1,894 research outputs found

    An algorithm for solving rule sets-based bilevel decision problems

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    Bilevel decision addresses the problem in which two levels of decision makers each tries to optimize their individual objectives under certain constraints, and to act and react in an uncooperative and sequential manner. Given the difficulty of formulating a bilevel decision problem by mathematical functions, a rule sets-based bilevel decision (RSBLD) model was proposed. This article presents an algorithm to solve a RSBLD problem. A case-based example is given to illustrate the functions of the proposed algorithm. Finally, a set of experiments is analyzed to further show the functions and the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Contingency-Constrained Unit Commitment With Intervening Time for System Adjustments

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    The N-1-1 contingency criterion considers the con- secutive loss of two components in a power system, with intervening time for system adjustments. In this paper, we consider the problem of optimizing generation unit commitment (UC) while ensuring N-1-1 security. Due to the coupling of time periods associated with consecutive component losses, the resulting problem is a very large-scale mixed-integer linear optimization model. For efficient solution, we introduce a novel branch-and-cut algorithm using a temporally decomposed bilevel separation oracle. The model and algorithm are assessed using multiple IEEE test systems, and a comprehensive analysis is performed to compare system performances across different contingency criteria. Computational results demonstrate the value of considering intervening time for system adjustments in terms of total cost and system robustness.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Complexity of fuzzy answer set programming under Łukasiewicz semantics

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    Fuzzy answer set programming (FASP) is a generalization of answer set programming (ASP) in which propositions are allowed to be graded. Little is known about the computational complexity of FASP and almost no techniques are available to compute the answer sets of a FASP program. In this paper, we analyze the computational complexity of FASP under Łukasiewicz semantics. In particular we show that the complexity of the main reasoning tasks is located at the first level of the polynomial hierarchy, even for disjunctive FASP programs for which reasoning is classically located at the second level. Moreover, we show a reduction from reasoning with such FASP programs to bilevel linear programming, thus opening the door to practical applications. For definite FASP programs we can show P-membership. Surprisingly, when allowing disjunctions to occur in the body of rules – a syntactic generalization which does not affect the expressivity of ASP in the classical case – the picture changes drastically. In particular, reasoning tasks are then located at the second level of the polynomial hierarchy, while for simple FASP programs, we can only show that the unique answer set can be found in pseudo-polynomial time. Moreover, the connection to an existing open problem about integer equations suggests that the problem of fully characterizing the complexity of FASP in this more general setting is not likely to have an easy solution

    Rule sets based bilevel decision model

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    Bilevel decision addresses the problem in which two levels of decision makers, each tries to optimize their individual objectives under constraints, act and react in an uncooperative, sequential manner. Such a bilevel optimization structure appears naturally in many aspects of planning, management and policy making. However, bilevel decision making may involve many uncertain factors in a real world problem. Therefore it is hard to determine the objective functions and constraints of the leader and the follower when build a bilevel decision model. To deal with this issue, this study explores the use of rule sets to format a bilevel decision problem by establishing a rule sets based model. After develop a method to construct a rule sets based bilevel model of a real-world problem, an example to illustrate the construction process is presented. Copyright © 2006, Australian Computer Society, Inc

    A New Approach to Electricity Market Clearing With Uniform Purchase Price and Curtailable Block Orders

