6 research outputs found

    An Agent-based Architecture for AI-Enhanced Automated Testing for XR Systems, a Short Paper

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    This short paper presents an architectural overview of an agent-based framework called iv4XR for automated testing that is currently under development by an H2020 project with the same name. The framework's intended main use case of is testing the family of Extended Reality (XR) based systems (e.g. 3D games, VR sytems, AR systems), though the approach can indeed be adapted to target other types of interactive systems. The framework is unique in that it is an agent-based system. Agents are inherently reactive, and therefore are arguably a natural match to deal with interactive systems. Moreover, it is also a natural vessel for mounting and combining different AI capabilities, e.g. reasoning, navigation, and learning

    A Review on Web Application Testing and its Current Research Directions

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    Testing is an important part of every software development process on which companies devote considerable time and effort. The burgeoning web applications and their proliferating economic significance in the society made the area of web application testing an area of acute importance. The web applications generally tend to take faster and quicker release cycles making their testing very challenging. The main issues in testing are cost efficiency and bug detection efficiency. Coverage-based   testing is the process of ensuring exercise of specific program elements. Coverage measurement helps determine the “thoroughness” of testing achieved. An avalanche of tools, techniques, frameworks came into existence to ascertain the quality of web applications.  A comparative study of some of the prominent tools, techniques and models for web application testing is presented. This work highlights the current research directions of some of the web application testing techniques

    State of the art of a multi-agent based recommender system for active software engineering ontology

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    Software engineering ontology was first developed to provide efficient collaboration and coordination among distributed teams working on related software development projects across the sites. It helped to clarify the software engineering concepts and project information as well as enable knowledge sharing. However, a major challenge of the software engineering ontology users is that they need the competence to access and translate what they are looking for into the concepts and relations described in the ontology; otherwise, they may not be able to obtain required information. In this paper, we propose a conceptual framework of a multi-agent based recommender system to provide active support to access and utilize knowledge and project information in the software engineering ontology. Multi-agent system and semantic-based recommendation approach will be integrated to create collaborative working environment to access and manipulate data from the ontology and perform reasoning as well as generate expert recommendation facilities for dispersed software teams across the sites

    Un lenguaje para especificar pruebas de seguridad de caja negra automatizadas para sistemas Web

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    RESUMEN: El correcto funcionamiento de las plataformas de cómputo que soportan tareas industriales esenciales y actividades estratégicas de gobierno, dependen de la calidad y de la estandarización del proceso de prueba utilizado por los analistas de seguridad. Este proyecto propone una solución al problema de lograr estandarizar el proceso de pruebas de seguridad sobre un TOE (“objetivo de evaluación” o sistema sobre el cual se está realizando la prueba). La solución propuesta está orientada a la realización de pruebas en sistemas Web por ser una necesidad común en la industria y se considera únicamente la técnica de pruebas de caja negra, porque este tipo de escenario es con frecuencia el único disponible cuando el analista de seguridad no tiene acceso al código fuente de la aplicación. Nuestro enfoque está dirigido a soportar un diseño de pruebas basadas en modelos; es decir, el analista de seguridad define el modelo de la prueba y un framework ejecuta una transformación desde el modelo para obtener un conjunto de comandos ejecutables para controlar escaneadores de vulnerabilidades que interactuarán con el TOE para encontrar sus fallos de seguridad. De esta manera, la prueba se hace reutilizable y se obtienen resultados menos dependientes de aspectos subjetivos relacionados a la persona que ejecuta la prueba. En la actualidad es difícil mejorar sistemáticamente un proceso de pruebas de seguridad porque cada analista incide en gran medida en los resultados obtenidos. En cambio, cuando se tiene un proceso más estándar, cada nueva técnica incluida en la herramienta podrá incrementar la calidad de cualquier prueba realizada posteriormente, independientemente del usuario de la herramienta. Como resultado del proyecto, realizamos un análisis comparativo de los trabajos anteriores que abordan técnicas de “pruebas basadas en modelos” que han sido aplicadas en el contexto de la seguridad. Además, desarrollamos un prototipo que soporta múltiples analizadores de vulnerabilidades Web y sugerimos algunas ideas que podrían mejorar su nivel de adopción en la industria. La principal contribución teórica es la definición de un lenguaje visual y textual para modelar pruebas de seguridad. La especificación precisa usando un metamodelo y una gramática permite que los modelos expresados en este lenguaje puedan ser transformados a instrucciones específicas de ejecución para analizadores de vulnerabilidades

    An Agent-Based Framework for Automated Testing of Web-Based Systems

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    An Agent-Based Framework for Automated Testing of Web-Based Systems

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    Parallel to the considerable growth in applications of web-based systems, there are increasing demands for methods and tools to assure their quality. Testing these systems, due to their inherent complexities and special characteristics, is complex, time-consuming and challenging. In this paper a novel multi-agent framework for automated testing of webbased systems is presented. The main design goals have been to develop an effective and flexible framework that supports different types of tests and utilize different sources of information about the system under test to automate the test process. A prototype of the proposed framework has been implemented and is used to perform some experiments. The results are promising and prove the overall design of the framework