6 research outputs found

    An algorithm for orienting graphs based on cause-effect pairs and its applications to orienting protein networks.

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    Acknowledgments: I would like to thank my thesis advisor, Prof. Roded Sharan, for the initial idea and the excellent guidance throughout the research. I would like to thank Prof. Uri Zwick and Prof. Vineet Bafna for substantial contribution to this work and for co-authoring the paper, upon which this thesis is based. I also thank Andreas Beyer and Silpa Suthram for providing the kinase-substrate data, Oved Ourfali for his help with Integer Programming implementation, and Rani Hod for his help with some theoretical issues. Abstract In recent years we have seen a vast increase in the amount of protein-protein interaction data. Study of the resulting biological networks can provide us a better understanding of the processes taking place within a cell. In this work we consider a graph orientation problem arising in the study of biological networks. Given an undirected graph and a list of ordered source-target pairs, the goal is to orient the graph so that a maximum number of pairs will admit a directed path from the source to the target. We show that the problem is NP-hard and hard to approximate to within a constant ratio. We then study restrictions of the problem to various graph classes, and provide an O(log n) approximation algorithm for the general case. We show that this algorithm achieves very tight approximation ratios in practice and is able to infer edge directions with high accuracy on both simulated and real network data

    Social networks help to infer causality in the tumor microenvironment.

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    BACKGROUND: Networks have become a popular way to conceptualize a system of interacting elements, such as electronic circuits, social communication, metabolism or gene regulation. Network inference, analysis, and modeling techniques have been developed in different areas of science and technology, such as computer science, mathematics, physics, and biology, with an active interdisciplinary exchange of concepts and approaches. However, some concepts seem to belong to a specific field without a clear transferability to other domains. At the same time, it is increasingly recognized that within some biological systems-such as the tumor microenvironment-where different types of resident and infiltrating cells interact to carry out their functions, the complexity of the system demands a theoretical framework, such as statistical inference, graph analysis and dynamical models, in order to asses and study the information derived from high-throughput experimental technologies. RESULTS: In this article we propose to adopt and adapt the concepts of influence and investment from the world of social network analysis to biological problems, and in particular to apply this approach to infer causality in the tumor microenvironment. We showed that constructing a bidirectional network of influence between cell and cell communication molecules allowed us to determine the direction of inferred regulations at the expression level and correctly recapitulate cause-effect relationships described in literature. CONCLUSIONS: This work constitutes an example of a transfer of knowledge and concepts from the world of social network analysis to biomedical research, in particular to infer network causality in biological networks. This causality elucidation is essential to model the homeostatic response of biological systems to internal and external factors, such as environmental conditions, pathogens or treatments

    Discovering pathways by orienting edges in protein interaction networks

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    Modern experimental technology enables the identification of the sensory proteins that interact with the cells’ environment or various pathogens. Expression and knockdown studies can determine the downstream effects of these interactions. However, when attempting to reconstruct the signaling networks and pathways between these sources and targets, one faces a substantial challenge. Although pathways are directed, high-throughput protein interaction data are undirected. In order to utilize the available data, we need methods that can orient protein interaction edges and discover high-confidence pathways that explain the observed experimental outcomes. We formalize the orientation problem in weighted protein interaction graphs as an optimization problem and present three approximation algorithms based on either weighted Boolean satisfiability solvers or probabilistic assignments. We use these algorithms to identify pathways in yeast. Our approach recovers twice as many known signaling cascades as a recent unoriented signaling pathway prediction technique and over 13 times as many as an existing network orientation algorithm. The discovered paths match several known signaling pathways and suggest new mechanisms that are not currently present in signaling databases. For some pathways, including the pheromone signaling pathway and the high-osmolarity glycerol pathway, our method suggests interesting and novel components that extend current annotations

    Exploiting bounded signal flow for graph orientation based on cause-effect pairs

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    Background: We consider the following problem: Given an undirected network and a set of sender–receiver pairs, direct all edges such that the maximum number of “signal flows ” defined by the pairs can be routed respecting edge directions. This problem has applications in understanding protein interaction based cell regulation mechanisms. Since this problem is NP-hard, research so far concentrated on polynomial-time approximation algorithms and tractable special cases. Results: We take the viewpoint of parameterized algorithmics and examine several parameters related to the maximum signal flow over vertices or edges. We provide several fixed-parameter tractability results, and in one case a sharp complexity dichotomy between a linear-time solvable case and a slightly more general NP-hard case. We examine the value of these parameters for several real-world network instances. Conclusions: Several biologically relevant special cases of the NP-hard problem can be solved to optimality. In this way, parameterized analysis yields both deeper insight into the computational complexity and practical solving strategies. Background Current technologies [1] like two-hybrid screening ca