2,600 research outputs found

    Fratricide: defective decision making

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    Motivation – to explore the applicability of a Human Factors methodology for the investigation of fratricide. Research approach – The EAST methodology was used to analyse an incident of fratricide and its ability to explore the Famous Five of Fratricide (F3) model was investigated. Findings/Design – the analysis revealed that EAST was able to provide explicit discussion of the Famous Five of Fratricide (F3) models five causal factors of communication, cooperation, coordination, schemata and situation awareness. Research limitations/Implications – the research explored a single case study and as such is couched at the initial phases of investigation. Originality/Value – the analysis provides a contribution to the knowledge urrounding fratricide both with respect to the novel application of the EAST methodology to an incident of fratricide, and also the causal factors identified by EAST within the fratricide incident. Take away message – the EAST methodology provides an innovative way of exploring causality in incidents of fratricide<br/

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 349)

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    This bibliography lists 149 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information System during April, 1991. Subject coverage includes: aerospace medicine and psychology, life support systems and controlled environments, safety equipment, exobiology and extraterrestrial life, and flight crew behavior and performance

    Pilot Your Life Decisively for Well-Being and Flourishing

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    I have been a pilot, aviation instructor and FAA Pilot Examiner for over 40 years. Aviation requires a “pilot in command” mindset consistent with the tenets of positive psychology. This paper explains and advocates for this daily empowered, adaptive decision making process used by pilots in aviation as a necessary life skill to eliminate mind wandering and disengagement and optimize human performance consistent with the goals of positive psychology. Exploring the concepts of “pilot-in-command” (decisive control and self-efficacy) and “situational awareness” (alert mental functioning) I will offer techniques and suggestions for developing and deploying these critical skills in everyday life. I will examine the heuristic-based, “fast and frugal” (time and data limited) decision-making used every day in aviation and apply this to life for optimal performance and flourishing for individual lives and organizational effectiveness

    Towards an Expert System for the Analysis of Computer Aided Human Performance

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    Heaven to Earth : an empirical, phenomenological, and theological contribution to understanding Canadian fighter pilot air-to-ground combat experiences

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    Entre le 30 octobre 2014 et le 15 février 2016, des pilotes de chasse des avions CF-18 ont procédé à 251 frappes aériennes contre des cibles en Irak et en Syrie pour soutenir la campagne aérienne de la coalition internationale, Opération IMPACT. Vulnérables à une combinaison de facteurs de stress uniques associés aux combats air-sol, les pilotes de chasse ont également été exposés à des accusations portées contre eux par les médias canadiens qui remettaient en question leur intégrité morale à cause de violences commises contre des victimes civiles. Aucune recherche à ce jour n'a été menée spécifiquement sur les expériences de combat des pilotes de chasse et les conséquences de ces expériences sur leur bien-être. Située au carrefour des sciences humaines et de la théologie, notre enquête a été guidée par la question de recherche suivante : Quelles réflexions sur les expériences de combat air-sol des pilotes de chasse canadiens aideraient les intervenants militaires à prendre des décisions qui contribueraient au bien-être des pilotes alors que ceux-ci se préparent au combat et participent à de futures campagnes aériennes ? L’approche de recherche. Le chercheur, un aumônier militaire, a interviewé six pilotes de chasse des avions CF-18 stationnés à la base des Forces canadiennes de Bagotville qui ont participé à l'opération IMPACT. Six entretiens avec ces pilotes sont devenus le corpus des pilotes. En utilisant une approche qui relève de la phénoménologie et se situe dans la tradition de la recherche qualitative, le sens attribué par les pilotes à leur expérience de combat a été analysé d’abord au moyen d’une lecture empathique, puis au moyen d’une lecture critique du corpus des entrevues. À partir de cette analyse, le stress et le diptyque honneur / honte ont été identifiés, respectivement, comme les phénomènes clés pour l'interprétation des expériences vécues de ces pilotes. Puisque le stress et l'honneur / la honte sont des expériences communes à toute l'humanité, la compréhension de ces phénomènes s'est enrichie grâce à l'analyse d'un corpus littéraire théologique appartenant au passé. Le corpus des évangiles, composé des quatre évangiles du canon du Nouveau Testament, fournit un récit illustrant la vie et la vision du monde de Jésus-Christ et d'autres personnages bibliques. Des exemples de phénomènes de stress et d'honneur/ honte ont été identifiés dans le corpus des évangiles et interprétés selon une approche textuelle, sociologique et basée sur l’expérience. Par la suite, deux épisodes spécifiques de l’évangile de Luc, Luc 7. 36 à 50 et Luc 15. 11 à 32, ont été analysés plus en profondeur. Conclusions. À partir de l'analyse du corpus pilote et du corpus théologique, nous avons tenté d’établir un dialogue interprétatif entre les sciences humaines et la tradition chrétienne. Suite à cette discussion, notre compréhension de l’expérience des phénomènes de l’honneur et de la honte par des personnages bibliques a été enrichie. De plus, nous avons pu formuler des recommandations en vue de la création de politiques et de pratiques qui pourraient améliorer le bien-être des pilotes de chasse alors qu’ils se préparent au combat et participent à de futures campagnes aériennes.Between 30 October 2014 and 15 February 2016, CF-18 fighter pilots conducted 251 air strikes over Iraq and Syria in support of the coalition air campaign Operation IMPACT. Vulnerable to a combination of unique stressors associated with air-to-ground combat, fighterpilots were also exposed to Canadian media accusations of moral violations resulting from civilian casualties. No research to date has been conducted specifically on combat experiences and the well-being of active fighter pilots. Situated at the crossroads of human sciences and theology, this inquiry is guided by the following research question: What theological insights into Canadian fighter pilot air-to-ground combat experiences would help military stakeholders make decisions contributing to pilot well-being as pilots prepare for and participate in future air campaigns? Research Approach. The researcher, a military chaplain, interviewed six CF-18 fighter pilots stationed at Canadian Forces Base Bagotville who supported Operation IMPACT. Six transcribed pilot interviews became the pilot corpus analyzed for this inquiry. Using a multi-method approach within the phenomenological genre of the qualitative research tradition, the meaning pilots attributed to their combat experience was analyzed first, by an empathic reading, then by a critical reading of the pilot corpus. From this analysis, stress and the diptych honour/shame were identified, respectively, as the key phenomena to interpreting pilot combat experiences. Since stress and honour/shame are universal to all humanity, an understanding of these phenomena was enriched through an analysis of a theological corpus of literature from the past. The gospel corpus, comprised of the four gospel accounts within the canon of the New Testament, provided an account of the life-world of Jesus Christ and other biblical characters. Examples of the phenomena of stress and honour/shame were identified in the gospel corpus and interpreted using a textual, sociological, and experiential orientation. Two specific episodes, Luke 7:36-50 and Luke 15:11-32, were then analyzed in more depth. Conclusions. From the analysis of the pilot corpus and the analysis of the gospel corpus, an interpretive dialogue between the human sciences and the Christian tradition was undertaken. As a result of this discussion, our understanding of honour/shame experienced by biblical characters is enriched. In addition, recommendations are offered to assist in the formulation of policies and practices that will improve the well-being of our CF-18 fighter pilots as they prepare for and participate in future air campaigns

