523 research outputs found

    An Adaptive Cache Coherence Protocol Optimized for Producer-Consumer Sharing

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    Automatic Sharing Classification and Timely Push for Cache-coherent Systems

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    This paper proposes and evaluates Sharing/Timing Adaptive Push (STAP), a dynamic scheme for preemptively sending data from producers to consumers to minimize criticalpath communication latency. STAP uses small hardware buffers to dynamically detect sharing patterns and timing requirements. The scheme applies to both intra-node and inter-socket directorybased shared memory networks. We integrate STAP into a MOESI cache-coherence protocol using heuristics to detect different data sharing patterns, including broadcasts, producer/consumer, and migratory-data sharing. Using 12 benchmarks from the PARSEC and SPLASH-2 suites in 3 different configurations, we show that our scheme significantly reduces communication latency in NUMA systems and achieves an average of 10% performance improvement (up to 46%), with at most 2% on-chip storage overhead. When combined with existing prefetch schemes, STAP either outperforms prefetching or combines with prefetching for improved performance (up to 15% extra) in most cases

    Memory sharing predictor: the key to a speculative coherent DSM

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    Recent research advocates using general message predictors to learn and predict the coherence activity in distributed shared memory (DSM). By accurately predicting a message and timely invoking the necessary coherence actions, a DSM can hide much of the remote access latency. This paper proposes the Memory Sharing Predictors (MSPs), pattern-based predictors that significantly improve prediction accuracy and implementation cost over general message predictors. An MSP is based on the key observation that to hide the remote access latency, a predictor must accurately predict only the remote memory accesses (i.e., request messages) and not the subsequent coherence messages invoked by an access. Simulation results indicate that MSPs improve prediction accuracy over general message predictors from 81% to 93% while requiring less storage overhead. This paper also presents the first design and evaluation for a speculative coherent DSM using pattern- based predictors. We identify simple techniques and mechanisms to trigger prediction timely and perform speculation for remote read accesses. Our speculation hardware readily works with a conventional full-map write- invalidate coherence protocol without any modifications. Simulation results indicate that performing speculative read requests alone reduces execution times by 12% in our shared-memory application

    Invalidate or Update? Revisiting Coherence for Tomorrow’s Cache Hierarchies

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    Architecting, programming, and evaluating an on-chip incoherent multi-processor memory hierarchy

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    New architectures for extreme-scale computing need to be designed for higher energy efficiency than current systems. The DOE-funded Traleika Glacier architecture is a recently-proposed extreme-scale manycore that radically simplifies the architecture, and proposes a cluster-based on-chip memory hierarchy without hardware cache coherence. Programming for such an environment, which can use scratchpads or incoherent caches, is challenging. Hence, this thesis focuses on architecting, programming, and evaluating an on-chip incoherent multiprocessor memory hierarchy. This thesis starts by examining incoherent multiprocessor caches. It proposes ISA support for data movement in such an environment, and two relatively user-friendly programming approaches that use the ISA. The ISA support is largely based on writeback and self-invalidation instructions, while the programming approaches involve shared-memory programming either inside a cluster only, or across clusters. The thesis also includes compiler transformations for such an incoherent cache hierarchy. Our simulation results show that, with our approach, the execution of applications on incoherent cache hierarchies can deliver reasonable performance. For execution within a cluster, the average execution time of our applications is only 2% higher than with hardware cache coherence. For execution across multiple clusters, our applications run on average 20% faster than a naive scheme that pushes all the data to the last-level shared cache. Compiler transformations for both regular and irregular applications are shown to deliver substantial performance increases. This thesis then considers scratchpads. It takes the design in the Traleika Glacier architecture and performs a simulation-based evaluation. It shows how the hardware exploits available concurrency from parallel applications. However, it also shows the limitations of the current software stack, which lacks smart memory management and high-level hints for the scheduler

    Exploring the value of supporting multiple DSM protocols in Hardware DSM Controllers

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    Journal ArticleThe performance of a hardware distributed shared memory (DSM) system is largely dependent on its architect's ability to reduce the number of remote memory misses that occur. Previous attempts to solve this problem have included measures such as supporting both the CC-NUMA and S-COMA architectures is the same machine and providing a programmable DSM controller that can emulate any DSM mechanism. In this paper we first present the design of a DSM controller that supports multiple DSM protocols in custom hardware, and allows the programmer or compiler to specify on a per-variable basis what protocol to use to keep that variable coherent. This simulated performance of this DSM controller compares favorably with that of conventional single-protocol custom hardware designs, often outperforming the conventional systems by a factor of two. To achieve these promising results, that multi-protocol DSM controller needed to support only two DSM architectures (CC-NUMA and S-COMA) and three coherency protocols (both release and sequentially consistent write invalidate and release consistent write update). This work demonstrates the value of supporting a degree of flexibility in one's DSM controller design and suggests what operations such a flexible DSM controller should support

