45 research outputs found

    Verification and Planning Based on Coinductive Logic Programming

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    Coinduction is a powerful technique for reasoning about unfounded sets, unbounded structures, infinite automata, and interactive computations [6]. Where induction corresponds to least fixed point's semantics, coinduction corresponds to greatest fixed point semantics. Recently coinduction has been incorporated into logic programming and an elegant operational semantics developed for it [11, 12]. This operational semantics is the greatest fix point counterpart of SLD resolution (SLD resolution imparts operational semantics to least fix point based computations) and is termed co- SLD resolution. In co-SLD resolution, a predicate goal p( t) succeeds if it unifies with one of its ancestor calls. In addition, rational infinite terms are allowed as arguments of predicates. Infinite terms are represented as solutions to unification equations and the occurs check is omitted during the unification process. Coinductive Logic Programming (Co-LP) and Co-SLD resolution can be used to elegantly perform model checking and planning. A combined SLD and Co-SLD resolution based LP system forms the common basis for planning, scheduling, verification, model checking, and constraint solving [9, 4]. This is achieved by amalgamating SLD resolution, co-SLD resolution, and constraint logic programming [13] in a single logic programming system. Given that parallelism in logic programs can be implicitly exploited [8], complex, compute-intensive applications (planning, scheduling, model checking, etc.) can be executed in parallel on multi-core machines. Parallel execution can result in speed-ups as well as in larger instances of the problems being solved. In the remainder we elaborate on (i) how planning can be elegantly and efficiently performed under real-time constraints, (ii) how real-time systems can be elegantly and efficiently model- checked, as well as (iii) how hybrid systems can be verified in a combined system with both co-SLD and SLD resolution. Implementations of co-SLD resolution as well as preliminary implementations of the planning and verification applications have been developed [4]. Co-LP and Model Checking: The vast majority of properties that are to be verified can be classified into safety properties and liveness properties. It is well known within model checking that safety properties can be verified by reachability analysis, i.e, if a counter-example to the property exists, it can be finitely determined by enumerating all the reachable states of the Kripke structure

    Answer Set Programming for Non-Stationary Markov Decision Processes

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    Non-stationary domains, where unforeseen changes happen, present a challenge for agents to find an optimal policy for a sequential decision making problem. This work investigates a solution to this problem that combines Markov Decision Processes (MDP) and Reinforcement Learning (RL) with Answer Set Programming (ASP) in a method we call ASP(RL). In this method, Answer Set Programming is used to find the possible trajectories of an MDP, from where Reinforcement Learning is applied to learn the optimal policy of the problem. Results show that ASP(RL) is capable of efficiently finding the optimal solution of an MDP representing non-stationary domains

    Constraints, Lazy Constraints, or Propagators in ASP Solving: An Empirical Analysis

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    Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a well-established declarative paradigm. One of the successes of ASP is the availability of efficient systems. State-of-the-art systems are based on the ground+solve approach. In some applications this approach is infeasible because the grounding of one or few constraints is expensive. In this paper, we systematically compare alternative strategies to avoid the instantiation of problematic constraints, that are based on custom extensions of the solver. Results on real and synthetic benchmarks highlight some strengths and weaknesses of the different strategies. (Under consideration for acceptance in TPLP, ICLP 2017 Special Issue.)Comment: Paper presented at the 33nd International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2017), Melbourne, Australia, August 28 to September 1, 2017. 16 page

    Model Generation for Generalized Quantifiers via Answer Set Programming

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    For the semantic evaluation of natural language sentences, in particular those containing generalized quantifiers, we subscribe to the generate and test methodology to produce models of such sentences. These models are considered as means by which the sentences can be interpreted within a natural language processing system. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate that answer set programming is a simple, efficient and particularly well suited model generation technique for this purpose, leading to a straightforward implementation

    Unit Testing in ASPIDE

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    Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a declarative logic programming formalism, which is employed nowadays in both academic and industrial real-world applications. Although some tools for supporting the development of ASP programs have been proposed in the last few years, the crucial task of testing ASP programs received less attention, and is an Achilles' heel of the available programming environments. In this paper we present a language for specifying and running unit tests on ASP programs. The testing language has been implemented in ASPIDE, a comprehensive IDE for ASP, which supports the entire life-cycle of ASP development with a collection of user-friendly graphical tools for program composition, testing, debugging, profiling, solver execution configuration, and output-handling.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of the 25th Workshop on Logic Programming (WLP 2011