428 research outputs found

    An efficient NC tool path planning approach

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    One major problem encountered in NC machining is that cutting load fluctuates in twisty tool paths and increases momentarily when milling concave corners where stock material concentrates. Much research has been conducted on controlling milling forces but the problem remains unsolved. This paper presents a solution to reduce and stabilise cutting load in NC milling operation by applying computational techniques to isolate the concave corners of a machining region, thereby forming a major region and a number of disjoint sub-regions. Due to the suppression of concave corners, the boundary profile of the major region will become smoother. Contour-parallel offset tool paths can then be used to remove the material in the major region. For the isolated sub-regions, special corner removing tool paths with the use of different cutter sizes will be employed. By using this approach, the adverse effects caused by excessive undulation of milling tool path can be reduced.published_or_final_versio

    Polygon subdivision for pocket machining process planning

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    In the process planning for pocket machining, selection of the optimal tool sizes and minimizing the number of plunging operations are among the most important factors in minimizing the machining time. This thesis presents a new approach for optimal tool selection of arbitrary shaped pockets based on a polygon subdivision technique. The pocket is subdivided to obtain smaller sub-polygons. The tools are selected separately for each sub-polygon and then the optimal set of the tools for the entire pocket is obtained based on minimizing both the machining time and the number of tools used to machine the pocket. Finally, the sub-polygons are sequenced in an optimal order to eliminate the requirement of multiple plunging operations. The approach presented is an improvement over previous work because it makes an effective use of the polygon subdivision strategy to improve the machining time as well as reducing the number of plunges. The implementation examples of this approach suggest that the machining time can be improved as much as 75%

    NURBS output based tool path generation for freeform pockets

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    A robust method is proposed to generate tool paths for NURBS-based machining of arbitrarily shaped freeform pockets with islands. Although the input and output are all of higher-degree NURBS curves, only one simple category of geometric entities, i.e., line segments, is required for initial offsetting and for detecting and removing self-intersecting loops. Furthermore, using those linear non-self-intersecting offsets as the legs of NURBS control polygons, NURBS-format tool paths can be smoothly reconstructed with G(1)-continuity, no overcutting, no cusps, and global error control. Since all operations involved in computing tool path curves are linear geometric calculations, the method is robust and simple. Examples with integrated rough and finish cutting tool paths of pockets demonstrate the usefulness and effectiveness of this method

    Contour parallel milling tool path generation for arbitrary pocket shape using a fast marching method

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    Contour parallel tool paths are among the most widely used tool paths for planer milling operations. A number of exact as well as approximate methods are available for offsetting a closed boundary in order to generate a contour parallel tool path; however, the applicability of various offsetting methods is restricted because of limitations in dealing with pocket geometry with and without islands, the high computational costs, and numerical errors. Generation of cusps, segmentation of rarefied corners, and self-intersection during the offsetting operations and finding a unique offsetting solution for pocket with islands are among the associated problems in contour tool path generation. Most of methods are inherently incapable of dealing with such problems and use complex computational routines to identify and rectify these problems. Also, these rectifying techniques are heavily dependent on the type of geometry, and hence, the application of these techniques for arbitrary boundary conditions is limited and prone to errors. In this paper, a new mathematical method for generation of contour parallel tool paths is proposed which is inherently capable of dealing with the aforementioned problems. The method is based on a boundary value formulation of the offsetting problem and a fast marching method based solution for tool path generation. This method handles the topological changes during offsetting naturally and deals with the generation of discontinuities in the slopes by including an "entropy condition” in its numerical implementation. The appropriate modifications are carried out to achieve higher accuracy for milling operations. A number of examples are presented, and computational issues are discussed for tool path generatio

    Contour parallel milling tool path generation for arbitrary pocket shape using a fast marching method

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    Contour parallel tool paths are among the most widely used tool paths for planer milling operations. A number of exact as well as approximate methods are available for offsetting a closed boundary in order to generate a contour parallel tool path; however, the applicability of various offsetting methods is restricted because of limitations in dealing with pocket geometry with and without islands, the high computational costs, and numerical errors. Generation of cusps, segmentation of rarefied corners, and self-intersection during the offsetting operations and finding a unique offsetting solution for pocket with islands are among the associated problems in contour tool path generation. Most of methods are inherently incapable of dealing with such problems and use complex computational routines to identify and rectify these problems. Also, these rectifying techniques are heavily dependent on the type of geometry, and hence, the application of these techniques for arbitrary boundary conditions is limited and prone to errors. In this paper, a new mathematical method for generation of contour parallel tool paths is proposed which is inherently capable of dealing with the aforementioned problems. The method is based on a boundary value formulation of the offsetting problem and a fast marching method based solution for tool path generation. This method handles the topological changes during offsetting naturally and deals with the generation of discontinuities in the slopes by including an "entropy condition" in its numerical implementation. The appropriate modifications are carried out to achieve higher accuracy for milling operations. A number of examples are presented, and computational issues are discussed for tool path generation