    The home-forwarding mechanism to reduce the cache coherence overhead in next-generation CMPs

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    On the road to computer systems able to support the requirements of exascale applications, Chip Multi-Processors (CMPs) are equipped with an ever increasing number of cores interconnected through fast on-chip networks. To exploit such new architectures, the parallel software must be able to scale almost linearly with the number of cores available. To this end, the overhead introduced by the run-time system of parallel programming frameworks and by the architecture itself must be small enough in order to enable high scalability also for very fine-grained parallel programs. An approach to reduce this overhead is to use non-conventional architectural mechanisms revealing useful when certain concurrency patterns in the running application are statically or dynamically recognized. Following this idea, this paper proposes a run-time support able to reduce the effective latency of inter-thread cooperation primitives by lowering the contention on individual caches. To achieve this goal, the new home-forwarding hardware mechanism is proposed and used by our runtime in order to reduce the amount of cache-to-cache interactions generated by the cache coherence protocol. Our ideas have been emulated on the Tilera TILEPro64 CMP, showing a significant speedup improvement in some first benchmarks

    Cache Coherence Protocols for Many-Core CMPs

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    Specialization without complexity in heterogeneous memory systems

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    The end of Dennard scaling and Moore's law has motivated a rise in the use of parallelism and hardware specialization in computer system design. Across all compute domains, applications have increasingly relied on specialized devices such as GPUs, DSPs, FPGAs, etc., to execute tasks faster and more efficiently, but interfacing these diverse devices within a heterogeneous system remains an important challenge. Early heterogeneous systems were loosely coupled and lacked a shared coherent memory interface, so specialization was reserved for highly regular code patterns with coarse-grained synchronization requirements. More recently, the need to accelerate applications with more irregular and fine-grained sharing patterns has led to significant research into closer integration of specialized devices. A single global address space enables improved programmability, communication efficiency, data reuse, and load balancing for emerging heterogeneous applications. Consequently, there have been many attempts to integrate specialized devices and their caches into a single coherent memory hierarchy to improve performance in future systems-on-chip (SoCs). However, coherence is particularly difficult to implement in heterogeneous systems. Differences in parallelism, locality, and synchronization in high-throughput accelerators such as GPUs means that coherence and consistency strategies designed for CPUs are ineffective, and evaluating the performance of alternative strategies is difficult. Recent efforts to implement coherence for such devices involve a simple software-driven coherence strategy combined with complex extensions to a conventional memory consistency model, which guarantees sequential consistency (SC) for programs that are data race-free (DRF). The first extension, scoped synchronization, avoids coherence costs when synchronization is guaranteed to be local, but it requires the use of the heterogeneous race-free (HRF) consistency model, which limits sharing patterns and increases the burden on the programmer. The second extension, relaxed atomics, allows the programmer to avoid costly ordering constraints when they are unnecessary for functionality, but existing consistency models offer complex and often poorly specified semantics when relaxed atomics are used. Once an appropriate coherence and consistency strategy is determined for a device, interfacing it with devices using different strategies poses another critical challenge. Existing integration strategies are incremental, either sacrificing system flexibility or incurring significant added complexity to achieve this goal. A rethinking of heterogeneous coherence and protocol integration from the ground up is needed. This work lays out a path to implementing flexible and efficient heterogeneous coherence without adding complexity to the consistency model or the system design. To help understand the memory demands of emerging specialized hardware, we first describe a performance analysis tool we developed for highly parallel workloads. Insights from this tool helped guide the development of a collection of coherence and consistency innovations for high-throughput accelerators. On the coherence side, we describe two innovations, DeNovo for GPUs and heterogeneous lazy release consistency (hLRC), which demonstrate that scoped synchronization is not necessary for cache efficiency in high-throughput devices. On the consistency side, this work describes the DRFrlx consistency model, which formalizes safe use cases of atomic relaxation. Again, we offer these benefits while retaining a simple SC-centric DRF consistency model. Finally, to address the challenge of integrating diverse coherence strategies, we present the Spandex coherence interface. Spandex can flexibly and simply integrate devices with a broad range of memory demands in an SoC, and we show how this flexibility enables new performance optimizations that can take advantage of hints about the expected memory demands of an application. Together, these innovations establish a framework for integrating future SoCs that can dynamically adapt to serve the diverse memory demands of future accelerators without incurring complexity for hardware or software designers
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