853 research outputs found

    Fully dynamic cycle-equivalence in graphs

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    Two edges e_1 and e_2 of an undirected graph are cycle-equivalent iff all cycles that contain e_1 also contain e_2, i.e., iff e_1 and e_2 are a cut-edge pair. The cycle-equivalence classes of the control-flow graph are used in optimizing compilers to speed up existing control-flow and data-flow algorithms. While the cycle-equivalence classes can be computed in linear time, we present the first fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining the cycle-equivalence relation. In an n-node graph our data structure executes an edge insertion or deletion in O(sqrt(n.log n)) time and answers the query whether two given edges are cycle-equivalent in O(pow2(log(n))) time. We also present an algorithm for plane graphs with O(log n) update and query time and for planar graphs with O(log n) insertion time and O(log2 n) query and deletion time. Additionally, we show a lower bound of Ω(log n/log log n) for the amortized time per operation for the dynamic cycle-equivalence problem in the cell probe mode

    Minimum Spanning Trees in Weakly Dynamic Graphs

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    International audienceIn this paper, we study weakly dynamic undirected graphs, that can be used to represent some logistic networks. The goal is to deliver all the delivery points in the network. The network exists in a mostly stable environment, except for a few edges known to be non-stable. The weight of each of these non-stable edges may change at any time (bascule or lift bridge, elevator, traffic congestion...). All other edges have stable weights that never change. This problem can be now considered as a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) problem on a dynamic graph. We propose an efficient polynomial algorithm that computes in advance alternative MSTs for all possible configurations. No additional computation is then needed after any change in the problem because the MSTs are already known in all cases. We use these results to compute critical values for the non-stable weights and to pre-compute best paths. When the non-stable weights change, the appropriate MST may then directly and immediately be used without any recomputation

    Fully dynamic maintenance of k-connectivity in parallel

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    ©2001 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.Given a graph G=(V, E) with n vertices and m edges, the k-connectivity of G denotes either the k-edge connectivity or the k-vertex connectivity of G. In this paper, we deal with the fully dynamic maintenance of k-connectivity of G in the parallel setting for k=2, 3. We study the problem of maintaining k-edge/vertex connected components of a graph undergoing repeatedly dynamic updates, such as edge insertions and deletions, and answering the query of whether two vertices are included in the same k-edge/vertex connected component. Our major results are the following: (1) An NC algorithm for the 2-edge connectivity problem is proposed, which runs in O(log n log(m/n)) time using O(n3/4) processors per update and query. (2) It is shown that the biconnectivity problem can be solved in O(log2 n ) time using O(nα(2n, n)/logn) processors per update and O(1) time with a single processor per query or in O(log n logn/m) time using O(nα(2n, n)/log n) processors per update and O(logn) time using O(nα(2n, n)/logn) processors per query, where α(.,.) is the inverse of Ackermann's function. (3) An NC algorithm for the triconnectivity problem is also derived, which takes O(log n logn/m+logn log log n/α(3n, n)) time using O(nα(3n, n)/log n) processors per update and O(1) time with a single processor per query. (4) An NC algorithm for the 3-edge connectivity problem is obtained, which has the same time and processor complexities as the algorithm for the triconnectivity problem. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed algorithms are the first NC algorithms for the problems using O(n) processors in contrast to Ω(m) processors for solving them from scratch. In particular, the proposed NC algorithm for the 2-edge connectivity problem uses only O(n3/4) processors. All the proposed algorithms run on a CRCW PRAMWeifa Liang, Brent, R.P., Hong She

    Average-case analysis of dynamic graph algorithms

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    We present a model for edge updates with restricted randomness in dynamic graph algorithms and a general technique for analyzing the expected running time of an update operation. This model is able to capture the average case in many applications, since (1) it allows restrictions on the set of edges which can be used for insertions and (2) the type (insertion or deletion) of each update operation is arbitrary, i.e., not random. We use our technique to analyze existing and new dynamic algorithms for the following problems: maximum cardinality matching, minimum spanning forest, connectivity, 2- edge connectivity, k-edge connectivity, k-vertex connectivity, and bipartiteness. Given a random graph G with m0 edges and n vertices and a sequence of l update operations such that the graph contains mi edges after operation i, the expected time for performing the updates for any l is O(l log(n) + sum(i=1 to l) n/sqrt(m_i)) in the case of minimum spanning forests, connectivity, 2-edge connectivity, and bipartiteness. The expected time per update operation is O(n) in the case of maximum matching. We also give improved bounds for k-edge and k-vertex connectivity. Additionally we give an insertions-only algorithm for maximum cardinality matching with worst- case O(n) amortized time per insertion