901 research outputs found

    Chordal Graphs and Their Relatives: Algorithms and Applications

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    While the problem of generating random graphs has received much attention, the problem of generating graphs for specific classes has not been studied much. In this dissertation, we propose schemes for generating chordal graphs, weakly chordal graphs, and strongly chordal graphs. We also present semi-dynamic algorithms for chordal graphs and strongly chordal graphs. As an application of a completion technique for chordal graphs, we also discuss a 1-round algorithm for approximate point placement in the plane in an adversarial model where the distance query graph presented to the adversary is chordal. The proposed generation algorithms take the number of vertices, n, and the number of edges, m, as input and produces a graph in a given class as output. The generation method either starts with a tree or a complete graph. We then insert additional edges in the tree or delete edges from the complete graph. Our algorithm ensures that the graph properties are preserved after each edge is inserted or deleted. We have also proposed algorithms to generate weakly chordal graphs and strongly chordal graphs from an arbitrary graph as input. In this case, we ensure the graph properties will be achieved on the termination of the conversion process. We have also proposed a semi-dynamic algorithm for edge-deletion in a chordal graph. To the best of our knowledge, no study has been done for the problem of dynamic algorithms for strongly chordal graphs. To address this gap, we have also proposed a semi-dynamic algorithm for edge-deletions and a semi-dynamic algorithm for edge-insertions in strongly chordal graphs

    A Polynomial Delay Algorithm for Enumerating Minimal Dominating Sets in Chordal Graphs

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    An output-polynomial algorithm for the listing of minimal dominating sets in graphs is a challenging open problem and is known to be equivalent to the well-known Transversal problem which asks for an output-polynomial algorithm for listing the set of minimal hitting sets in hypergraphs. We give a polynomial delay algorithm to list the set of minimal dominating sets in chordal graphs, an important and well-studied graph class where such an algorithm was open for a while.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, submitte

    A Polynomial-time Algorithm for Outerplanar Diameter Improvement

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    The Outerplanar Diameter Improvement problem asks, given a graph GG and an integer DD, whether it is possible to add edges to GG in a way that the resulting graph is outerplanar and has diameter at most DD. We provide a dynamic programming algorithm that solves this problem in polynomial time. Outerplanar Diameter Improvement demonstrates several structural analogues to the celebrated and challenging Planar Diameter Improvement problem, where the resulting graph should, instead, be planar. The complexity status of this latter problem is open.Comment: 24 page

    Sequences of regressions and their independences

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    Ordered sequences of univariate or multivariate regressions provide statistical models for analysing data from randomized, possibly sequential interventions, from cohort or multi-wave panel studies, but also from cross-sectional or retrospective studies. Conditional independences are captured by what we name regression graphs, provided the generated distribution shares some properties with a joint Gaussian distribution. Regression graphs extend purely directed, acyclic graphs by two types of undirected graph, one type for components of joint responses and the other for components of the context vector variable. We review the special features and the history of regression graphs, derive criteria to read all implied independences of a regression graph and prove criteria for Markov equivalence that is to judge whether two different graphs imply the same set of independence statements. Knowledge of Markov equivalence provides alternative interpretations of a given sequence of regressions, is essential for machine learning strategies and permits to use the simple graphical criteria of regression graphs on graphs for which the corresponding criteria are in general more complex. Under the known conditions that a Markov equivalent directed acyclic graph exists for any given regression graph, we give a polynomial time algorithm to find one such graph.Comment: 43 pages with 17 figures The manuscript is to appear as an invited discussion paper in the journal TES
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