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    The European market clearing problem is characterized by a set of heterogeneous orders and rules that force the implementation of heuristic and iterative solving methods. In particular, curtailable block orders and the uniform purchase price (UPP) pose serious difficulties. A block is an order that spans over multiple hours, and can be either fully accepted or fully rejected. The UPP prescribes that all consumers pay a common price, i.e., the UPP, in all the zones, while producers receive zonal prices, which can differ from one zone to another. The market clearing problem in the presence of both the UPP and block orders is a major open issue in the European context. The UPP scheme leads to a non-linear optimization problem involving both primal and dual variables, whereas block orders introduce multi-temporal constraints and binary variables into the problem. As a consequence, the market clearing problem in the presence of both blocks and the UPP can be regarded as a non-linear integer programming problem involving both primal and dual variables with complementary and multi-temporal constraints. The aim of this paper is to present a non-iterative and heuristic-free approach for solving the market clearing problem in the presence of both curtailable block orders and the UPP. The solution is exact, with no approximation up to the level of resolution of current market data. By resorting to an equivalent UPP formulation, the proposed approach results in a mixed-integer linear program, which is built starting from a non-linear integer bilevel programming problem. Numerical results using real market data are reported to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The model has been implemented in Python, and the code is freely available on a public repository.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    A new solution algorithm for solving rule-sets based bilevel decision problems

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    Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Bilevel decision addresses compromises between two interacting decision entities within a given hierarchical complex system under distributed environments. Bilevel programming typically solves bilevel decision problems. However, formulation of objectives and constraints in mathematical functions is required, which are difficult, and sometimes impossible, in real-world situations because of various uncertainties. Our study develops a rule-set based bilevel decision approach, which models a bilevel decision problem by creating, transforming and reducing related rule sets. This study develops a new rule-sets based solution algorithm to obtain an optimal solution from the bilevel decision problem described by rule sets. A case study and a set of experiments illustrate both functions and the effectiveness of the developed algorithm in solving a bilevel decision problem

    Solving ill-posed bilevel programs

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    This paper deals with ill-posed bilevel programs, i.e., problems admitting multiple lower-level solutions for some upper-level parameters. Many publications have been devoted to the standard optimistic case of this problem, where the difficulty is essentially moved from the objective function to the feasible set. This new problem is simpler but there is no guaranty to obtain local optimal solutions for the original optimistic problem by this process. Considering the intrinsic non-convexity of bilevel programs, computing local optimal solutions is the best one can hope to get in most cases. To achieve this goal, we start by establishing an equivalence between the original optimistic problem an a certain set-valued optimization problem. Next, we develop optimality conditions for the latter problem and show that they generalize all the results currently known in the literature on optimistic bilevel optimization. Our approach is then extended to multiobjective bilevel optimization, and completely new results are derived for problems with vector-valued upper- and lower-level objective functions. Numerical implementations of the results of this paper are provided on some examples, in order to demonstrate how the original optimistic problem can be solved in practice, by means of a special set-valued optimization problem

    A DC Programming Approach for Solving Multicast Network Design Problems via the Nesterov Smoothing Technique

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    This paper continues our effort initiated in [9] to study Multicast Communication Networks, modeled as bilevel hierarchical clustering problems, by using mathematical optimization techniques. Given a finite number of nodes, we consider two different models of multicast networks by identifying a certain number of nodes as cluster centers, and at the same time, locating a particular node that serves as a total center so as to minimize the total transportation cost through the network. The fact that the cluster centers and the total center have to be among the given nodes makes this problem a discrete optimization problem. Our approach is to reformulate the discrete problem as a continuous one and to apply Nesterov smoothing approximation technique on the Minkowski gauges that are used as distance measures. This approach enables us to propose two implementable DCA-based algorithms for solving the problems. Numerical results and practical applications are provided to illustrate our approach

    Modeling of Competition and Collaboration Networks under Uncertainty: Stochastic Programs with Resource and Bilevel

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    We analyze stochastic programming problems with recourse characterized by a bilevel structure. Part of the uncertainty in such problems is due to actions of other actors such that the considered decision maker needs to develop a model to estimate their response to his decisions. Often, the resulting model exhibits connecting constraints in the leaders (upper-level) subproblem. It is shown that this problem can be formulated as a new class of stochastic programming problems with equilibrium constraints (SMPEC). Sufficient optimality conditions are stated. A solution algorithm utilizing a stochastic quasi-gradient method is proposed, and its applicability extensively explained by practical numerical examples