5 research outputs found

    Estratégias de design de camada intermédia e cooperativa para redes sem fios energeticamente eficientes

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    Doutoramento conjunto MAP-i em InformáticaThe promise of a truly mobile experience is to have the freedom to roam around anywhere and not be bound to a single location. However, the energy required to keep mobile devices connected to the network over extended periods of time quickly dissipates. In fact, energy is a critical resource in the design of wireless networks since wireless devices are usually powered by batteries. Furthermore, multi-standard mobile devices are allowing users to enjoy higher data rates with ubiquitous connectivity. However, the bene ts gained from multiple interfaces come at a cost in terms of energy consumption having profound e ect on the mobile battery lifetime and standby time. This concern is rea rmed by the fact that battery lifetime is one of the top reasons why consumers are deterred from using advanced multimedia services on their mobile on a frequent basis. In order to secure market penetration for next generation services energy e ciency needs to be placed at the forefront of system design. However, despite recent e orts, energy compliant features in legacy technologies are still in its infancy, and new disruptive architectures coupled with interdisciplinary design approaches are required in order to not only promote the energy gain within a single protocol layer, but to enhance the energy gain from a holistic perspective. A promising approach is cooperative smart systems, that in addition to exploiting context information, are entities that are able to form a coalition and cooperate in order to achieve a common goal. Migrating from this baseline, this thesis investigates how these technology paradigm can be applied towards reducing the energy consumption in mobile networks. In addition, we introduce an additional energy saving dimension by adopting an interlayer design so that protocol layers are designed to work in synergy with the host system, rather than independently, for harnessing energy. In this work, we exploit context information, cooperation and inter-layer design for developing new energy e cient and technology agnostic building blocks for mobile networks. These technology enablers include energy e cient node discovery and short-range cooperation for energy saving in mobile handsets, complemented by energy-aware smart scheduling for promoting energy saving on the network side. Analytical and simulations results were obtained, and veri ed in the lab on a real hardware testbed. Results have shown that up to 50% energy saving could be obtained.A promessa de uma experiência realmente móvel é de ter a liberdade de deambular por qualquer sítio e não estar preso a um único local. No entanto, a energia requerida para manter dispositivos móveis conectados à rede, num período extenso de tempo, o mesmo rapidamente se dissipa. Na realidade, a energia é um recurso crítico no design de redes sem fios, uma vez que esses dispositivos são alimentados por baterias. Para além disso, dispositivos móveis multi-standard permitem que os utilizadores desfrutem de elevadas taxas de dados com conectividade omnipresente. No entanto, as vantagens adquiridas pelas múltiplas interfaces, imputa uma despesa, sendo essa um consumo maior de energia, numa era onde os dispositivos móveis têm de ser energicamente complacentes. Esta preocupação é reafirmada pelo facto de que a vida da bateria é uma das principais razões que impede os utilizadores de usufruir e utilizar de serviços de multimédia mais avançados nos seus dispositivos, numa base frequente. De forma a assegurar a entrada no mercado para serviços da próxima geração, eficiência energética tem de ser colocada na vanguarda do design de sistemas. No entanto, apesar de esforços recentes, funcionalidades que cumpram os requisitos energéticos em tecnologias "legacy" ainda estão nos seus primórdios e novas abordagens disruptivas são requeridas, juntamente com abordagem de design interdisciplinar, de forma a aproveitar a poupança energética das diversas camadas protocolares. Uma bordagem promissora são os sistemas de cooperação inteligente, que exploram não são contexto da informação, mas também as entidades que são igualmente capazes de formar uma coligação e cooperam de forma a atingir um objectivo comum. Migrar a partir destas referências, esta tese investiga como é que este paradigma tecnológico pode ser aplicado para reduzir a potência e consumo de energia em redes móveis. Para além disso, introduzimos uma dimensão de poupança energética adicional, para adopção de design de camadas intermédias, de forma a que as camadas de protocolos sejam concebidas para trabalhar em sinergia com o sistema anfitrião, ao invés de independentemente, para aproveitamento de energia. Neste trabalho, nós exploramos o contexto da informação, cooperação e design de camadas intermédias para desenvolver blocos de construção energicamente eficientes e tecnologias agnósticas para redes móveis. Estes habilitadores (enablers) tecnológicos incluem um nó de descoberta de energia eficiente e cooperação de curto alcance para poupança energética em aparelhos móveis, complementado com agendamento inteligente, energicamente consciente, de forma a promover a poupança de energia do lado da rede. Analiticamente e simultaneamente, foram obtidos resultados e verificados em laboratório, num modelo de hardware protótipo. Resultados demonstram que pode ser obtido uma poupança energética acima dos 50%

    D 3. 3 Final performance results and consolidated view on the most promising multi -node/multi -antenna transmission technologies

