59,627 research outputs found

    A Taxonomy for Attack Patterns on Information Flows in Component-Based Operating Systems

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    We present a taxonomy and an algebra for attack patterns on component-based operating systems. In a multilevel security scenario, where isolation of partitions containing data at different security classifications is the primary security goal and security breaches are mainly defined as undesired disclosure or modification of classified data, strict control of information flows is the ultimate goal. In order to prevent undesired information flows, we provide a classification of information flow types in a component-based operating system and, by this, possible patterns to attack the system. The systematic consideration of informations flows reveals a specific type of operating system covert channel, the covert physical channel, which connects two former isolated partitions by emitting physical signals into the computer's environment and receiving them at another interface.Comment: 9 page

    Bidifferential Calculus Approach to AKNS Hierarchies and Their Solutions

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    We express AKNS hierarchies, admitting reductions to matrix NLS and matrix mKdV hierarchies, in terms of a bidifferential graded algebra. Application of a universal result in this framework quickly generates an infinite family of exact solutions, including e.g. the matrix solitons in the focusing NLS case. Exploiting a general Miura transformation, we recover the generalized Heisenberg magnet hierarchy and establish a corresponding solution formula for it. Simply by exchanging the roles of the two derivations of the bidifferential graded algebra, we recover "negative flows", leading to an extension of the respective hierarchy. In this way we also meet a matrix and vector version of the short pulse equation and also the sine-Gordon equation. For these equations corresponding solution formulas are also derived. In all these cases the solutions are parametrized in terms of matrix data that have to satisfy a certain Sylvester equation

    Factorization and the Dressing Method for the Gel'fand-Dikii Hierarch

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    The isospectral flows of an nthn^{th} order linear scalar differential operator LL under the hypothesis that it possess a Baker-Akhiezer function were originally investigated by Segal and Wilson from the point of view of infinite dimensional Grassmanians, and the reduction of the KP hierarchy to the Gel'fand-Dikii hierarchy. The associated first order systems and their formal asymptotic solutions have a rich Lie algebraic structure which was investigated by Drinfeld and Sokolov. We investigate the matrix Riemann-Hilbert factorizations for these systems, and show that different factorizations lead respectively to the potential, modified, and ordinary Gel'fand-Dikii flows. Lie algebra decompositions (the Adler-Kostant-Symes method) are obtained for the modified and potential flows. For n>3n>3 the appropriate factorization for the Gel'fand-Dikii flows is not a group factorization, as would be expected; yet a modification of the dressing method still works. A direct proof, based on a Fredholm determinant associated with the factorization problem, is given that the potentials are meromorphic in xx and in the time variables. Potentials with Baker-Akhiezer functions include the multisoliton and rational solutions, as well as potentials in the scattering class with compactly supported scattering data. The latter are dense in the scattering class

    Lax operator algebras and Hamiltonian integrable hierarchies

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    We consider the theory of Lax equations in complex simple and reductive classical Lie algebras with the spectral parameter on a Riemann surface of finite genus. Our approach is based on the new objects -- the Lax operator algebras, and develops the approach of I.Krichever treating the \gl(n) case. For every Lax operator considered as the mapping sending a point of the cotangent bundle on the space of extended Tyrin data to an element of the corresponding Lax operator algebra we construct the hierarchy of mutually commuting flows given by Lax equations and prove that those are Hamiltonian with respect to the Krichever-Phong symplectic structure. The corresponding Hamiltonians give integrable finite-dimensional Hitchin-type systems. For example we derive elliptic AnA_n, CnC_n, DnD_n Calogero-Moser systems in frame of our approach.Comment: 27 page

    Asymptotic Identity in Min-Plus Algebra: A Report on CPNS

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    Network calculus is a theory initiated primarily in computer communication networks, especially in the aspect of real-time communications, where min-plus algebra plays a role. Cyber-physical networking systems (CPNSs) are recently developing fast and models in data flows as well as systems in CPNS are, accordingly, greatly desired. Though min-plus algebra may be a promising tool to linearize any node in CPNS as can be seen from its applications to the Internet computing, there are tough problems remaining unsolved in this regard. The identity in min-plus algebra is one problem we shall address. We shall point out the confusions about the conventional identity in the min-plus algebra and present an analytical expression of the asymptotic identity that may not cause confusions

    Hyper-K{\"a}hler Hierarchies and their twistor theory

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    A twistor construction of the hierarchy associated with the hyper-K\"ahler equations on a metric (the anti-self-dual Einstein vacuum equations, ASDVE, in four dimensions) is given. The recursion operator R is constructed and used to build an infinite-dimensional symmetry algebra and in particular higher flows for the hyper-K\"ahler equations. It is shown that R acts on the twistor data by multiplication with a rational function. The structures are illustrated by the example of the Sparling-Tod (Eguchi-Hansen) solution. An extended space-time N{\cal N} is constructed whose extra dimensions correspond to higher flows of the hierarchy. It is shown that N{\cal N} is a moduli space of rational curves with normal bundle O(n)O(n){\cal O}(n)\oplus{\cal O}(n) in twistor space and is canonically equipped with a Lax distribution for ASDVE hierarchies. The space N{\cal N} is shown to be foliated by four dimensional hyper-K{\"a}hler slices. The Lagrangian, Hamiltonian and bi-Hamiltonian formulations of the ASDVE in the form of the heavenly equations are given. The symplectic form on the moduli space of solutions to heavenly equations is derived, and is shown to be compatible with the recursion operator.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur

    Modular Index Invariants of Mumford Curves

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    We continue an investigation initiated by Consani-Marcolli of the relation between the algebraic geometry of p-adic Mumford curves and the noncommutative geometry of graph C*-algebras associated to the action of the uniformizing p-adic Schottky group on the Bruhat-Tits tree. We reconstruct invariants of Mumford curves related to valuations of generators of the associated Schottky group, by developing a graphical theory for KMS weights on the associated graph C*-algebra, and using modular index theory for KMS weights. We give explicit examples of the construction of graph weights for low genus Mumford curves. We then show that the theta functions of Mumford curves, and the induced currents on the Bruhat-Tits tree, define functions that generalize the graph weights. We show that such inhomogeneous graph weights can be constructed from spectral flows, and that one can reconstruct theta functions from such graphical data