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 368)

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    This bibliography lists 305 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information System during Sep. 1992. The subject coverage concentrates on the biological, physiological, psychological, and environmental effects to which humans are subjected during and following simulated or actual flight in the Earth's atmosphere or in interplanetary space. References describing similar effects on biological organisms of lower order are also included. Such related topics as sanitary problems, pharmacology, toxicology, safety and survival, life support systems, exobiology, and personnel factors receive appropriate attention. Applied research receives the most emphasis, but references to fundamental studies and theoretical principles related to experimental development also qualify for inclusion

    An Integrated Agent Model Addressing Situation Awareness and Functional State in Decision Making

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    In this paper, an integrated agent model is introduced addressing mutually interacting Situation Awareness and Functional State dynamics in decision making. This shows how a human's functional state, more specific a human's exhaustion and power, can influence a human's situation awareness, and in turn the decision making. The model is illustrated by a number of simulation scenarios. © 2011 Springer-Verlag

    Military Innovation in the Third Age of U.S. Unmanned Aviation, 1991–2015

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    Military innovation studies have largely relied on monocausal accounts—rationalism, institutionalism, or culture—to explain technologically innovative and adaptive outcomes in defense organizations. None of these perspectives alone provided a compelling explanation for the adoption outcomes of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the U.S. military from 1991 to 2015. Two questions motivated this research: Why, despite abundant material resources, mature technology, and operational need, are the most-capable UAVs not in the inventory across the services? What accounts for variations and patterns in UAV innovation adoption? The study selected ten UAV program episodes from the Air Force and Navy, categorized as high-, medium-, and low-end cases, for within-case and cross-case analysis. Primary and secondary sources, plus interviews, enabled process tracing across episodes. The results showed a pattern of adoption or rejection based on a logic-of-utility effectiveness and consistent resource availability: a military problem to solve, and a capability gap in threats or tasks and consistent monetary capacity; furthermore, ideational factors strengthened or weakened adoption. In conclusion, the study undermines single-perspective arguments as sole determinants of innovation, reveals that military culture is not monolithic in determining outcomes, and demonstrates that civil-military relationships no longer operate where civilian leaders hold inordinate sway over military institutions.Lieutenant Colonel, United States Air ForceApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Aeronautical Engineering: A special bibliography with indexes, supplement 69

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    This bibliography lists 305 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in March 1976
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