11 research outputs found

    Supporto di strumenti di programmazione parallela strutturata per sistemi basati su CELL

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    Il lavoro nasce dall'esigenza di un framework per la programmazione parallela strutturata su sistemi multicore recenti. Il risultato è una libreria che consente di dichiarare un modulo parallelo equivalente al costrutto parmod di ASSIST sull'architettura Cell BE

    Supporto di strumenti di programmazione parallela strutturata per sistemi basati su CELL

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    Il lavoro nasce dall'esigenza di un framework per la programmazione parallela strutturata su sistemi multicore recenti. Il risultato è una libreria che consente di dichiarare un modulo parallelo equivalente al costrutto parmod di ASSIST sull'architettura CELL BE

    Caratteristiche della programmazione di applicazioni context-aware e una proposta di modello ad alte prestazioni

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    In questa tesi analizziamo il problema di descrivere applicazioni pervasive ad alte prestazioni. Dopo aver studiato i problemi dei modelli esistenti proponiamo un nuovo approccio nato dall'esperienza maturata con l'ambiente ad alte prestazioni ASSIST

    Supporti alla programmazione Grid-aware - esperienze di allocazione dinamica di programmi ASSIST a componenti

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    In questa tesi viene proposta e sperimentata una metodologia per il supporto di applicazioni grid-aware espresse come moduli paralleli ASSIST puri e incapsulati in componenti CCM (CORBA Component Model). La metodologia oggetto della tesi prevede il monitoraggio del tempo di servizio di applicazioni, basate su stream di dati, e la riconfigurazione da parte di un Application Manager, che può autonomamente decidere quali moduli/componenti paralleli utilizzare per bilanciare il carico, rispettando quindi il contratto di performance o evitando uno spreco inutile di risorse. A conclusione della sperimentazione, viene fatto un confronto tra i due approcci proposti (ASSIST puro ed integrato CCM), valutando l'impatto dei componenti CCM in una applicazione in esecuzione su una griglia, e valutando la bontà dell'Application Manager nei due casi

    Supporti alla programmazione Grid-aware - esperienze di allocazione dinamica di programmi ASSIST a componenti

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    In questa tesi viene proposta e sperimentata una metodologia per il supporto di applicazioni grid-aware espresse come moduli paralleli ASSIST puri e incapsulati in componenti CCM (CORBA Component Model). La metodologia oggetto della tesi prevede il monitoraggio del tempo di servizio di applicazioni, basate su stream di dati, e la riconfigurazione da parte di un Application Manager, che può autonomamente decidere quali moduli/componenti paralleli utilizzare per bilanciare il carico, rispettando quindi il contratto di performance o evitando uno spreco inutile di risorse. A conclusione della sperimentazione, viene fatto un confronto tra i due approcci proposti (ASSIST puro ed integrato CCM), valutando l'impatto dei componenti CCM in una applicazione in esecuzione su una griglia, e valutando la bontà dell'Application Manager nei due casi

