14 research outputs found

    Semiring neighbours

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    In 1996 Zhou and Hansen proposed a first-order interval logic called Neighbourhood Logic (NL) for specifying liveness and fairness of computing systems and also defining notions of real analysis in terms of expanding modalities. After that, Roy and Zhou presented a sound and relatively complete Duration Calculus as an extension of NL. We present an embedding of NL into an idempotent semiring of intervals. This embedding allows us to extend NL from single intervals to sets of intervals as well as to extend the approach to arbitrary idempotent semirings. We show that most of the required properties follow directly from Galois connections, hence we get the properties for free. As one important result we get that some of the axioms which were postulated for NL can be dropped since they are theorems in our generalisation. Furthermore, we present some possible interpretations for neighbours beyond intervals. Here we discuss for example reachability in graphs and applications to hybrid systems. At the end of the paper we add finite and infinite iteration to NL and extend idempotent semirigs to Kleene algebras and omega algebras. These extensions are useful for formulating repetitive properties and procedures like loops

    A sequent calculus for signed interval logic

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    We propose and discuss a complete sequent calculus formulation for Signed Interval Logic (SIL) with the chief purpose of improving proof support for SIL in practice. The main theoretical result is a simple characterization of the limit between decidability and undecidability of quantifier-free SIL. We present a mechanization of SIL in the generic proof assistant Isabelle and consider techniques for automated reasoning. Many of the results and ideas of this report are also applicable to traditional (non-signed) interval logic and, hence, to Duration Calculus.

    Temporalized logics and automata for time granularity

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    Suitable extensions of the monadic second-order theory of k successors have been proposed in the literature to capture the notion of time granularity. In this paper, we provide the monadic second-order theories of downward unbounded layered structures, which are infinitely refinable structures consisting of a coarsest domain and an infinite number of finer and finer domains, and of upward unbounded layered structures, which consist of a finest domain and an infinite number of coarser and coarser domains, with expressively complete and elementarily decidable temporal logic counterparts. We obtain such a result in two steps. First, we define a new class of combined automata, called temporalized automata, which can be proved to be the automata-theoretic counterpart of temporalized logics, and show that relevant properties, such as closure under Boolean operations, decidability, and expressive equivalence with respect to temporal logics, transfer from component automata to temporalized ones. Then, we exploit the correspondence between temporalized logics and automata to reduce the task of finding the temporal logic counterparts of the given theories of time granularity to the easier one of finding temporalized automata counterparts of them.Comment: Journal: Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Journal Acronym: TPLP Category: Paper for Special Issue (Verification and Computational Logic) Submitted: 18 March 2002, revised: 14 Januari 2003, accepted: 5 September 200

    Probabilistic Interval Temporal Logic and Duration Calculus with Infinite Intervals: Complete Proof Systems

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    The paper presents probabilistic extensions of interval temporal logic (ITL) and duration calculus (DC) with infinite intervals and complete Hilbert-style proof systems for them. The completeness results are a strong completeness theorem for the system of probabilistic ITL with respect to an abstract semantics and a relative completeness theorem for the system of probabilistic DC with respect to real-time semantics. The proposed systems subsume probabilistic real-time DC as known from the literature. A correspondence between the proposed systems and a system of probabilistic interval temporal logic with finite intervals and expanding modalities is established too.Comment: 43 page

    Crossing the Undecidability Border with Extensions of Propositional Neighborhood Logic over Natural Numbers

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    Propositional Neighborhood Logic (PNL) is an interval temporal logic featuring two modalities corresponding to the relations of right and left neighborhood between two intervals on a linear order (in terms of Allen's relations, meets and met by). Recently, it has been shown that PNL interpreted over several classes of linear orders, including natural numbers, is decidable (NEXPTIME-complete) and that some of its natural extensions preserve decidability. Most notably, this is the case with PNL over natural numbers extended with a limited form of metric constraints and with the future fragment of PNL extended with modal operators corresponding to Allen's relations begins, begun by, and before. This paper aims at demonstrating that PNL and its metric version MPNL, interpreted over natural numbers, are indeed very close to the border with undecidability, and even relatively weak extensions of them become undecidable. In particular, we show that (i) the addition of binders on integer variables ranging over interval lengths makes the resulting hybrid extension of MPNL undecidable, and (ii) a very weak first-order extension of the future fragment of PNL, obtained by replacing proposition letters by a restricted subclass of first-order formulae where only one variable is allowed, is undecidable (in contrast with the decidability of similar first-order extensions of point-based temporal logics)