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    This document provides the most recent updates on the technical contributions and research challenges focused in WP3. Each Technology Component (TeC) has been evaluated under possible uniform assessment framework of WP3 which is based on the simulation guidelines of WP6. The performance assessment is supported by the simulation results which are in their mature and stable state. An update on the Most Promising Technology Approaches (MPTAs) and their associated TeCs is the main focus of this document. Based on the input of all the TeCs in WP3, a consolidated view of WP3 on the role of multinode/multi-antenna transmission technologies in 5G systems has also been provided. This consolidated view is further supported in this document by the presentation of the impact of MPTAs on METIS scenarios and the addressed METIS goals.Aziz, D.; Baracca, P.; De Carvalho, E.; Fantini, R.; Rajatheva, N.; Popovski, P.; Sørensen, JH.... (2015). D 3. 3 Final performance results and consolidated view on the most promising multi -node/multi -antenna transmission technologies. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/7675

    Towards Smart Vehicular Environments via Deep Learning and Emerging Technologies

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    Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) embrace smart vehicular environments through a fully connected paradigm known as vehicular networks. Vehicular networks allow automobiles to stay online and connected with their surroundings while travelling. In that sense, vehicular networks enable various activities; for example, autonomous driving, road surveillance, data collection, content delivery, and many others. This leads to more efficient, safer, and comfort driving experiences and opens up new opportunities for many business sectors. As such, the networking industry and academia have shown great interests in advancing vehicular networks and leveraging relevant services. In this dissertation, several vehicular network problems are addressed along with proposing novel ideas and utilizing effective solutions. As opposed to stationary or slow moving communications, vehicular networks experience more challenging environment as a result of vehicle mobility. Consequently, vehicular networks suffer from ever-changing topology, short contact times, and intractable propagation environments. In particular, this dissertation presents six works that participate in supplementing the literature as follows. First, a content delivery framework in the context of vehicular network is studied where digital contents are generated by different content providers (CP) and have distinct values. To this end, a prefetching technique along with vehicle to vehicle (V2V) and vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) communications are used to enable fast content delivery. Furthermore, a pricing model is proposed to deal with contents' values to attain a satisfactory Quality of Experience (QoE). Second, a more advanced system model is discussed to cache contents with the assistance of vehicles and to enable a disconnected and fixed Road-Side Unit (RSU) to participate in providing content delivery services. The changing popularity of contents is investigated besides accounting for the limited RSU cache capabilities. Third, the stationary RSU proposed in the second work is replaced by a more flexible infrastructure, namely an aerial RSU mounted on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The mobility of the UAV and its constrained energy capacity are analyzed and Deep Reinforcement Learning is incorporated to aid in solving the challenges in leveraging UAVs. Fourth, the previous two studies are integrated by investigating the collaboration between a UAV and terrestrial RSUs in delivering large-size contents. A strategy to fill up the UAV cache is also suggested via mulling contents over vehicles. Fifth, the complexity of vehicular urban environments is addressed. In particular, the problem of disconnected areas in vehicular environments due to the appearance of high-rise buildings and other obstacles is studied. In details, a Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) is exploited to provide indirect links between the RSU and vehicles travelling through such areas. Our sixth and final contribution deals with time-constrained Internet of Things (IoT) devices (IoTD) supporting ITS networks. In this regard, a UAV is dispatched to collect their data timely and fully while being assisted by a RIS to improve the wireless channel quality. In the end, this dissertation provides discussions that highlight open research directions worth of further investigations

    A cross-layer quality-oriented energy-efficient scheme for multimedia delivery in wireless local area networks

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    Wireless communication technologies, although emerged only a few decades ago, have grown fast in both popularity and technical maturity. As a result, mobile devices such as Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) or smart phones equipped with embedded wireless cards have seen remarkable growth in popularity and are quickly becoming one of the most widely used communication tools. This is mainly determined by the flexibility, convenience and relatively low costs associated with these devices and wireless communications. Multimedia applications have become by far one of the most popular applications among mobile users. However this type of application has very high bandwidth requirements, seriously restricting the usage of portable devices. Moreover, the wireless technology involves increased energy consumption and consequently puts huge pressure on the limited battery capacity which presents many design challenges in the context of battery powered devices. As a consequence, power management has raised awareness in both research and industrial communities and huge efforts have been invested into energy conservation techniques and strategies deployed within different components of the mobile devices. Our research presented in this thesis focuses on energy efficient data transmission in wireless local networks, and mainly contributes in the following aspects: 1. Static STELA, which is a Medium Access Control (MAC) layer solution that adapts the sleep/wakeup state schedule of the radio transceiver according to the bursty nature of data traffic and real time observation of data packets in terms of arrival time. The algorithm involves three phases– slow start phase, exponential increase phase, and linear increase phase. The initiation and termination of each phase is self-adapted to real time traffic and user configuration. It is designed to provide either maximum energy efficiency or best Quality of Service (QoS) according to user preference. 2. Dynamic STELA, which is a MAC layer solution deployed on the mobile devices and provides balanced performance between energy efficiency and QoS. Dynamic STELA consists of the three phase algorithm used in static STELA, and additionally employs a traffic modeling algorithm to analyze historical traffic data and estimate the arrival time of the next burst. Dynamic STELA achieves energy saving through intelligent and adaptive increase of Wireless Network Interface Card (WNIC) sleeping interval in the second and the third phase and at the same time guarantees delivery performance through optimal WNIC waking timing before the estimated arrival of new data burst. 3. Q-PASTE, which is a quality-oriented cross-layer solution with two components employed at different network layers, designed for multimedia content delivery. First component, the Packet/ApplicaTion manager (PAT) is deployed at the application layer of both service gateway and client host. The gateway level PAT utilizes fast start, as a widely supported technique for multimedia content delivery, to achieve high QoS and shapes traffic into bursts to reduce the wireless transceiver’s duty cycle. Additionally, gateway-side PAT informs client host the starting and ending time of fast start to assist parameter tuning. The client-side PAT monitors each active session and informs the MAC layer about their traffic-related behavior. The second component, dynamic STELA, deployed at MAC layer, adaptively adjusts the sleep/wake-up behavior of mobile device wireless interfaces in order to reduce energy consumption while also maintaining high Quality of Service (QoS) levels. 4. A comprehensive survey on energy efficient standards and some of the most important state-of-the-art energy saving technologies is also provided as part of the work

