24 research outputs found

    A Model for Optimal Human Navigation with Stochastic Effects

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    We present a method for optimal path planning of human walking paths in mountainous terrain, using a control theoretic formulation and a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. Previous models for human navigation were entirely deterministic, assuming perfect knowledge of the ambient elevation data and human walking velocity as a function of local slope of the terrain. Our model includes a stochastic component which can account for uncertainty in the problem, and thus includes a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation with viscosity. We discuss the model in the presence and absence of stochastic effects, and suggest numerical methods for simulating the model. We discuss two different notions of an optimal path when there is uncertainty in the problem. Finally, we compare the optimal paths suggested by the model at different levels of uncertainty, and observe that as the size of the uncertainty tends to zero (and thus the viscosity in the equation tends to zero), the optimal path tends toward the deterministic optimal path

    Optimal Human Navigation in Steep Terrain: a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Approach

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    We present a method for determining optimal walking paths in steep terrain using the level set method and an optimal control formulation. By viewing the walking direction as a control variable, we can determine the optimal control by solving a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. We then calculate the optimal walking path by solving an ordinary differential equation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by computing optimal paths which travel throughout mountainous regions of Yosemite National Park. We include details regarding the numerical implementation of our model and address a specific application of a law enforcement agency patrolling a nationally protected area.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    Practical methods for approximating shortest paths on a convex polytope in R3

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    AbstractWe propose an extremely simple approximation scheme for computing shortest paths on the surface of a convex polytope in three dimensions. Given a convex polytope P with n vertices and two points p, q on its surface, let dP(p, q) denote the shortest path distance between p and q on the surface of P. Our algorithm produces a path of length at most 2dP(p, q) in time O(n). Extending this result, we can also compute an approximation of the shortest path tree rooted at an arbitrary point x ∈ P in time O(n log n). In the approximate tree, the distance between a vertex v ∈ P and x is at most cdP(x, v), where c = 2.38(1 + ε) for any fixed ε > 0. The best algorithms for computing an exact shortest path on a convex polytope take Ω(n2) time in the worst case; in addition, they are too complicated to be suitable in practice. We can also get a weak approximation result in the general case of k disjoint convex polyhedra: in O(n) time our algorithm gives a path of length at most 2k times the optimal

    Approximate Kinodynamic Planning Using L2-Norm Dynamic Bounds

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    In this paper we address the issue of kinodynamic motion planning. Given a point that moves with bounded acceleration and velocity, we wish to find the time-optimal trajectory from a start state to a goal state (a state consists of both a position and a velocity). As finding exact optimal solutions to this problem seems very hard, we present a provably good approximation algorithm using the L2 norm to bound acceleration and velocity. Our results are an extension of the earlier work of Canny, Donald, Reif, and Xavier [1], who present similar results where the dynamics bounds can be examined in each dimension independently (they use the L&infin norm to bound acceleration and velocity)

    Improving the Air Mobility Command\u27s Air Refueler Route Building Capabilities

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    We consider the problem of routing an aircraft (receiver) from a starting location to a target and back to an ending location while maintaining a fuel level above a predetermined level during all stages of the route and avoiding threat and no-fly zones. The receiver is routed to air refueling locations to refuel as required. The development of the network requires the processing of threat and no-fly zones to create the set of nodes that includes the bases (starting and end locations), the targets, and air refueling locations in addition to the restricted zone nodes. We develop a greedy heuristic that builds the route using arc paths and the on board fuel level to determine the termination of each sequential arc path. Post processing of the routes reduces the fuel remaining on board by shifting the time at target or reversing the route. The results from the greedy heuristic are compared to the results from the current methodology and show that the heuristic requires less time to produce routes that require less fuel

    Continuous Alternation: The Complexity of Pursuit in Continuous Domains

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    Complexity theory has used a game-theoretic notion, namely alternation, to great advantage in modeling parallelism and in obtaining lower bounds. The usual definition of alternation requires that transitions be made in discrete steps. The study of differential games is a classic area of optimal control, where there is continuous interaction and alternation between the players. Differential games capture many aspects of control theory and optimal control over continuous domains. In this paper, we define a generalization of the notion of alternation which applies to differential games, and which we call "continuous alternation." This approach allows us to obtain the first known complexity-theoretic results for open problems in differential games and optimal control. We concentrate our investigation on an important class of differential games, which we call polyhedral pursuit games. Pursuit games have application to many fundamental problems in autonomous robot control in the presence of an adversary. For example, this problem occurs in manufacturing environments with a single robot moving among a number of autonomous robots with unknown control programs, as well as in automatic automobile control, and collision control among aircraft and boats with unknown or adversary control. We show that in a three-dimensional pursuit game where each player's velocity is bounded (but there is no bound on acceleration), the pursuit game decision problem is hard for exponential time. This lower bound is somewhat surprising due to the sparse nature of the problem: there are only two moving objects (the players), each with only three degrees of freedom. It is also the first provably intractable result for any robotic problem with complete information; previous intractability results have relied on complexity-theoretic assumptions. Fortunately, we can counter our somewhat pessimistic lower bounds with polynomial time upper bounds for obtaining approximate solutions. In particular, we give polynomial time algorithms that approximately solve a very large class of pursuit games with arbitrarily small error. For e > 0, this algorithm finds a winning strategy for the evader provided that there is a winning strategy that always stays at least E distance from the pursuer and all obstacles. If the obstacles are described with n bits, then the algorithm runs in time (n/e)0(1), and applies to several types of pursuit games: either velocity or both acceleration and velocity may be bounded, and the bound may be of either the L2- or L&infin-norm. Our algorithms also generalize to when the obstacles have constant degree algebraic descriptions, and are allowed to have predictable movement