency experiences a similar reduction, networks with a small number of shortcuts have a tendency to saturate as most of the traffic flows through a small number of links. An analysis of the congestion of the networks corroborates this result and provides away of estimating the minimum number of shortcuts required to avoid saturation. To overcome these problems deterministic wiring is proposed and analysed. A Linear Feedback Shift Register is used to introduce shortcuts in the LFSR graphs. A simple routing algorithm has been constructed for the LFSR and extended with a greedy local optimisation technique. It has been shown that a small search depth gives good results and is less costly to implement than a full shortest path algorithm. The Hilbert graph on the other hand provides some additional characteristics, such as support for incremental expansion, efficient layout in two dimensional space (using two layers), and a small fixed degree of four. Small-world hypergraphs have also been studied. In particular incomplete hypermeshes have been introduced and analysed and it has been shown that they outperform the complete traditional implementations under a constant pinout argument. Since it has been shown that complete hypermeshes outperform the mesh, the torus, low dimensional m-ary d-cubes (with and without bypass channels), and multi-stage interconnection networks (when realistic decision times are accounted for and with a constant pinout), it follows that incomplete hypermeshes outperform them as well

    Efficient mechanisms to provide fault tolerance in interconnection networks for pc clusters

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    Actualmente, los clusters de PC son un alternativa rentable a los computadores paralelos. En estos sistemas, miles de componentes (procesadores y/o discos duros) se conectan a través de redes de interconexión de altas prestaciones. Entre las tecnologías de red actualmente disponibles para construir clusters, InfiniBand (IBA) ha emergido como un nuevo estándar de interconexión para clusters. De hecho, ha sido adoptado por muchos de los sistemas más potentes construidos actualmente (lista top500). A medida que el número de nodos aumenta en estos sistemas, la red de interconexión también crece. Junto con el aumento del número de componentes la probabilidad de averías aumenta dramáticamente, y así, la tolerancia a fallos en el sistema en general, y de la red de interconexión en particular, se convierte en una necesidad. Desafortunadamente, la mayor parte de las estrategias de encaminamiento tolerantes a fallos propuestas para los computadores masivamente paralelos no pueden ser aplicadas porque el encaminamiento y las transiciones de canal virtual son deterministas en IBA, lo que impide que los paquetes eviten los fallos. Por lo tanto, son necesarias nuevas estrategias para tolerar fallos. Por ello, esta tesis se centra en proporcionar los niveles adecuados de tolerancia a fallos a los clusters de PC, y en particular a las redes IBA. En esta tesis proponemos y evaluamos varios mecanismos adecuados para las redes de interconexión para clusters. El primer mecanismo para proporcionar tolerancia a fallos en IBA (al que nos referimos como encaminamiento tolerante a fallos basado en transiciones; TFTR) consiste en usar varias rutas disjuntas entre cada par de nodos origen-destino y seleccionar la ruta apropiada en el nodo fuente usando el mecanismo APM proporcionado por IBA. Consiste en migrar las rutas afectadas por el fallo a las rutas alternativas sin fallos. Sin embargo, con este fin, es necesario un algoritmo eficiente de encaminamiento capaz de proporcionar suficientesMontañana Aliaga, JM. (2008). Efficient mechanisms to provide fault tolerance in interconnection networks for pc clusters [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/2603Palanci