34 research outputs found

    Spectrum avaílability assessment tool for TV white space

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    The growth of wireless communication relies on the availability of radio frequency for new services. More efficient spectrum allocations are required to serve the increasing data per user. The major regulatory bodies are formulating new spectrum management techniques to forge the growing spectrum scarcity. Exclusive use of spectrum is proved to be inefficient in many spectrum occupancy measurement campaigns. As a result, spectrum sharing methods are being considered. TV broadcasting is not using the allocated frequency in some geographic areas, creating coverage holes known as TV white spaces. Both the industry and the regulators are investigating the capability of TVWS, as a potential source of spectrum for emerging wireless services. The FCC, in the US, has already released the requirements for opportunistic access to the TV whites paces. In a similar fashion, ECC, the pan-European regulator is finalizing the work on the technical and operational requirements for the possible use of cognitive radio in this spectrum. In this thesis work, an integrated web-based spectrum availability assessment tool is developed for Finland. The tool is a front-end visualization of a time intensive computational process to answer key technical questions related to TVWS - what secondary data rate can be supported in the available white space spectrum? The assessment involves estimation of the available TVWS and its capacity for cellular-type secondary systems. The relative effects of the secondary system parameters on the TV system are compared using appropriate signal to noise and interference ratio plots. The tool uses dynamic web technologies for a seamless and user-friendly visualization of the assessment

    Cognitive Spectrum Management in TV White Space: Libya as a Case Study

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    The traditional spectrum allocation scheme is based on static allotment of frequency bands to applications and entities in specific geographical areas for extended periods of time. Telecommunications regulations, on the national and international levels, are established to protect these primary users from any interference and guarantee exclusive access to allocated spectrum. Such exclusive access model results in very low spectrum utilization while new applications are prevented from accessing the spectrum thus creating a spectrum scarcity problem. Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) aims to solve this problem by allowing secondary users to opportunistically access the spectrum through Cognitive Radios (CRs) that can sense the spectrum and avoid interfering with the primary holders of the spectrum access rights. Regulatory bodies around the world are taking rapid steps towards realizing DSA and setting the rules for shared spectrum access. TV White Space (TVWS) is the prime contender for spectrum sharing with standards now being developed allowing dynamic spectrum access of the unused TV spectrum for secondary applications through centralized Geo-location database. The Geo-location database framework is aimed at ensuring coexistence of secondary users with primary TV broadcasters and protecting the TV broadcasters and other incumbents like wireless microphone systems from harmful interference secondary users may cause. However, a comprehensive model for spectrum sharing that incorporates regulatory, application, and economical requirements into the spectrum management process and addresses secondary-to-secondary users' coexistence in conjunction with primary-to-secondary users' coexistence is yet to be proposed. This work addresses this need by presenting a combined design and implementation of a Cognitive Spectrum Management System (CSMS) incorporating a Cognitive Framework for spectrum management in TV White Space. The system ensures both primary-to-secondary and secondary-to-secondary users' coexistence via a Geo-location Database System and a Spectrum Manager that allocates spectrum to competing secondary users while maximizing total spectrum allocation. A system implementation is conducted for the case of Libya were TV broadcasting stations' information is collected from regulatory sources and TVWS availability is estimated for parts of the country

    Impacto do comportamento transitório de sistemas de radiocomunicações na gestão do espectro