    Parallel Patterns for Adaptive Data Stream Processing

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    In recent years our ability to produce information has been growing steadily, driven by an ever increasing computing power, communication rates, hardware and software sensors diffusion. This data is often available in the form of continuous streams and the ability to gather and analyze it to extract insights and detect patterns is a valuable opportunity for many businesses and scientific applications. The topic of Data Stream Processing (DaSP) is a recent and highly active research area dealing with the processing of this streaming data. The development of DaSP applications poses several challenges, from efficient algorithms for the computation to programming and runtime systems to support their execution. In this thesis two main problems will be tackled: * need for high performance: high throughput and low latency are critical requirements for DaSP problems. Applications necessitate taking advantage of parallel hardware and distributed systems, such as multi/manycores or cluster of multicores, in an effective way; * dynamicity: due to their long running nature (24hr/7d), DaSP applications are affected by highly variable arrival rates and changes in their workload characteristics. Adaptivity is a fundamental feature in this context: applications must be able to autonomously scale the used resources to accommodate dynamic requirements and workload while maintaining the desired Quality of Service (QoS) in a cost-effective manner. In the current approaches to the development of DaSP applications are still missing efficient exploitation of intra-operator parallelism as well as adaptations strategies with well known properties of stability, QoS assurance and cost awareness. These are the gaps that this research work tries to fill, resorting to well know approaches such as Structured Parallel Programming and Control Theoretic models. The dissertation runs along these two directions. The first part deals with intra-operator parallelism. A DaSP application can be naturally expressed as a set of operators (i.e. intermediate computations) that cooperate to reach a common goal. If QoS requirements are not met by the current implementation, bottleneck operators must be internally parallelized. We will study recurrent computations in window based stateful operators and propose patterns for their parallel implementation. Windowed operators are the most representative class of stateful data stream operators. Here computations are applied on the most recent received data. Windows are dynamic data structures: they evolve over time in terms of content and, possibly, size. Therefore, with respect to traditional patterns, the DaSP domain requires proper specializations and enhanced features concerning data distribution and management policies for different windowing methods. A structured approach to the problem will reduce the effort and complexity of parallel programming. In addition, it simplifies the reasoning about the performance properties of a parallel solution (e.g. throughput and latency). The proposed patterns exhibit different properties in terms of applicability and profitability that will be discussed and experimentally evaluated. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the proposal and study of predictive strategies and reconfiguration mechanisms for autonomic DaSP operators. Reconfiguration activities can be implemented in a transparent way to the application programmer thanks to the exploitation of parallel paradigms with well known structures. Furthermore, adaptation strategies may take advantage of the QoS predictability of the used parallel solution. Autonomous operators will be driven by means of a Model Predictive Control approach, with the intent of giving QoS assurances in terms of throughput or latency in a resource-aware manner. An experimental section will show the effectiveness of the proposed approach in terms of execution costs reduction as well as the stability degree of a system reconfiguration. The experiments will target shared and distributed memory architectures

    Contribution à la conception à base de composants logiciels d'applications scientifiques parallèles

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    La conception d'applications scientifiques à base de couplage de code est une tâche complexe car elle demande de concilier une facilité de programmation et une obtention de haute performance. En outre, les ressources matérielles (supercalculateurs, grappes de calcul, grilles) permettant leur exécution forment un ensemble hétérogène en constante évolution. Les modèles à base de composants logiciels forment une piste prometteuse pour gérer ces deux sources de complexité car ils permettent d exprimer les interactions entre les différents constituants d une application tout en offrant des possibilités d'abstraction des ressources. Néanmoins, les modèles existants ne permettent pas d'exprimer de manière satisfaisante les applications constituées de motifs répliqués dynamiques et hiérarchiques. Ainsi, cette thèse vise à améliorer l'existant et en particulier la plate-forme générique de simulation numérique SALOME pour une classe d'applications très répandue : les applications à base de décomposition de domaine et la variante utilisant le raffinement de maillage adaptatif. Tout d'abord, nous avons proposé d étendre le modèle de composition spatial et temporel de SALOME en ajoutant la possibilité de définir dynamiquement la cardinalité des composants. Cela demande en particulier de gérer les communications de groupes ainsi induites. La proposition a été implémentée dans SALOME et validée via une application de décomposition de domaine à base de couplage de plusieurs instances de Code_Aster. Ensuite, nous avons étudié la pertinence d'utiliser un modèle de composant supportant des connecteurs natifs (MPI, mémoire partagée, appel de méthode) pour permettre une composition plus fine des interactions entre composants. Les résultats d'expériences montrent que des performances équivalentes aux versions natives sont obtenues tout en permettant de manipuler facilement l'architecture de l'application. Enfin, nous avons étudié les extensions nécessaires aux modèles à composants (abstraction,hiérarchie, dynamicité) pour la conception d applications de raffinement de maillage adaptatif. Les modèles de composants spatio-temporels les plus avancés permettent ainsi d'exprimer ce type d'application mais les performances sont limitées par leur mise en œuvre centralisée ainsi que par le manque de moyens efficaces pour modifier à la volée des assemblages de composants.Designing scientific applications based on code coupling is a complex task. It requires both an easy programming process and high-performance. In addition, execution resources (supercomputers, computer clusters, grids) are heterogeneous and constantly evolving. Software components models offer a promising perspective to manage this double complexity because they can express interactions between the different parts of an application while providing abstraction of resources. However, existing models cannot accurately express the applications made of dynamic and hierarchical patterns. The aim of this thesis is to improve the existing models, and in particular the generic platform for numerical simulation SALOME, for a class of widespread applications : applications based on domain decomposition, and its dynamic variant using adaptive mesh refinement. Firstly, we proposed to extend the spatial and temporal composition model provided by SALOME, by adding the ability to dynamically set component cardinality. This requires in particular to manage group communications induced. The proposal has been implemented into SALOME and validated via a domain decomposition application based on coupling several instances of Code_Aster.Then, we have studied the relevance of using a component model supporting native connectors (MPI, shared memory, method invocation), in order to allow finer composition interactions between components.The experiment results show that performances obtained are equivalent to those of the native versions, while allowing to easily manipulate the application architecture. Finally, we studied the necessary component models extensions (abstraction, hierarchy, dynamicity) for designing adaptative mesh refinement applications. The most advanced spatio-temporal component models can express this type of application but performances are limited by their centralized implementation and by the lack of efficient ways of modifying component assembling at execution time.LYON-ENS Sciences (693872304) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Computer Game Innovation