    A new geometric-and-physics model of milling and an effective approach to medial axis transforms of free-form pockets for high performance machining

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    Mechanical part quality and productivity depend on many parameters in CNC milling processes, such as workpiece material, cutters, tool paths, feed rate, and spindle speed, etc. To pursue high performance machining, the cutting parameter optimization is in high demand in industry, though it is quite challenge. This innovative research successfully addresses some essential problems in optimizing the cutting parameters by developing a new geometric-and-physics integrated model of milling and proposing an effective approach to the medial axis transforms of free-form pockets. In this research, an original geometric model of 21/2- and 3-axis CNC milling is developed and integrated with a well-established mechanistic model. A main research contribution is that this integrated model can predict complex milling processes in higher fidelity with instantaneous material remove rates, cutting forces and spindle powers, compared to prior machining models. In the geometric model, an in-process workpiece model is introduced by using a group of discrete Z-layers and applying the B-Rep scheme to represent the workpiece shape on each layer, in order to accurately represent instantaneous cutter-and-workpiece engagement in 2Yz- and 3-axis milling. Hence, the un-deformed chip geometry can be found even for complex part milling, which is then fed to the mechanistic model to predict instantaneous cutting forces. By using this integrated model, cutting parameters can be optimized for profiling, pocketing, and surface milling to ensure steady cut and the maximum material removal rates. This model has been verified by experiments, and will be implemented into a software tool for Bombardier Aerospace. Another important research in this work is to propose aggressive roughing of free-form pockets for ultimately high cutting efficiency. For this purpose, an accurate, efficient approach to the medial axis transforms of free-form pockets and an optimal approach to multiple cutters selection and their path generation are proposed. The main contributions of this research include (1) a new mathematical model of medial axis point, (2) an innovative global optimization solver, the hybrid global optimization method, (3) an optimization model of selecting multiple cutters for the maximum material removal rate. This research can substantially promote aggressive roughing in the machining industry to increase cutting efficiency of free-form pockets. The technique has been validated using considerable number of cutting tests and can be directly implemented into commercial CAD/CAM softwar

    A knowledge-based approach for the extraction of machining features from solid models

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    Computer understanding of machining features such as holes and pockets is essential for bridging the communication gap between Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacture. This thesis describes a prototype machining feature extraction system that is implemented by integrating the VAX-OPS5 rule-based artificial intelligence environment with the PADL-2 solid modeller. Specification of original stock and finished part geometry within the solid modeller is followed by determination of the nominal surface boundary of the corresponding cavity volume model by means of Boolean subtraction and boundary evaluation. The boundary model of the cavity volume is managed by using winged-edge and frame-based data structures. Machining features are extracted using two methods : (1) automatic feature recognition, and (2) machine learning of features for subsequent recognition. [Continues.

    CAD/CAM integration based on machining features for prismatic parts

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    The development of CAD and CAM technology has significantly increased efficiency in each individual area. The independent development, however, greatly restrained the improvement of overall efficiency from design to manufacturing. The simple integration between CAD and CAM systems has been achieved. Current integrated CAD/CAM systems can share the same geometry model of a product in a neutral or proprietary format. However, the process plan information of the product from CAPP systems cannot serve as a starting point for CAM systems to generate tool paths and NC programs. The user still needs to manually create the machining operations and define geometry, cutting tool, and various parameters for each operation. Features play an important role in the recent research on CAD/CAM integration. This thesis investigated the integration of CAD/CAM systems based on machining features. The focus of the research is to connect CAPP systems and CAM systems by machining features, to reduce the unnecessary user interface and to automate the process of tool path preparation. Machining features are utilized to define machining geometries and eliminate the necessity of user interventions in UG. A prototype is developed to demonstrate the CAD/CAM integration based on machining features for prismatic parts. The prototype integration layer is implemented in conjunction with an existing CAPP system, FBMach, and a commercial CAD/CAM system, Unigraphics. Not only geometry information of the product but also the process plan information and machining feature information are directly available to the CAM system and tool paths can be automatically generated from solid models and process plans
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