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia EletrotécnicaThis PhD Thesis falls within the domain of spectrum engineering and spectrum management, and intends to address current and concrete problems, with which, regulators have to deal. Particularly, the definition of technical conditions to be met by radio systems, which will operate in specific bands, selected to introduce novel concepts such as flexibility and technological neutrality. The Block Edge Mask approach was adopted to define technical conditions of operation, in those bands. However, this model, based on spectral masks, which are defined in the frequency domain, do not take into account the transient behavior or time-varying characteristics of signals used by emerging radio communication systems. Furthermore, measurement methodologies developed for validation of technical parameters associated to these models, which are recommended by international bodies, potentially lead to practical issues that must be scrutinized. Thus, alternative time-frequency mixed domain signal processing techniques are explored, in this thesis, to be used for assessing the compliance of radio systems operating under such constraints.Esta Tese de Doutoramento insere-se nos domínios da engenharia do espectro e da gestão do espectro radioelétrico, e pretende abordar problemas atuais e concretos com que os reguladores se deparam. Em particular, a definição de condições técnicas a serem cumpridas pelos sistemas rádio que irão operar em determinadas faixas de frequências, selecionadas para a introdução de abordagens de gestão do espectro mais flexíveis e tecnologicamente neutras. O modelo de Máscara Delimitadora de Bloco (Block Edge Mask) foi adotado, a nível europeu, como estratégia de definição de condições técnicas de operação, nessas faixas. Contudo, este modelo, que recorre a restrições que são apenas estabelecidas no domínio da frequência, não entra em linha de conta com comportamentos transitórios ou com a variabilidade temporal de sinais inerentes aos sistemas de radiocomunicações atuais. Para além disso, a medição e validação de parâmetros técnicos associados a estes modelos, conforme definidas nas recomendações internacionais aplicáveis, levantam problemas práticos que importa escalpelizar. Nesse sentido, são exploradas, nesta tese, técnicas alternativas de processamento de sinal no domínio misto tempo-frequência, tendo em vista a sua utilização na avaliação de conformidade dos sistemas rádio em face das restrições aplicáveis

    TV White Spaces: A Pragmatic Approach

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    190 pages The editors and publisher have taken due care in preparation of this book, but make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of the information contained herein. Links to websites imply neither responsibility for, nor approval of, the information contained in those other web sites on the part of ICTP. No intellectual property rights are transferred to ICTP via this book, and the authors/readers will be free to use the given material for educational purposes.  e ICTP will not transfer rights to other organizations, nor will it be used for any commercial purposes. ICTP is not to endorse or sponsor any particular commercial product, service or activity mentioned in this book. This book is released under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives ¦.þ International license. For more details regarding your rights to use and redistribute this work, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

    Planificación de Frecuencias para Televisión Digital Terrestre (TDT) en Sudamérica

