2,081 research outputs found

    FAST Copper for Broadband Access

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    FAST Copper is a multi-year, U.S. NSF funded project that started in 2004, and is jointly pursued by the research groups of Mung Chiang at Princeton University, John Cioffi at Stanford University, and Alexander Fraser at Fraser Research Lab, and in collaboration with several industrial partners including AT&T. The goal of the FAST Copper Project is to provide ubiquitous, 100 Mbps, fiber/DSL broadband access to everyone in the US with a phone line. This goal will be achieved through two threads of research: dynamic and joint optimization of resources in Frequency, Amplitude, Space, and Time (thus the name 'FAST') to overcome the attenuation and crosstalk bottlenecks, and the integration of communication, networking, computation, modeling, and distributed information management and control for the multi-user twisted pair network

    Cross-layer design of multi-hop wireless networks

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    MULTI -hop wireless networks are usually defined as a collection of nodes equipped with radio transmitters, which not only have the capability to communicate each other in a multi-hop fashion, but also to route each others’ data packets. The distributed nature of such networks makes them suitable for a variety of applications where there are no assumed reliable central entities, or controllers, and may significantly improve the scalability issues of conventional single-hop wireless networks. This Ph.D. dissertation mainly investigates two aspects of the research issues related to the efficient multi-hop wireless networks design, namely: (a) network protocols and (b) network management, both in cross-layer design paradigms to ensure the notion of service quality, such as quality of service (QoS) in wireless mesh networks (WMNs) for backhaul applications and quality of information (QoI) in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) for sensing tasks. Throughout the presentation of this Ph.D. dissertation, different network settings are used as illustrative examples, however the proposed algorithms, methodologies, protocols, and models are not restricted in the considered networks, but rather have wide applicability. First, this dissertation proposes a cross-layer design framework integrating a distributed proportional-fair scheduler and a QoS routing algorithm, while using WMNs as an illustrative example. The proposed approach has significant performance gain compared with other network protocols. Second, this dissertation proposes a generic admission control methodology for any packet network, wired and wireless, by modeling the network as a black box, and using a generic mathematical 0. Abstract 3 function and Taylor expansion to capture the admission impact. Third, this dissertation further enhances the previous designs by proposing a negotiation process, to bridge the applications’ service quality demands and the resource management, while using WSNs as an illustrative example. This approach allows the negotiation among different service classes and WSN resource allocations to reach the optimal operational status. Finally, the guarantees of the service quality are extended to the environment of multiple, disconnected, mobile subnetworks, where the question of how to maintain communications using dynamically controlled, unmanned data ferries is investigated


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    Wimax is wireless digital communication system which is intended for wireless Metropolitan area networks. Wimax standsfor worldwide interoperability for microwave access. Wimax Technology enables ubiquitous delivery of wireless broadbandservice for fixed and or mobile users. An IEEE 802.16 wireless system can provide broadband wireless access to subscriberstations and operate in mesh mode. The communication between a subscriber station and a base station can pass through oneor more intermediate subscriber stations. The IEEE 802.16 standard provides a centralized scheduling mechanism thatsupports contention-free and resource-guarantee transmission services in mesh mode. This paper show how MAC schedulingarchitecture is emphasized for IEEE 802.16 standards.Keywords: MAC, QoS class scheduling, IEEE 802.16, WiMax, Network

    Energy-Optimal Scheduling in Low Duty Cycle Sensor Networks

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    Energy consumption of a wireless sensor node mainly depends on the amount of time the node spends in each of the high power active (e.g., transmit, receive) and low power sleep modes. It has been well established that in order to prolong node's lifetime the duty-cycle of the node should be low. However, low power sleep modes usually have low current draw but high energy cost while switching to the active mode with a higher current draw. In this work, we investigate a MaxWeightlike opportunistic sleep-active scheduling algorithm that takes into account time- varying channel and traffic conditions. We show that our algorithm is energy optimal in the sense that the proposed ESS algorithm can achieve an energy consumption which is arbitrarily close to the global minimum solution. Simulation studies are provided to confirm the theoretical results

    A Survey of Scheduling in 5G URLLC and Outlook for Emerging 6G Systems

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    Future wireless communication is expected to be a paradigm shift from three basic service requirements of 5th Generation (5G) including enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), Ultra Reliable and Low Latency communication (URLLC) and the massive Machine Type Communication (mMTC). Integration of the three heterogeneous services into a single system is a challenging task. The integration includes several design issues including scheduling network resources with various services. Specially, scheduling the URLLC packets with eMBB and mMTC packets need more attention as it is a promising service of 5G and beyond systems. It needs to meet stringent Quality of Service (QoS) requirements and is used in time-critical applications. Thus through understanding of packet scheduling issues in existing system and potential future challenges is necessary. This paper surveys the potential works that addresses the packet scheduling algorithms for 5G and beyond systems in recent years. It provides state of the art review covering three main perspectives such as decentralised, centralised and joint scheduling techniques. The conventional decentralised algorithms are discussed first followed by the centralised algorithms with specific focus on single and multi-connected network perspective. Joint scheduling algorithms are also discussed in details. In order to provide an in-depth understanding of the key scheduling approaches, the performances of some prominent scheduling algorithms are evaluated and analysed. This paper also provides an insight into the potential challenges and future research directions from the scheduling perspective

    Group Scheduling in SELinux to Mitigate CPU-Focused Denial of Service Attacks

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    Popular security techniques such as public-private key encryption, firewalls, and role-based access control offer significant protec-tion of system data, but offer only limited protection of the computations using that data from significant interference due to accident or adversarial attack. However, in an increasing number of modern systems, ensuring the reliable execution of system activities is every bit as important as ensuring data security. This paper makes three contributions to the state of the art in protection of the execution of system activities from accidental or adversarial interference. First, we consider the motivating problem of CPU-focused denial of service attacks, and explain how limitations of current approaches to these kinds of attacks make it difficult to offer sufficiently rigorous and fine-grained assurances of protection for the execution of system computations. Second, we describe a novel solution approach in which we have integrated fine-grained scheduling decision functions with system call hooks from the Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux) framework within the Linux 2.6 kernel. Third, we present empirical evaluations of the efficacy of our approach in controlling the CPU utilization of competing greedy computations that are either completely CPU bound, or that interleave I/O and CPU access, across a range of relative allocations of the CPU