4 research outputs found

    Raising agents: sources of human social intelligence

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    This paper urges that if we wish to give social intelligence to our agents, it pays to look at how we acquired our social intelligence ourselves. Our drives and motives are innate and deeply social. Next, as children we are social-ized to acquire norms and values. This motivational and group-based life is the core of our being in the real world. As a consequence, economic rationality or logical reasoning will only take agents so far when it comes to social intelli-gence. In order to advance our understanding of social intelligence, and to build socially versatile agents, we need to complement our attention for the ‘what’ and ‘how’ with attention for the ‘why’ and ‘with whom’. Basic features of our social behaviour, of the kind that one sees early in the lives of children, need to be prominent. These include basic drives, such as avoidance and fear, approach and love, aggression when thwarted. They also include recognizing distinctions relevant to those drives, such as big and small, good and bad. They extend to the combination of these basic drives with basic social clues from the environ-ment, leading agents to differentially respond to inferred attributes such as gen-der, age, group membership. This level of universality in social intelligence should receive our full attention. The general insights gained can then be re-used in myriad implementations to specific modelling issues

    An Agent Model for the Appraisal of Normative Events Based in In-Group and Out-Group Relations

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    Emotional synthetic characters are able to evaluate (appraise) events as positive or negative with their emotional states being triggered by several factors. Currently, the vast majority of  models for appraisal in synthetic characters consider factors related to the goals and preferences of the characters. We argue that appraisals that only take into consideration these "personal" factors are incomplete as other more social factors, such as the normative and the social context, including in-group and out-group relations, should be considered as well. Without them, moral emotions such as shame cannot be appraised, limiting the believability of the characters in certain situations. We present a model for the appraisal of characters' actions that evaluates whether actions by in-group and out-group members which conform, or not, to social norms generate different emotions depending on the social relations between the characters. The model was then implemented in an architecture for virtual agents and evaluated with humans. Results suggest that the emotions generated by our model are perceived by the participants, taking into account the social context and that participants experienced very similar emotions, both in type and intensity, to the emotions appraised and generated by the characters

    Extensión de Jason para implementar agentes normativos emocionales

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    [ES] La mayoría de las decisiones que toman las personas, incluidas las económicas, se basan en gran medida en consideraciones normativo-afectivas, no solo en lo que respecta a la selección de objetivos, sino también de los medios. Sin embargo, aunque las emociones son inherentes al comportamiento humano y también son relevantes cuando se trata de los procesos de toma de decisiones, la relación entre normas y emociones apenas se ha considerado en el campo (o bien área) de los sistemas multiagente, y la mayoría de los sistemas multiagentes normativos no las toman en cuenta como una variable para su cálculo. Así, muchos sistemas normativos modelan agentes que realizan el razonamiento práctico sin tener en cuenta las emociones del agente. Dentro de este marco, este trabajo de fin de grado propone una extensión del lenguaje de programación de sistemas multiagente Jason, que permita implementar un agente normativo emocional (NEA) capaz de manejar tanto normas como emociones. Para ello, se analizan las ventajas de incluir emociones dentro de un sistema normativo y cómo las emociones y las normas se afectan entre sí. En este trabajo se realiza una revisión del trabajo realizado en este campo hasta ahora y se presenta una propuesta de un modelo normativo y emocional propios, que se implementa como una extensión en Jason y por último se presenta un caso de estudio sencillo para mostrar las aportaciones de los agentes NEA.[CA] La majoria de les decisions que prenen les persones incloses les econòmiques, es basen en gran mesura en consideracions normatiu-afectives, no només pel que respecta a la selecció d’objectius, sinó també dels mitjans. No obstant això, encara que les emocions són inherents al comportament humà i també són rellevants quan es tracta dels processos de presa de decisions, la relació entre normes i emocions gairebé no s’ha considerat en el camp (o bé àrea) dels sistemes multiagent, i la majoria dels sistemes multiagents normatius no les tenen en compte com una variable per al seu càlcul. Així, molts sistemes normatius modelen agents que realitzen el raonament pràctic sense tenir en compte les emocions de l’agent. Dins d’aquest marc, aquest treball de fi de grau proposa una extensió del llenguatge de programació de sistemes multiagent Jason, que permeti implementar un agent normatiu emocional (NEA) capaç de manejar tant normes com emocions. Per a això, s’analitzen els avantatges d’incloure emocions dins d’un sistema normatiu i com les emocions i les normes s’afecten entre si. En aquest treball es realitza una revisió de la teball fet en aquest camp fins ara i es presenta una proposta d’un model normatiu i emocional propis, que s’implementa com una extensió en Jason i finalment es presenta un cas d’estudi senzill per mostrar les aportacions dels agents NEA.[EN] Most people’s choices, including economic ones, are largely based on normative-affective considerations, not only with regard to the selection of goals but also of means. However, although emotions are inherent in human behavior, and they are also relevant when dealing with the decision-making processes, the relationship between norms and emotions has hardly been considered in the multiagent field, and most normative multi-agent systems do not take emotions into account, as a variable for their computation. Thus, many normative systems model agents that perform practical reasoning without taking into account the emotions of the agent. Within this framework, this end-of-degree project proposes an extension for the multiagent system programming language Jason, that will allow the implementation of an emotional normative agent (NEA) capable of dealing with both norms and emotions. To do this, we analyze the advantages of including emotions within a normative system and how emotions and norms affect each other. In this work, a review of the work done so far in this field is carried out, and we present a proposal for a normative model as well as an emotional model, which is implemented as an extension in Jason and finally a simple case study is presented to show the contributions of NEA agents.Lliguin León, KY. (2019). Extensión de Jason para implementar agentes normativos emocionales. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/128197TFG