    Resource Allocation and Service Management in Next Generation 5G Wireless Networks

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    The accelerated evolution towards next generation networks is expected to dramatically increase mobile data traffic, posing challenging requirements for future radio cellular communications. User connections are multiplying, whilst data hungry content is dominating wireless services putting significant pressure on network's available spectrum. Ensuring energy-efficient and low latency transmissions, while maintaining advanced Quality of Service (QoS) and high standards of user experience are of profound importance in order to address diversifying user prerequisites and ensure superior and sustainable network performance. At the same time, the rise of 5G networks and the Internet of Things (IoT) evolution is transforming wireless infrastructure towards enhanced heterogeneity, multi-tier architectures and standards, as well as new disruptive telecommunication technologies. The above developments require a rethinking of how wireless networks are designed and operate, in conjunction with the need to understand more holistically how users interact with the network and with each other. In this dissertation, we tackle the problem of efficient resource allocation and service management in various network topologies under a user-centric approach. In the direction of ad-hoc and self-organizing networks where the decision making process lies at the user level, we develop a novel and generic enough framework capable of solving a wide array of problems with regards to resource distribution in an adaptable and multi-disciplinary manner. Aiming at maximizing user satisfaction and also achieve high performance - low power resource utilization, the theory of network utility maximization is adopted, with the examined problems being formulated as non-cooperative games. The considered games are solved via the principles of Game Theory and Optimization, while iterative and low complexity algorithms establish their convergence to steady operational outcomes, i.e., Nash Equilibrium points. This thesis consists a meaningful contribution to the current state of the art research in the field of wireless network optimization, by allowing users to control multiple degrees of freedom with regards to their transmission, considering mobile customers and their strategies as the key elements for the amelioration of network's performance, while also adopting novel technologies in the resource management problems. First, multi-variable resource allocation problems are studied for multi-tier architectures with the use of femtocells, addressing the topic of efficient power and/or rate control, while also the topic is examined in Visible Light Communication (VLC) networks under various access technologies. Next, the problem of customized resource pricing is considered as a separate and bounded resource to be optimized under distinct scenarios, which expresses users' willingness to pay instead of being commonly implemented by a central administrator in the form of penalties. The investigation is further expanded by examining the case of service provider selection in competitive telecommunication markets which aim to increase their market share by applying different pricing policies, while the users model the selection process by behaving as learning automata under a Machine Learning framework. Additionally, the problem of resource allocation is examined for heterogeneous services where users are enabled to dynamically pick the modules needed for their transmission based on their preferences, via the concept of Service Bundling. Moreover, in this thesis we examine the correlation of users' energy requirements with their transmission needs, by allowing the adaptive energy harvesting to reflect the consumed power in the subsequent information transmission in Wireless Powered Communication Networks (WPCNs). Furthermore, in this thesis a fresh perspective with respect to resource allocation is provided assuming real life conditions, by modeling user behavior under Prospect Theory. Subjectivity in decisions of users is introduced in situations of high uncertainty in a more pragmatic manner compared to the literature, where they behave as blind utility maximizers. In addition, network spectrum is considered as a fragile resource which might collapse if over-exploited under the principles of the Tragedy of the Commons, allowing hence users to sense risk and redefine their strategies accordingly. The above framework is applied in different cases where users have to select between a safe and a common pool of resources (CPR) i.e., licensed and unlicensed bands, different access technologies, etc., while also the impact of pricing in protecting resource fragility is studied. Additionally, the above resource allocation problems are expanded in Public Safety Networks (PSNs) assisted by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), while also aspects related to network security against malign user behaviors are examined. Finally, all the above problems are thoroughly evaluated and tested via a series of arithmetic simulations with regards to the main characteristics of their operation, as well as against other approaches from the literature. In each case, important performance gains are identified with respect to the overall energy savings and increased spectrum utilization, while also the advantages of the proposed framework are mirrored in the improvement of the satisfaction and the superior Quality of Service of each user within the network. Lastly, the flexibility and scalability of this work allow for interesting applications in other domains related to resource allocation in wireless networks and beyond