19 research outputs found

    Last Bank: dealing with address reuse in non-uniform cache architecture for CMPs

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    In response to the constant increase in wire delays, Non-Uniform Cache Architecture (NUCA) has been introduced as an effective memory model for dealing with growing memory latencies. This architecture divides a large memory cache into smaller banks that can be accessed independently. Banks close to the cache controller therefore have a faster response time than banks located farther away from it. In this paper, we propose and analyse the insertion of an additional bank into the NUCA cache. This is called Last Bank. This extra bank deals with data blocks that have been evicted from the other banks in the NUCA cache. Furthermore, we analyse the behaviour of the cache line replacements done in the NUCA cache and propose two optimisations of Last Bank that provide significant performance benefits without incurring unaffordable implementation costs.Preprin

    QoS Driven Coordinated Management of Resources to Save Energy in Multi-Core Systems

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    Reducing the energy consumption of computing systems is a necessary endeavor. However, saving energy should not come at the expense of degrading user experience. To this end, in this thesis, we assume that applications running on multi-core processors are associated with a quality-of-service (QoS) target in terms of performance constraints. This way, hardware resources can be throttled to minimize energy expenditure without violating the QoS requirements. Typical resource management schemes control different resources such as processor cores and on-chip cache memory independently. These approaches are not effective under performance constraints for all applications. Therefore, this thesis presents multi-core resource management schemes that coordinately control several resources in a unified algorithm. This way, the resource manger can find trade-offs between resource allocations to different applications to reduce system-level energy consumption, while still meeting the QoS targets expressed as performance constraints for every application. Implementing a coordinated resource management scheme that dynamically adapts to varying run time behavior of a multi-programmed workload without any prior knowledge about the applications is a challenging task. Two different schemes are presented in this thesis to address this challenge. Both schemes are invoked at regular intervals during program execution. They employ simple and, yet, sufficiently accurate analytical models and a novel hardware technique to predict the effect of different resource allocations on performance and energy for each application. Using a heuristic method, the multi-dimensional system configuration space is pruned in several levels to find the optimum resource settings, with respect to energy efficiency, in a negligible time. In the first scheme a resource management algorithm is presented that coordinates the control of voltage-frequency (VF) of each processor core with partitioning of the on-chip cache space. In the second scheme, a re-configurable processor is considered in which sections of the core micro-architectural resources can be dynamically deactivated to save energy. The resource manager can reactivate these sections, at the proper time, to increase instruction and memory level parallelism (ILP/MLP). This introduces new trade-offs between processor core size, VF settings, and the allocation of cache space for each application. By exploiting these trade-offs, the second scheme improves the energy savings compared to the first scheme considerably. The proposed schemes are evaluated using a novel simulation framework. This framework estimates the effect of different resource management algorithms on full execution of benchmark applications in a multi-programmed workload. According to the experimental results, the proposed schemes can save up to 18% of system energy while respecting the performance constraints of all applications. The average energy savings are 6% and 10% with the first and second schemes, respectively. Further experiments on the first scheme shows that energy savings can potentially improve up to 29% if the users can tolerate a bounded reduction in performance that leads to 40% longer execution time

    Jenga: Harnessing Heterogeneous Memories through Reconfigurable Cache Hierarchies

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    Conventional memory systems are organized as a rigid hierarchy, with multiple levels of progressively larger and slower memories. Hierarchy allows a simple, fixed design to benefit a wide range of applications, because working sets settle at the smallest (and fastest) level they fit in. However, rigid hierarchies also cause significant overheads, because each level adds latency and energy even when it does not capture the working set. In emerging systems with heterogeneous memory technologies such as stacked DRAM, these overheads often limit performance and efficiency. We propose Jenga, a reconfigurable cache hierarchy that avoids these pathologies and approaches the performance of a hierarchy optimized for each application. Jenga monitors application behavior and dynamically builds virtual cache hierarchies out of heterogeneous, distributed cache banks. Jenga uses simple hardware support and a novel software runtime to configure virtual cache hierarchies. On a 36-core CMP with a 1 GB stacked-DRAM cache, Jenga outperforms a combination of state-of-the-art techniques by 10% on average and by up to 36%, and does so while saving energy, improving system-wide energy-delay product by 29% on average and by up to 96%

    Coordinated management of DVFS and cache partitioning under QoS constraints to save energy in multi-core systems

