1,291 research outputs found

    Supervised regionalization methods, a survey.

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    This paper reviews almost four decades of contributions on the subject of supervised regionalization methods. These methods aggregate a set of areas into a predefined number of spatially contiguous regions while optimizing certain aggregation criteria. The authors present a taxonomic scheme that classifies a wide range of regionalization methods into eight groups, based on the strategy applied for satisfying the spatial contiguity constraint. The paper concludes by providing a qualitative comparison of these groups in terms of a set of certain characteristics, and by suggesting future lines of research for extending and improving these methods.regionalization, constrained clustering, analytical regions.

    Design of homogenous territorial units: a methodological proposal

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    One of the main questions to solve when analysing geographically added information consists of the design of territorial units adjusted to the objectives of the study. In fact, in those cases where territorial information is aggregated, ad-hoc criteria are usually applied as there are not regionalization methods flexible enough. Moreover, and without taking into account the aggregation method applied, there is an implicit risk that is known in the literature as Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP) (Openshaw, 1984). This problem is related with the high sensitivity of statistical and econometric results to different aggregations of geographical data, which can negatively affect the robustness of the analysis. In this paper, an optimization model is proposed with the aim of identifying homogenous territorial units related with the analyzed phenomena. This model seeks to reduce some disadvantages found in previous works about automated regionalisation tools. In particular, the model not only considers the characteristics of each element to group but also, the relationships among them, trying to avoid the MAUP. An algoritm, known as RASS (Regionalization Algorithm with Selective Search) it also proposed in order to obtain faster results from the model. The obtained results permit to affirm that the proposed methodology is able to identify a great variety of territorial configurations, taking into account the contiguity constraint among the different elements to be grouped.

    Spanish unemployment: normative versus analytical regionalisation procedures

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    In applied regional analysis, statistical information is usually published at different territorial levels with the aim of providing information of interest for different potential users. When using this information, there are two different choices: first, to use normative regions (towns, provinces, etc.), or, second, to design analytical regions directly related with the analysed phenomena. In this paper, provincial time series of unemployment rates in Spain are used in order to compare the results obtained by applying two analytical regionalisation models (a two stages procedure based on cluster analysis and a procedure based on mathematical programming) with the normative regions available at two different scales: NUTS II and NUTS I. The results have shown that more homogeneous regions were designed when applying both analytical regionalisation tools. Two other obtained interesting results are related with the fact that analytical regions were also more stable along time and with the effects of scale in the regionalisation process. Keywords: Unemployment, normative region, analytical region, regionalisation. JEL Codes: E24, R23, C61.

    Spanish unemployment: Normative versus analytical regionalisation procedures

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    In applied regional analysis, statistical information is usually published at different territorial levels with the aim of providing information of interest for different potential users. When using this information, there are two different choices: first, to use normative regions (towns, provinces, etc.), or, second, to design analytical regions directly related with the analysed phenomena. In this paper, provincial time series of unemployment rates in Spain are used in order to compare the results obtained by applying two analytical regionalisation models (a two stages procedure based on cluster analysis and a procedure based on mathematical programming) with the normative regions available at two different scales: NUTS II and NUTS I. The results have shown that more homogeneous regions were designed when applying both analytical regionalisation tools. Two other obtained interesting results are related with the fact that analytical regions were also more stable along time and with the effects of scale in the regionalisation process.unemployment, regionalisation, analytical region, normative region

    Supervised regionalization methods: A survey

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    This paper reviews almost four decades of contributions on the subject of supervised regionalization methods. These methods aggregate a set of areas into a predefined number of spatially contiguous regions while optimizing certain aggregation criteria. The authors present a taxonomic scheme that classifies a wide range of regionalization methods into eight groups, based on the strategy applied for satisfying the spatial contiguity constraint. The paper concludes by providing a qualitative comparison of these groups in terms of a set of certain characteristics, and by suggesting future lines of research for extending and improving these methods

    Technical support for creating an artificial intelligence system for feature extraction and experimental design