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    [EN] Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT), offers greater robustness against noise and interference, more efficient use of radioelectric spectrum by the possibility of using single frequency networks (SFN) and the possibility of transmitting several television channels for the same radio channel. In addition, it is possible to provide value-added services such as HDTV and 3D. In the transition from analog to digital television, it must be perform a first stage of simulcast, where both analogue and digital signals should coexist. In this stage, a critical point is the low availability of frequencies. Therefore, first it is necessary to perform a frequency planning at regional level between the countries and internally for each country. Due to the high power that DTT transmitters normally radiate, and the locations of the transmitters at high points, frequency planning at regional level should take into account coordination areas and protection distances inside the border of each country. Finally, DTT network planning should be perform for the assigned frequencies. Additionally, the most efficient usage of the radio electric spectrum involved the introduction of the DTT, have allowed the release of certain frequency bands traditionally allocated for broadcasting. The released bands are known as Digital Dividend (DD), and correspond to the 800 MHz band (790-862 MHz) and 700 MHz (698-806 MHz) in Europe, and 700 MHz band in America. These bands have been allocated for the use of fourth generation mobile communications 4G LTE. The inclusion of LTE in the digital dividend bands, represents an additional problem for the deploy of DTT networks. Because both, DTT and LTE networks must coexist in adjacent frequency channels. Therefore, two coexistence cases must be considered. On the one hand, to the deployment of new DTT networks, must be analyzed the potential interference from LTE networks, as well the possible solutions to mitigate the interference. Moreover, for DTT networks already deployed, interference problems must be solved at the lowest possible cost and impact. This thesis deals with frequency planning for DTT networks in South America, where several DTT standards have been adopted. Most countries in the region have adopted the Japanese-Brazilian standard ISDB-Tb. However, Colombia has adopted the European second generation standard DVB-T2, with the particularity that Colombia is the first country in the world in which DVB-T2 must work with 6 MHz channelization, and must coexist with the analog TV standard NTSC. This along with the late release of the DD band in America, presents a much more complex scenario for DTT planning network in the region. First the frequency planning at the regional level for all countries of South America is studied, later the frequency planning at national level for Colombia is addressed. For this purpose, is investigated the coexistence of the European second generation standard (DVB-T2), the Japanese-Brazilian first generation standard (ISDB-Tb), the American analog TV standard NTSC and the mobile communications standard LTE working in digital dividend bands, as well as different technical solutions to mitigate interference on DTT networks. Finally, the recommendations of coexistence between analogue television networks NTSC, digital television networks ISDB-T, DVB-T2 and mobile communications networks 4G LTE are presented. These recommendations constitute a useful handbook for DTT network planning in South America.[ES] La Televisión Digital Terrestre (TDT) con respecto a la difusión de televisión analógica ofrece, mayor robustez en la señal frente a ruido e interferencias, uso más eficiente del espectro radioeléctrico gracias a la posibilidad de utilizar redes de frecuencia única, en ingles SFNs (Single Frequency Network) y la posibilidad de transmitir varios canales de televisión por un mismo canal radioeléctrico. Además, es posible ofrecer servicios de valor añadido, tales como televisión en alta definición y programación 3D. En el proceso de transición de televisión analógica a digital, se debe llevar a cabo una primera etapa de simulcast, donde tanto señales analógicas como digitales deben convivir. En esta etapa, un punto crítico es la baja disponibilidad de frecuencias. Por tanto, en primer lugar es necesario hacer una planificación de frecuencias a nivel regional entre los países y a nivel interno de cada país. Debido a las altas potencias con que normalmente radian los transmisores de TDT, y las ubicaciones de los transmisores en puntos elevados, la planificación de frecuencias a nivel regional debe tener en cuenta zonas de coordinación y distancias de protección dentro de la frontera de cada país. Finalmente se debe planificar las redes de TDT a las frecuencias asignadas. Adicionalmente, la utilización más eficiente del espectro radioeléctrico que conlleva la introducción de la TDT, ha permitido la liberación de ciertas bandas de frecuencia asignadas tradicionalmente a radiodifusión. Las bandas liberadas son conocidas como Dividendo Digital (DD), y corresponden a la banda de 800 MHz (790-862 MHz) y 700 MHz (698-806 MHz) en Europa, y la banda de 700 MHz en América. Dichas bandas han sido asignadas para la utilización de servicios de comunicaciones móviles de cuarta generación 4G LTE. La inclusión del estándar LTE en las bandas de dividendo digital, representa un problema adicional para el despliegue de las redes de TDT. Debido a que tanto la TDT como las redes LTE deben coexistir en canales adyacentes en frecuencia. Por tanto, dos casos de convivencia deben ser considerados. Por un lado, para el despliegue de nuevas redes de TDT, se deben analizar las posibles