160 research outputs found

    Your Teammate Just Sent You a New Message! The Effects of Using Telegram on Individual Acquisition of Teamwork Competence

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    [EN] Students’ acquisition of teamwork competence has become a priority for educational institutions. The development of teamwork competence in education generally relies in project-based learning methodologies and challenges. The assessment of teamwork in project-based learning involves, among others, assessing students’ participation and the interactions between team members. Project-based learning can easily be handled in small-size courses, but course management and teamwork assessment become a burdensome task for instructors as the size of the class increases. Additionally, when project-based learning happens in a virtual space, such as online learning, interactions occur in a less natural way. This study explores the use of instant messaging apps (more precisely, the use of Telegram) as team communication space in project-based learning, using a learning analytics tool to extract and analyze student interactions. Further, the study compares student interactions (e.g., number of messages exchanged) and individual teamwork competence acquisition between traditional asynchronous (e.g., LMS message boards) and synchronous instant messaging communication environments. The results show a preference of students for IM tools and increased participation in the course. However, the analysis does not find significant improvement in the acquisition of individual teamwork competence.S

    Your Teammate Just Sent You a New Message! The Effects of Using Telegram on Individual Acquisition of Teamwork Competence

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    Students’ acquisition of teamwork competence has become a priority for educational institutions. The development of teamwork competence in education generally relies in project-based learning methodologies and challenges. The assessment of teamwork in project-based learning involves, among others, assessing students’ participation and the interactions between team members. Project-based learning can easily be handled in small-size courses, but course management and teamwork assessment become a burdensome task for instructors as the size of the class increases. Additionally, when project-based learning happens in a virtual space, such as online learning, interactions occur in a less natural way. This study explores the use of instant messaging apps (more precisely, the use of Telegram) as team communication space in project-based learning, using a learning analytics tool to extract and analyze student interactions. Further, the study compares student interactions (e.g., number of messages exchanged) and individual teamwork competence acquisition between traditional asynchronous (e.g., LMS message boards) and synchronous instant messaging communication environments. The results show a preference of students for IM tools and increased participation in the course. However, the analysis does not find significant improvement in the acquisition of individual teamwork competence

    A cross-sectional study of discipline-based self-perceived digital literacy competencies of nursing students.

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    This study offers an empirical exploration of self-assessed digital competencies of students, most of whom studied in nursing courses, using a discipline-based self-assessment survey tool. A range of digital competencies were explored: information and communication technology proficiency and productivity, information literacy, digital creation, digital research, digital communication, digital learning and development, digital innovation, digital identity management and digital wellbeing. Quantitative data were collected from November to December 2021 via a questionnaire survey administered to students. Quantitative results were reported through descriptive statistical analysis. Mann-Whitney (U-test) and Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric statistical tests were used to identify statistically significant differences, based on age demographics and pre- or post-registration course. Thematic analysis was utilized for survey open-ended questions data. Students reported low competencies in the following digital literacy dimensions, all of which were imperative for their studies and for their future professional careers: information literacy, digital research, digital innovation. Significant statistical subgroup differences were found between age demographics and pre/post registration within most of the digital competence dimensions. The survey open-ended comments revealed that students encountered challenges around digital skills they had mostly developed via everyday life experiences, and trial-and-error approaches. Increasing awareness of existing digital gaps and offering tailored digital skills enhancement can empower students as future-proof evidence-based practitioners in an evolving digital healthcare landscape