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    Faculty of Technical Physics, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics. Institute of Information TechnologyWydział Fizyki Technicznej, Informatyki i Matematyki Stosowanej. Instytut InformatykiThe "Computer Game Innovations" series is an international forum designed to enable the exchange of knowledge and expertise in the field of video game development. Comprising both academic research and industrial needs, the series aims at advancing innovative industry-academia collaboration. The monograph provides a unique set of articles presenting original research conducted in the leading academic centres which specialise in video games education. The goal of the publication is, among others, to enhance networking opportunities for industry and university representatives seeking to form R&D partnerships. This publication covers the key focus areas specified in the GAMEINN sectoral programme supported by the National Centre for Research and Development

    Pattern Operators for Grid Environments

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    The definition and programming of distributed applications has become a major research issue due to the increasing availability of (large scale) distributed platforms and the requirements posed by the economical globalization. However, such a task requires a huge effort due to the complexity of the distributed environments: large amount of users may communicate and share information across different authority domains; moreover, the “execution environment” or “computations” are dynamic since the number of users and the computational infrastructure change in time. Grid environments, in particular, promise to be an answer to deal with such complexity, by providing high performance execution support to large amount of users, and resource sharing across different organizations. Nevertheless, programming in Grid environments is still a difficult task. There is a lack of high level programming paradigms and support tools that may guide the application developer and allow reusability of state-of-the-art solutions. Specifically, the main goal of the work presented in this thesis is to contribute to the simplification of the development cycle of applications for Grid environments by bringing structure and flexibility to three stages of that cycle through a commonmodel. The stages are: the design phase, the execution phase, and the reconfiguration phase. The common model is based on the manipulation of patterns through pattern operators, and the division of both patterns and operators into two categories, namely structural and behavioural. Moreover, both structural and behavioural patterns are first class entities at each of the aforesaid stages. At the design phase, patterns can be manipulated like other first class entities such as components. This allows a more structured way to build applications by reusing and composing state-of-the-art patterns. At the execution phase, patterns are units of execution control: it is possible, for example, to start or stop and to resume the execution of a pattern as a single entity. At the reconfiguration phase, patterns can also be manipulated as single entities with the additional advantage that it is possible to perform a structural reconfiguration while keeping some of the behavioural constraints, and vice-versa. For example, it is possible to replace a behavioural pattern, which was applied to some structural pattern, with another behavioural pattern. In this thesis, besides the proposal of the methodology for distributed application development, as sketched above, a definition of a relevant set of pattern operators was made. The methodology and the expressivity of the pattern operators were assessed through the development of several representative distributed applications. To support this validation, a prototype was designed and implemented, encompassing some relevant patterns and a significant part of the patterns operators defined. This prototype was based in the Triana environment; Triana supports the development and deployment of distributed applications in the Grid through a dataflow-based programming model. Additionally, this thesis also presents the analysis of a mapping of some operators for execution control onto the Distributed Resource Management Application API (DRMAA). This assessment confirmed the suitability of the proposed model, as well as the generality and flexibility of the defined pattern operatorsDepartamento de Informática and Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Centro de Informática e Tecnologias da Informação of the FCT/UNL; Reitoria da Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Distributed Collaborative Computing Group, Cardiff University, United Kingdom; Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia; Instituto de Cooperação Científica e Tecnológica Internacional; French Embassy in Portugal; European Union Commission through the Agentcities.NET and Coordina projects; and the European Science Foundation, EURESCO