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    Reducing the energy expended to carry out a computational task is important. In this work, we explore the prospects of meeting Quality-of-Service requirements of tasks on a multi-core system while adjusting resources to expend a minimum of energy. This paper considers, for the first time, a QoS-driven coordinated resource management algorithm (RMA) that dynamically adjusts the size of the per-core last-level cache partitions and the per-core voltage–frequency settings to save energy while respecting QoS requirements of every application in multi-programmed workloads run on multi-core systems. It does so by doing configuration-space exploration across the spectrum of LLC partition sizes and Dynamic Voltage–Frequency Scaling (DVFS) settings at runtime at negligible overhead. We show that the energy of 4-core and 8-core systems can be reduced by up to 18% and 14%, respectively, compared to a baseline with even distribution of cache resources and a fixed mid-range core voltage–frequency setting. The energy savings can potentially reach 29% if the QoS targets are relaxed to 40% longer execution time

    An Adaptive Shared/Private NUCA Cache Partitioning Scheme for Chip Multiprocessors

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    Jigsaw: Scalable Software-Defined Caches (Extended Version)

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    Shared last-level caches, widely used in chip-multiprocessors (CMPs), face two fundamental limitations. First, the latency and energy of shared caches degrade as the system scales up. Second, when multiple workloads share the CMP, they suffer from interference in shared cache accesses. Unfortunately, prior research addressing one issue either ignores or worsens the other: NUCA techniques reduce access latency but are prone to hotspots and interference, and cache partitioning techniques only provide isolation but do not reduce access latency. We present Jigsaw, a technique that jointly addresses the scalability and interference problems of shared caches. Hardware lets software define shares, collections of cache bank partitions that act as virtual caches, and map data to shares. Shares give software full control over both data placement and capacity allocation. Jigsaw implements efficient hardware support for share management, monitoring, and adaptation. We propose novel resource-management algorithms and use them to develop a system-level runtime that leverages Jigsaw to both maximize cache utilization and place data close to where it is used. We evaluate Jigsaw using extensive simulations of 16- and 64-core tiled CMPs. Jigsaw improves performance by up to 2.2x (18% avg) over a conventional shared cache, and significantly outperforms state-of-the-art NUCA and partitioning techniques.This work was supported in part by DARPA PERFECT contract HR0011-13-2-0005 and Quanta Computer

    Reactive NUCA: Near-Optimal Block Placement and Replication in Distributed Caches

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    Increases in on-chip communication delay and the large working sets of server and scientific workloads complicate the design of the on-chip last- level cache for multicore processors. The large working sets favor a shared cache design that maximizes the aggregate cache capacity and minimizes off-chip memory requests. At the same time, the growing on-chip communication delay favors core-private caches that replicate data to minimize delays on global wires. Recent hybrid proposals offer lower average latency than conventional designs, but they address the placement requirements of only a subset of the data accessed by the application, require complex lookup and coherence mechanisms that increase latency, or fail to scale to high core counts. In this work, we observe that the cache access patterns of a range of server and scientific workloads can be classified into distinct classes, where each class is amenable to different block placement policies. Based on this observation, we propose Reactive NUCA (R- NUCA), a distributed cache design which reacts to the class of each cache access and places blocks at the appropriate location in the cache. R-NUCA cooperates with the operating system to support intelligent placement, migration, and replication without the overhead of an explicit coherence mechanism for the on-chip last-level cache. In a range of server, scientific, and multi-programmed workloads, R-NUCA matches the performance of the best cache design for each workload, improving performance by 14% on average over competing designs and by 32% at best, while achieving performance within 5% of an ideal cache design

    Hybrid Caching for Chip Multiprocessors Using Compiler-Based Data Classification

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    The high performance delivered by modern computer system keeps scaling with an increasingnumber of processors connected using distributed network on-chip. As a result, memory accesslatency, largely dominated by remote data cache access and inter-processor communication, is becoming a critical performance bottleneck. To release this problem, it is necessary to localize data access as much as possible while keep efficient on-chip cache memory utilization. Achieving this however, is application dependent and needs a keen insight into the memory access characteristics of the applications. This thesis demonstrates how using fairly simple thus inexpensive compiler analysis memory accesses can be classified into private data access and shared data access. In addition, we introduce a third classification named probably private access and demonstrate the impact of this category compared to traditional private and shared memory classification. The memory access classification information from the compiler analysis is then provided to the runtime system through a modified memory allocator and page table to facilitate a hybrid private-shared caching technique. The hybrid cache mechanism is aware of different data access classification and adopts appropriate placement and search policies accordingly to improve performance. Our analysis demonstrates that many applications have a significant amount of both private and shared data and that compiler analysis can identify the private data effectively for many applications. Experimentsresults show that the implemented hybrid caching scheme achieves 4.03% performance improvement over state of the art NUCA-base caching