    Unified blended learning environment: the Kazakh context

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    Introduction. The present work investigates the issues related to technological and administrative support for the blended learning process in higher education in Kazakhstan. Aim. This article aims to develop an author’s conceptual model of a unified system for managing the blended learning process by defining the evaluation criteria for an optimal educational environment. Methodology and research methods. The research was conducted in four stages using mixed methods. The first stage involved conducting surveys with participants in the educational process to identify the challenges they encountered while working in a digital educational environment and explore potential solutions. The second stage involved developing evaluation criteria for an optimal educational environment for blended learning. The third stage entailed empirical testing of existing educational platforms that are utilised by 33 leading Kazakh universities. The fourth stage witnessed the development of a pilot conceptual model for a unified environment for blended learning. Results. Based on the integration of Learning Activity Management System (LAMS), Learning Management System (LMS), and Education Content Management System (ECMS), a conceptual model of a unified environment for blended learning was developed. The criteria for the optimal educational environment of blended learning were developed to evaluate the technical, functional, and didactic capabilities of educational platforms. Scientific novelty. The study resulted in the development of a conceptual model for a unified environment for managing the blended learning process. Practical significance. The proposed model can be employed by the administrations of top Kazakhstani universities to implement a student-centred approach to the educational process.Введение. В работе рассматриваются вопросы технологического и административного сопровождения процесса смешанного обучения в сфере высшего образования в Казахстане. Целью статьи является разработка авторского варианта концептуальной модели единой системы управления процессом смешанного обучения путем определения критериев оценки оптимальной образовательной среды. Методология, методы и методики. Исследование было проведено в четыре этапа с применением смешанных методов. На первом этапе были выполнены опросы участников образовательного процесса о проблемах, возникающих в ходе работы в цифровой образовательной среде, и возможных путях их решения. На втором этапе были разработаны критерии оценки оптимальной образовательной среды смешанного обучения. На третьем этапе было проведено эмпирическое тестирование действующих образовательных платформ, используемых 33 ведущими казахстанскими вузами. Разработка варианта концептуальной модели единой образовательной среды смешанного обучения была целью четвертого этапа. Результаты. Посредством интеграции системы управления учебной деятельностью (LAMS), системы управления обучением (LMS) и системы управления образовательным контентом (ECMS) был разработан вариант концептуальной модели единой образовательной среды смешанного обучения. Определены критерии оптимальной образовательной среды смешанного обучения, предусматривающие оценку технических, функциональных и дидактических возможностей образовательных платформ. Научная новизна. В результате исследования была разработана и апробирована концептуальная модель единой системы управления процессом смешанного обучения. Практическая значимость. Предложенная модель может быть использована администрациями ведущих казахстанских вузов для обеспечения студентоцентрированного подхода к образовательному процессу.Данное исследование финансируется Комитетом науки Министерства науки и высшего образования Республики Казахстан (грант № AP14872099).This research was funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (grant № AP14872099)

    A Conceptual Framework for Integrating TPB With Context-Relevant Variables to Predict e-Learning Success During the Covid -19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated the digitalization of some aspects of our lives including education. However, as we witness a phenomenal rise in the demand for online learning, the decision to migrate to online learning platforms is dependent on the learner’s preparedness to embrace it. The objective of this study is to conceptualize a framework that measures the tendency of learners to adopt online learning in an era characterised by so many disruptions. To do this, we adopt document analysis on databases such as SCOPUS, Web of Science, EBSCO and Google Scholar using Boolean search engines; AND, OR, NOT, *, (), ‘’’’, +, -, &lt;,&gt;. mainly on current scientific manuscripts through the use of the keywords “e-learning”, “theory of planned behaviour”, “Covid 19”, “distance learning”, “environmental factors” and “academic technology adoption”. Subsequently, we integrate the theory of planned behaviour with other context-relevant variables as the bases of the study, and conceptualise a framework to predict e-learning success in the covid-19 era. This study contributes to the scientific body of knowledge on e-learning, particularly from the perspective of a forced mass adoption of e-learning occasioned by a global pandemic.</p

    A Conceptual Framework for Integrating TPB With Context-Relevant Variables to Predict e-Learning Success During the Covid -19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated the digitalization of some aspects of our lives including education. However, as we witness a phenomenal rise in the demand for online learning, the decision to migrate to online learning platforms is dependent on the learner’s preparedness to embrace it. The objective of this study is to conceptualize a framework that measures the tendency of learners to adopt online learning in an era characterised by so many disruptions. To do this, we adopt document analysis on databases such as SCOPUS, Web of Science, EBSCO and Google Scholar using Boolean search engines; AND, OR, NOT, *, (), ‘’’’, +, -, &lt;,&gt;. mainly on current scientific manuscripts through the use of the keywords “e-learning”, “theory of planned behaviour”, “Covid 19”, “distance learning”, “environmental factors” and “academic technology adoption”. Subsequently, we integrate the theory of planned behaviour with other context-relevant variables as the bases of the study, and conceptualise a framework to predict e-learning success in the covid-19 era. This study contributes to the scientific body of knowledge on e-learning, particularly from the perspective of a forced mass adoption of e-learning occasioned by a global pandemic