    Pattern operators for grid

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    The definition and programming of distributed applications has become a major research issue due to the increasing availability of (large scale) distributed platforms and the requirements posed by the economical globalization. However, such a task requires a huge effort due to the complexity of the distributed environments: large amount of users may communicate and share information across different authority domains; moreover, the “execution environment” or “computations” are dynamic since the number of users and the computational infrastructure change in time. Grid environments, in particular, promise to be an answer to deal with such complexity, by providing high performance execution support to large amount of users, and resource sharing across different organizations. Nevertheless, programming in Grid environments is still a difficult task. There is a lack of high level programming paradigms and support tools that may guide the application developer and allow reusability of state-of-the-art solutions. Specifically, the main goal of the work presented in this thesis is to contribute to the simplification of the development cycle of applications for Grid environments by bringing structure and flexibility to three stages of that cycle through a commonmodel. The stages are: the design phase, the execution phase, and the reconfiguration phase. The common model is based on the manipulation of patterns through pattern operators, and the division of both patterns and operators into two categories, namely structural and behavioural. Moreover, both structural and behavioural patterns are first class entities at each of the aforesaid stages. At the design phase, patterns can be manipulated like other first class entities such as components. This allows a more structured way to build applications by reusing and composing state-of-the-art patterns. At the execution phase, patterns are units of execution control: it is possible, for example, to start or stop and to resume the execution of a pattern as a single entity. At the reconfiguration phase, patterns can also be manipulated as single entities with the additional advantage that it is possible to perform a structural reconfiguration while keeping some of the behavioural constraints, and vice-versa. For example, it is possible to replace a behavioural pattern, which was applied to some structural pattern, with another behavioural pattern. In this thesis, besides the proposal of the methodology for distributed application development, as sketched above, a definition of a relevant set of pattern operators was made. The methodology and the expressivity of the pattern operators were assessed through the development of several representative distributed applications. To support this validation, a prototype was designed and implemented, encompassing some relevant patterns and a significant part of the patterns operators defined. This prototype was based in the Triana environment; Triana supports the development and deployment of distributed applications in the Grid through a dataflow-based programming model. Additionally, this thesis also presents the analysis of a mapping of some operators for execution control onto the Distributed Resource Management Application API (DRMAA). This assessment confirmed the suitability of the proposed model, as well as the generality and flexibility of the defined pattern operatorsDepartamento de Informática and Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Centro de Informática e Tecnologias da Informação of the FCT/UNL; Reitoria da Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Distributed Collaborative Computing Group, Cardiff University, United Kingdom; Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia; Instituto de Cooperação Científica e Tecnológica Internacional; French Embassy in Portugal; European Union Commission through the Agentcities.NET and Coordina projects; and the European Science Foundation, EURESCO