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    Techniques for classifying objects into groups or clases go under many different names including, most commonly, cluster analysis. Mathematically, the general problem is to find a best mapping of objects into an index set consisting of class identifiers. When an a priori grouping of objects exists, the process of deriving the classification rules from samples of classified objects is known as discrimination. When such rules are applied to objects of unknown class, the process is denoted classification. The specific problem addressed involves the group classification of a set of objects that are each associated with a series of measurements (ratio, interval, ordinal, or nominal levels of measurement). Each measurement produces one variable in a multidimensional variable space. Cluster analysis techniques are reviewed and methods for incuding geographic location, distance measures, and spatial pattern (distribution) as parameters in clustering are examined. For the case of patterning, measures of spatial autocorrelation are discussed in terms of the kind of data (nominal, ordinal, or interval scaled) to which they may be applied

    Cross Sectional and Longitudinal Fuzzy Clustering of the NUTS and Positioning of the Italian Regions with Respect to the Regional Competitiveness Index (RCI) Indicators with Contiguity Constraints

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    In socio-economical clustering often the empirical information is represented by time-varying data generated by indicators observed over time on a set of subnational (regional) units. Usually among these units may exist contiguity relations, spatial but not only.In this paper we propose a fuzzy clustering model of multivariate time-varying data, the longitudinal fuzzy C-Medoids clustering with contiguity constraints. The temporal aspect is dealt with by using appropriate measures of dissimilarity between time trajectories. The contiguity among units is dealt with adding a contiguity matrix as a penalization term in the clustering model.The cross sectional fuzzy C-Medoids clustering with contiguity constraints is obtained considering one instant of time. The model is applied to the classification of the European NUTS on the basis of the observed dynamics of the Basic, Efficiency and Innovation subindexes of the Regional Competitiveness Index (RCI) 2013 and 2016. The positioning of the Italian regions is analyzed through the values of the medoids of the clusters and shows the peculiarities of the regions with respect to the subindexes either in single times or in the dynamic. Two contiguity constraints, one based on the European Western, Southern, Central and Northern geographic areas and one on the level of GDP—taken into account in the computation of the RCI—are also introduced in the models

    Fuzzy clustering of spatial interval-valued data

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    In this paper, two fuzzy clustering methods for spatial intervalvalued data are proposed, i.e. the fuzzy C-Medoids clustering of spatial interval-valued data with and without entropy regularization. Both methods are based on the Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) algorithm, inheriting the great advantage of obtaining non-fictitious representative units for each cluster. In both methods, the units are endowed with a relation of contiguity, represented by a symmetric binary matrix. This can be intended both as contiguity in a physical space and as a more abstract notion of contiguity. The performances of the methods are proved by simulation, testing the methods with different contiguity matrices associated to natural clusters of units. In order to show the effectiveness of the methods in empirical studies, three applications are presented: the clustering of municipalities based on interval-valued pollutants levels, the clustering of European fact-checkers based on interval-valued data on the average number of impressions received by their tweets and the clustering of the residential zones of the city of Rome based on the interval of price values

    Fuzzy clustering of spatial interval-valued data

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    In this paper, two fuzzy clustering methods for spatial interval-valued data are proposed, i.e. the fuzzy C-Medoids clustering of spatial interval-valued data with and without entropy regularization. Both methods are based on the Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) algorithm, inheriting the great advantage of obtaining non-fictitious representative units for each cluster. In both methods, the units are endowed with a relation of contiguity, represented by a symmetric binary matrix. This can be intended both as contiguity in a physical space and as a more abstract notion of contiguity. The performances of the methods are proved by simulation, testing the methods with different contiguity matrices associated to natural clusters of units. In order to show the effectiveness of the methods in empirical studies, three applications are presented: the clustering of municipalities based on interval-valued pollutants levels, the clustering of European fact-checkers based on interval-valued data on the average number of impressions received by their tweets and the clustering of the residential zones of the city of Rome based on the interval of price values