interferencias desde las redes LTE, así como las posibles soluciones para mitigar dichas interferencias. Por otra parte para redes de TDT ya desplegadas, los problemas de interferencias deben ser resueltos con el menor impacto y costo posibles. La presente tesis aborda la planificación de frecuencias para las redes de TDT en Sudamérica, donde varios estándares de TDT han sido adoptados. La mayoría de los países de la región han adoptado el estándar Japones-Brasileño ISDB-Tb. Sin embargo, Colombia ha adoptado el estándar europeo de segunda generación DVB-T2, con la particularidad de ser el primer lugar en el mundo en que DVB-T2 debe trabajar con canalización de 6 MHz, y debe convivir con el estándar de televisión analógica NTSC. Esto junto con la tardía liberación del Dividendo Digital (DD) en América, presentan un escenario mucho más complejo para la planificación de las redes de TDT en la región. En primer lugar se estudia la planificación de frecuencias a nivel regional para todos los países de Sudamérica, para posteriormente abordar la planificación a nivel nacional para Colombia. Con tal fin, se investiga la convivencia entre el estándar de TDT europeo de segunda generación (DVB-T2), el estándar Japones-Brasileño de primera generación (ISDB-Tb), el estándar americano de televisión analógica NTSC y el estándar de comunicaciones móviles LTE en las bandas del dividendo digital, así como las diferentes soluciones técnicas para mitigar interferencias sobre las redes de TDT. Finalmente, se presentan las recomendaciones de convivencia entre redes de televisión analógica NTSC, redes de televisión digital ISDB-T, DVB-T2 y redes de comunicaciones móviles 4G LTE, que constituyen un útil manual para la pl[CA] La Televisió Digital Terrestre (TDT) respecte a la difusió de televisió analògica oferix, major robustesa en el senyal enfront de soroll i interferències, ús més eficient de l'espectre radioelèctric gràcies a la possibilitat d'utilitzar xarxes de freqüència única, en engonals SFNs (Single Frequency Networks) i la possibilitat de transmetre uns quants canals de televisió per un mateix canal radioelèctric. A més, és possible oferir servicis de valor afegit, com ara televisió en alta definició i programació 3D. En el procés de transició de televisió analògica a digital, s'ha de dur a terme una primera etapa de simulcast, on tant senyals analògics com digitals han de conviure. En esta etapa, un punt crític és la baixa disponibilitat de freqüències. Per tant, en primer lloc és necessari fer una planificació de freqüències a nivell regional entre els països i a nivell intern de cada país. A causa de les altes potències amb què normalment radien els transmissors de TDT, i les ubicacions dels transmissors en punts elevats, la planificació de freqüències a nivell regional ha de tindre en compte zones de coordinació i distàncies de protecció dins de la frontera de cada país. Finalment s'ha de planificar la les xarxes de TDT a les freqüències assignades. Addicionalment, la utilització més eficient de l'espectre radioelèctric que comporta la introducció de la TDT, ha permés l'alliberament de certes bandes de freqüència assignades tradicionalment a radiodifusió. Les bandes alliberades són conegudes com a Dividend Digital (DD), i corresponen a la banda de 800 MHz (790-862 MHz) i 700 MHz (698-806 MHz) a Europa, i la banda de 700 MHz a Amèrica. Les dites bandes han sigut assignades per a la utilització de servicis de comunicacions mòbils de quarta generació 4G LTE. La inclusió de l'estàndard LTE en les bandes de dividend digital, representa un problema addicional per al desplegament de les xarxes de TDT. Pel fet que tant la TDT com les xarxes LTE han de coexistir en canals adjacents en freqüència. Per tant, dos casos de convivència han de ser considerats. D'una banda, per al desplegament de noves xarxes de TDT, s'han d'analitzar les possibles interferències des de les xarxes LTE, així com les possibles solucions per a mitigar les dites interferències. D'altra banda per a xarxes de TDT ja desplegades, els problemes d'interferències han de ser resolts amb el menor impacte i cost possibles. La present tesi aborda la planificació de freqüències per a les xarxes de TDT a Sud-amèrica, on diversos estàndards de TDT han sigut adoptats. La majoria dels països de la regió han adoptat l'estàndard Japones-Brasileño ISDB-Tb. Sin embargo, Colòmbia ha adoptat l'estàndard europeu de segona generació DVB-T2, amb la particularitat de ser el primer lloc en el món en què DVB-T2 ha de treballar amb canalització de 6 MHz, i ha de conviure amb l'estàndard de televisió analògica NTSC. Açò junt amb el tardà alliberament del DD a Amèrica, presenten un escenari molt més complex per a la planificació de les xarxes de TDT en la regió. En primer lloc s'estudia la planificació de freqüències a nivell regional per a tots els països de Sud-amèrica, per a posteriorment abordar la planificació a nivell nacional per a Colòmbia. Amb tal fi, s'investiga la convivència entre l'estàndard de TDT europeu de segona generació (DVB-T2), l'estàndard Japones-Brasileño de primera generació (ISDB-T), l'estàndard americà de televisió analògica NTSC i l'estàndard de comunicacions mòbils LTE en les bandes del dividend digital, així com les diferents solucions tècniques per a mitigar interferències sobre les xarxes de TDT. Finalment, es presenten les recomanacions de convivència entre xarxes de televisió analògica NTSC, xarxes de televisió digital ISDB-T, DVB-T2 i xarxes de comunicacions mòbils 4G LTE, que constituïxen un útil manual per a la planificació de les xarxes deRibadeneira Ramírez, JA. (2016). Planificación de Frecuencias para Televisión Digital Terrestre (TDT) en Sudamérica [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/6366