    A Conceptual Framework for Integrating TPB With Context-Relevant Variables to Predict e-Learning Success During the Covid -19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated the digitalization of some aspects of our lives including education. However, as we witness a phenomenal rise in the demand for online learning, the decision to migrate to online learning platforms is dependent on the learner’s preparedness to embrace it. The objective of this study is to conceptualize a framework that measures the tendency of learners to adopt online learning in an era characterised by so many disruptions. To do this, we adopt document analysis on databases such as SCOPUS, Web of Science, EBSCO and Google Scholar using Boolean search engines; AND, OR, NOT, *, (), ‘’’’, +, -, &lt;,&gt;. mainly on current scientific manuscripts through the use of the keywords “e-learning”, “theory of planned behaviour”, “Covid 19”, “distance learning”, “environmental factors” and “academic technology adoption”. Subsequently, we integrate the theory of planned behaviour with other context-relevant variables as the bases of the study, and conceptualise a framework to predict e-learning success in the covid-19 era. This study contributes to the scientific body of knowledge on e-learning, particularly from the perspective of a forced mass adoption of e-learning occasioned by a global pandemic

    Assessing learning outcomes and social capital formation resulting from the use and sharing of internet knowledge resources

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    Today’s “digital natives” use the Internet to address most, if not all, their learning-related knowledge needs. This research evaluates the outcomes of formal learning activities requiring students to use, manage, share, and consolidate Internet knowledge resources (such as websites, videos, and blogs) to achieve both individual and group learning. This research takes an integrative approach to learning, capturing learner cognitive, interpersonal, and intrapersonal characteristics as well as the impact of the digital environment by evaluating the technological affordances of two different systems supporting such learning activities. This research also examines pedagogical modifications that would best integrate course assignments utilizing Internet resources for learning. This research begins with semi-structured interviews investigating students’ current practices in using, organizing, and sharing digital resources. Based on the results of these interviews, this research implements a pilot study and subsequent quasi-experimental field studies to test digital resource management and sharing in the completion of varied pedagogical activities. Using two different systems, this research evaluates the affordances provided by each, exposing design considerations that can inform the modification of existing systems or the development of new systems to better support digital resource management and sharing in the educational domain

    Accounting for Social Anxiety in the Online IT Security and Digital Forensics Educational Domain

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    No one could have anticipated the speed at which technology and social media have developed over the past thirty years. This increased use of technology and social media affectst today's students in some ways. We are now in a spiral that is hard to get out of, and the more we implement technology and ways for people to carry out daily tasks from behind a screen, the fewer people might go out and socialise with the world. Losing the requirement to interact with other human beings means losing the training areas for face-to-face interaction, which could mean losing the ability to be a social member of humanity. The lack of training areas for social activities is especially bad for young adults who already struggle with social anxiety. The primary treatment for this condition is cognitive therapy which moves towards handling the situations that provoke anxiety rather than avoiding them. A drastic increase in the number of devices connected to the Internet affects the need for IT security and digital forensics experts. Moving education online means that many young adults will find themselves doing IT security and digital forensics-related topics in an online environment. Many of these students will have psychological challenges of different sorts. This research aims not to solve these issues, as they are far too complicated for one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, the study seeks to shed light on students' different social anxieties in an online environment and discuss our new online and technology-driven world's psychological effects on young adults. Educators that develop programs or content and learning material, and deliver the content and teaching, must understand some of the mechanisms surrounding these issues and be aware of the challenges that cause many students to struggle. Although this awareness is valuable and necessary in other areas, as well as IT security and digital forensics education in online domains, it is perhaps logical to focus on this first. The increased need for professionals in this area and the common idea that one can do this work remotely seem tempting for people who struggle with face-to-face social interactions. The results from a questionnaire form the basis of interviews with students with recognised social anxiety. Interviews with online students in general also help this research hopefully enlighten educators to make a difference for many online students in IT security and digital forensics domain and many students in general. This researcher published a questionnaire on the school's learning platform based on the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale. The responses show that only around twenty-five per cent of the student cohort has a score indicating that Social Anxiety Disorder is not probable. The low percentage means that a potentially significant portion of students has social anxiety-related challenges at some level. This research also shows that not only online students have this problem. The issues are also present among campus-based students, in fact, more present among campus students, which is surprising. The recent outbreak of Covid-19, pushing students into an online environment they might not have wanted in the first place, also has had a considerable impact. Republishing the questionnaire for comparison for IT and non-IT students during the Covid-19 epidemic and examining the results using SPSS shows only minor differences between the cohorts asked before the Covid-19 epidemic and those asked during the Covid-19 epidemic, with no apparent differences between IT students and non-IT students