2,602 research outputs found

    Detail Enhancing Denoising of Digitized 3D Models from a Mobile Scanning System

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    The acquisition process of digitizing a large-scale environment produces an enormous amount of raw geometry data. This data is corrupted by system noise, which leads to 3D surfaces that are not smooth and details that are distorted. Any scanning system has noise associate with the scanning hardware, both digital quantization errors and measurement inaccuracies, but a mobile scanning system has additional system noise introduced by the pose estimation of the hardware during data acquisition. The combined system noise generates data that is not handled well by existing noise reduction and smoothing techniques. This research is focused on enhancing the 3D models acquired by mobile scanning systems used to digitize large-scale environments. These digitization systems combine a variety of sensors – including laser range scanners, video cameras, and pose estimation hardware – on a mobile platform for the quick acquisition of 3D models of real world environments. The data acquired by such systems are extremely noisy, often with significant details being on the same order of magnitude as the system noise. By utilizing a unique 3D signal analysis tool, a denoising algorithm was developed that identifies regions of detail and enhances their geometry, while removing the effects of noise on the overall model. The developed algorithm can be useful for a variety of digitized 3D models, not just those involving mobile scanning systems. The challenges faced in this study were the automatic processing needs of the enhancement algorithm, and the need to fill a hole in the area of 3D model analysis in order to reduce the effect of system noise on the 3D models. In this context, our main contributions are the automation and integration of a data enhancement method not well known to the computer vision community, and the development of a novel 3D signal decomposition and analysis tool. The new technologies featured in this document are intuitive extensions of existing methods to new dimensionality and applications. The totality of the research has been applied towards detail enhancing denoising of scanned data from a mobile range scanning system, and results from both synthetic and real models are presented

    BEMDEC: An Adaptive and Robust Methodology for Digital Image Feature Extraction

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    The intriguing study of feature extraction, and edge detection in particular, has, as a result of the increased use of imagery, drawn even more attention not just from the field of computer science but also from a variety of scientific fields. However, various challenges surrounding the formulation of feature extraction operator, particularly of edges, which is capable of satisfying the necessary properties of low probability of error (i.e., failure of marking true edges), accuracy, and consistent response to a single edge, continue to persist. Moreover, it should be pointed out that most of the work in the area of feature extraction has been focused on improving many of the existing approaches rather than devising or adopting new ones. In the image processing subfield, where the needs constantly change, we must equally change the way we think. In this digital world where the use of images, for variety of purposes, continues to increase, researchers, if they are serious about addressing the aforementioned limitations, must be able to think outside the box and step away from the usual in order to overcome these challenges. In this dissertation, we propose an adaptive and robust, yet simple, digital image features detection methodology using bidimensional empirical mode decomposition (BEMD), a sifting process that decomposes a signal into its two-dimensional (2D) bidimensional intrinsic mode functions (BIMFs). The method is further extended to detect corners and curves, and as such, dubbed as BEMDEC, indicating its ability to detect edges, corners and curves. In addition to the application of BEMD, a unique combination of a flexible envelope estimation algorithm, stopping criteria and boundary adjustment made the realization of this multi-feature detector possible. Further application of two morphological operators of binarization and thinning adds to the quality of the operator

    Electrical Conductivity Imaging via Boundary Value Problems for the 1-Laplacian

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    We study an inverse problem which seeks to image the internal conductivity map of a body by one measurement of boundary and interior data. In our study the interior data is the magnitude of the current density induced by electrodes. Access to interior measurements has been made possible since the work of M. Joy et al. in early 1990s and couples two physical principles: electromagnetics and magnetic resonance. In 2007 Nachman et al. has shown that it is possible to recover the conductivity from the magnitude of one current density field inside. The method now known as Current Density Impedance Imaging is based on solving boundary value problems for the 1-Laplacian in an appropriate Riemann metric space. We consider two types of methods: the ones based on level sets and a variational approach, which aim to solve specific boundary value problem associated with the 1-Laplacian. We will address the Cauchy and Dirichlet problems with full and partial data, and also the Complete Electrode Model (CEM). The latter model is known to describe most accurately the voltage potential distribution in a conductive body, while taking into account the transition of current from the electrode to the body. For the CEM the problem is non-unique. We characterize the non-uniqueness, and explain which additional measurements fix the solution. Multiple numerical schemes for each of the methods are implemented to demonstrate the computational feasibility

    Heterogeneous volumetric data mapping and its medical applications

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    With the advance of data acquisition techniques, massive solid geometries are being collected routinely in scientific tasks, these complex and unstructured data need to be effectively correlated for various processing and analysis. Volumetric mapping solves bijective low-distortion correspondence between/among 3D geometric data, and can serve as an important preprocessing step in many tasks in compute-aided design and analysis, industrial manufacturing, medical image analysis, to name a few. This dissertation studied two important volumetric mapping problems: the mapping of heterogeneous volumes (with nonuniform inner structures/layers) and the mapping of sequential dynamic volumes. To effectively handle heterogeneous volumes, first, we studied the feature-aligned harmonic volumetric mapping. Compared to previous harmonic mapping, it supports the point, curve, and iso-surface alignment, which are important low-dimensional structures in heterogeneous volumetric data. Second, we proposed a biharmonic model for volumetric mapping. Unlike the conventional harmonic volumetric mapping that only supports positional continuity on the boundary, this new model allows us to have higher order continuity C1C^1 along the boundary surface. This suggests a potential model to solve the volumetric mapping of complex and big geometries through divide-and-conquer. We also studied the medical applications of our volumetric mapping in lung tumor respiratory motion modeling. We were building an effective digital platform for lung tumor radiotherapy based on effective volumetric CT/MRI image matching and analysis. We developed and integrated in this platform a set of geometric/image processing techniques including advanced image segmentation, finite element meshing, volumetric registration and interpolation. The lung organ/tumor and surrounding tissues are treated as a heterogeneous region and a dynamic 4D registration framework is developed for lung tumor motion modeling and tracking. Compared to the previous 3D pairwise registration, our new 4D parameterization model leads to a significantly improved registration accuracy. The constructed deforming model can hence approximate the deformation of the tissues and tumor

    Geometric deep learning: going beyond Euclidean data

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    Many scientific fields study data with an underlying structure that is a non-Euclidean space. Some examples include social networks in computational social sciences, sensor networks in communications, functional networks in brain imaging, regulatory networks in genetics, and meshed surfaces in computer graphics. In many applications, such geometric data are large and complex (in the case of social networks, on the scale of billions), and are natural targets for machine learning techniques. In particular, we would like to use deep neural networks, which have recently proven to be powerful tools for a broad range of problems from computer vision, natural language processing, and audio analysis. However, these tools have been most successful on data with an underlying Euclidean or grid-like structure, and in cases where the invariances of these structures are built into networks used to model them. Geometric deep learning is an umbrella term for emerging techniques attempting to generalize (structured) deep neural models to non-Euclidean domains such as graphs and manifolds. The purpose of this paper is to overview different examples of geometric deep learning problems and present available solutions, key difficulties, applications, and future research directions in this nascent field

    Liver segmentation using 3D CT scans.

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    Master of Science in Computer Science. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2018.Abstract available in PDF file
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