    Provision of broadband Internet in Oman by joining LTE-A with TV white space (TVWS)

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    In the last 45 years, the Sultanate of Oman has developed overdramatically and steadily in all aspects of life. This progress has included health, education and transportation sectors along with social and economic areas. The progress has also counted in the telecommunication services with many new land and wireless networks such as fibre optic networks, 3G, 4G/LTE and WiMAX. These telecommunication services have covered major cities and towns in the country, but due to the vast and inhospitable terrains of Oman with its geographical, demographical and social factors, it has been very problematic to cover major rural and urban areas of the country with satisfactory fibre and mobile services for home and mobile users by using one of the current traditional fixed and mobile technologies. Therefore, in this research, we have investigated the feasibility of using Television White Space (TVWS) technology in providing the required internet service by combining it with the ever-evolving Long Term Evolution- Advanced (LTE-A) technology as a solution to the problem mentioned above. For this purpose, and to specify the occupancy of the TVWS spectrum so to suggest a solution based on the LTE-A operating on the TVWS, we have conducted a radio spectrum occupancy measurement survey campaign for 40 MHz to 2800 MHz range. The survey was conducted in five major areas of the country. The campaign has identified that the TV spectrum (470 MHz to 890 MHZ) is idle most of the time. Further, we have implemented our proposed solution through the simulation of the Long-Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A) Ver. 12 technology operating in the TV spectrum (470-710 MHz). This type of solution is the first to use Ver. 12 on TVWS even on a simulation level. The simulation approach has been chosen over a real implementation because the technology is still in its early development stage, therefore, the hardware required for the implementation is still out of reach. Our simulation involved planning and implementation of two networks with eight scenarios. One network is our proposed network and the other is the classical LTE network operating on the 1800 MHz spectrum. The simulation results and analysis have demonstrated that our solution could provide reliable mobile and fixed service to a large number of users in a very large area with high data throughput and good Quality of Service (QoS) by using very little resources such as sites, Base Stations (BSs) and other resources. The simulation has demonstrated that one TVWS Base Station (TVWSBS) could cover up to 110 Km radius area and provide up to 4 Gigabits Per Second (4Gbps) DownLink (DL) and up to 2 Gbps UpLink (UL) data throughput. Therefore, our solution overweighs the traditional LTE/4G network in all aspects. This type of technology could meet the needs of broadband internet service for rural and congested areas of Oman using most of the existing old TV towers infrastructure and with minimum investment. Therefore, in our research, we are proposing an alternative method of providing broadband internet service that differs from the available traditional methods found in the literature considering the unique particularities of the demographic, geographic, social and environmental factors of Oman.Additionally, we have outlined TVWS regulations that could be utilised by concerned spectrum authorities in Oman and similar countries. Finally, we have developed an algorithm that could manage TVWS Database (TVWSDB) and could be incorporated in the Service Providers’ (SP) network management systems