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    A classic result by Stockmeyer [Sto74] gives a non-elementary lower bound to the emptiness problem for generalized ∗-free regular expressions. This result is intimately connected to the satisfiability problem for the interval temporal logic of the chop modality under the homogeneity assumption [HMM83]. The chop modality can indeed be viewed as the inverse of the concatenation operator of regular languages, and such a correspondence enables reductions between the two problems. In this paper, we study the complexity of the satisfiability problem for suitable weakenings of the chop interval temporal logic, that can be equivalently viewed as fragments of Halpern and Shoham interval logic. We first introduce the logic BDhom featuring modalities B (for begins), corresponding to the prefix relation on pairs of intervals, and D (for during), corresponding to the infix relation, whose satisfiability problem, under the homogeneity assumption, has been recently shown to be PSpace-complete [BMPS21b]. The homogeneous models of BDhom naturally correspond to languages defined by restricted forms of generalized *-free regular expressions, that feature operators for union, complementation, and the inverses of the prefix and infix relations. Then, we study the extension of BDhom with the temporal neighborhood modality A, corresponding to the Allen relation Meets, and prove that such an addition increases both the expressiveness and the complexity of the logic. In particular, we show that the resulting logic BDAhom is ExpSpace-complete

    The addition of temporal neighborhood makes the logic of prefixes and sub-intervals EXPSPACE-complete

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    A classic result by Stockmeyer gives a non-elementary lower bound to the emptiness problem for star-free generalized regular expressions. This result is intimately connected to the satisfiability problem for interval temporal logic, notably for formulas that make use of the so-called chop operator. Such an operator can indeed be interpreted as the inverse of the concatenation operation on regular languages, and this correspondence enables reductions between non-emptiness of star-free generalized regular expressions and satisfiability of formulas of the interval temporal logic of chop under the homogeneity assumption. In this paper, we study the complexity of the satisfiability problem for suitable weakenings of the chop interval temporal logic, that can be equivalently viewed as fragments of Halpern and Shoham interval logic. We first consider the logic BDhom\mathsf{BD}_{hom} featuring modalities BB, for \emph{begins}, corresponding to the prefix relation on pairs of intervals, and DD, for \emph{during}, corresponding to the infix relation. The homogeneous models of BDhom\mathsf{BD}_{hom} naturally correspond to languages defined by restricted forms of regular expressions, that use union, complementation, and the inverses of the prefix and infix relations. Such a fragment has been recently shown to be PSPACE-complete . In this paper, we study the extension BDhom\mathsf{BD}_{hom} with the temporal neighborhood modality AA (corresponding to the Allen relation \emph{Meets}), and prove that it increases both its expressiveness and complexity. In particular, we show that the resulting logic BDAhom\mathsf{BDA}_{hom} is EXPSPACE-complete.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2109.0832

    A general tableau method for propositional interval temporal logics: Theory and implementation

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    In this paper, we focus our attention on tableau methods for propositional interval temporal logics. These logics provide a natural framework for representing and reasoning about temporal properties in several areas of computer science. However, while various tableau methods have been developed for linear and branching time point-based temporal logics, not much work has been done on tableau methods for interval-based ones. We develop a general tableau method for Venema’s CDT logic interpreted over partial orders (BCDT+ for short). It combines features of the classical tableau method for first-order logic with those of explicit tableau methods for modal logics with constraint label management, and it can be easily tailored to most propositional interval temporal logics proposed in the literature. We prove its soundness and completeness, and we show how it has been implemented

    IFM2005 doctoral symposium on integrated formal methods, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 29, 2005

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