2,170 research outputs found

    Word Embeddings for Entity-annotated Texts

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    Learned vector representations of words are useful tools for many information retrieval and natural language processing tasks due to their ability to capture lexical semantics. However, while many such tasks involve or even rely on named entities as central components, popular word embedding models have so far failed to include entities as first-class citizens. While it seems intuitive that annotating named entities in the training corpus should result in more intelligent word features for downstream tasks, performance issues arise when popular embedding approaches are naively applied to entity annotated corpora. Not only are the resulting entity embeddings less useful than expected, but one also finds that the performance of the non-entity word embeddings degrades in comparison to those trained on the raw, unannotated corpus. In this paper, we investigate approaches to jointly train word and entity embeddings on a large corpus with automatically annotated and linked entities. We discuss two distinct approaches to the generation of such embeddings, namely the training of state-of-the-art embeddings on raw-text and annotated versions of the corpus, as well as node embeddings of a co-occurrence graph representation of the annotated corpus. We compare the performance of annotated embeddings and classical word embeddings on a variety of word similarity, analogy, and clustering evaluation tasks, and investigate their performance in entity-specific tasks. Our findings show that it takes more than training popular word embedding models on an annotated corpus to create entity embeddings with acceptable performance on common test cases. Based on these results, we discuss how and when node embeddings of the co-occurrence graph representation of the text can restore the performance.Comment: This paper is accepted in 41st European Conference on Information Retrieva

    Improving approximation of domain-focused, corpus-based, lexical semantic relatedness

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    Semantic relatedness is a measure that quantifies the strength of a semantic link between two concepts. Often, it can be efficiently approximated with methods that operate on words, which represent these concepts. Approximating semantic relatedness between texts and concepts represented by these texts is an important part of many text and knowledge processing tasks of crucial importance in many domain-specific scenarios. The problem of most state-of-the-art methods for calculating domain-specific semantic relatedness is their dependence on highly specialized, structured knowledge resources, which makes these methods poorly adaptable for many usage scenarios. On the other hand, the domain knowledge in the fields such as Life Sciences has become more and more accessible, but mostly in its unstructured form - as texts in large document collections, which makes its use more challenging for automated processing. In this dissertation, three new corpus-based methods for approximating domain-specific textual semantic relatedness are presented and evaluated with a set of standard benchmarks focused on the field of biomedicine. Nonetheless, the proposed measures are general enough to be adapted to other domain-focused scenarios. The evaluation involves comparisons with other relevant state-of-the-art measures for calculating semantic relatedness and the results suggest that the methods presented here perform comparably or better than other approaches. Additionally, the dissertation also presents an experiment, in which one of the proposed methods is applied within an ontology matching system, DisMatch. The performance of the system was evaluated externally on a biomedically themed ‘Phenotype’ track of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2016 campaign. The results of the track indicate, that the use distributional semantic relatedness for ontology matching is promising, as the system presented in this thesis did stand out in detecting correct mappings that were not detected by any other systems participating in the track. The work presented in the dissertation indicates an improvement achieved w.r.t. the stat-of-the-art through the domain adapted use of the distributional principle (i.e. the presented methods are corpus-based and do not require additional resources). The ontology matching experiment showcases practical implications of the presented theoretical body of work

    From Frequency to Meaning: Vector Space Models of Semantics

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    Computers understand very little of the meaning of human language. This profoundly limits our ability to give instructions to computers, the ability of computers to explain their actions to us, and the ability of computers to analyse and process text. Vector space models (VSMs) of semantics are beginning to address these limits. This paper surveys the use of VSMs for semantic processing of text. We organize the literature on VSMs according to the structure of the matrix in a VSM. There are currently three broad classes of VSMs, based on term-document, word-context, and pair-pattern matrices, yielding three classes of applications. We survey a broad range of applications in these three categories and we take a detailed look at a specific open source project in each category. Our goal in this survey is to show the breadth of applications of VSMs for semantics, to provide a new perspective on VSMs for those who are already familiar with the area, and to provide pointers into the literature for those who are less familiar with the field

    SimLex-999: Evaluating Semantic Models with (Genuine) Similarity Estimation

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    We present SimLex-999, a gold standard resource for evaluating distributional semantic models that improves on existing resources in several important ways. First, in contrast to gold standards such as WordSim-353 and MEN, it explicitly quantifies similarity rather than association or relatedness, so that pairs of entities that are associated but not actually similar [Freud, psychology] have a low rating. We show that, via this focus on similarity, SimLex-999 incentivizes the development of models with a different, and arguably wider range of applications than those which reflect conceptual association. Second, SimLex-999 contains a range of concrete and abstract adjective, noun and verb pairs, together with an independent rating of concreteness and (free) association strength for each pair. This diversity enables fine-grained analyses of the performance of models on concepts of different types, and consequently greater insight into how architectures can be improved. Further, unlike existing gold standard evaluations, for which automatic approaches have reached or surpassed the inter-annotator agreement ceiling, state-of-the-art models perform well below this ceiling on SimLex-999. There is therefore plenty of scope for SimLex-999 to quantify future improvements to distributional semantic models, guiding the development of the next generation of representation-learning architectures

    Distributional Semantics Today Introduction to the special issue

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    International audienceThis introduction to the special issue of the TAL journal on distributional semantics provides an overview of the current topics of this field and gives a brief summary of the contributions. RÉSUMÉ. Cette introduction au numéro spécial de la revue TAL consacré à la sémantique dis-tributionnelle propose un panorama des thèmes de recherche actuels dans ce champ et fournit un résumé succinct des contributions acceptées

    Embedding Words and Senses Together via Joint Knowledge-Enhanced Training

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    Word embeddings are widely used in Nat-ural Language Processing, mainly due totheir success in capturing semantic infor-mation from massive corpora. However,their creation process does not allow thedifferent meanings of a word to be auto-matically separated, as it conflates theminto a single vector. We address this issueby proposing a new model which learnsword and sense embeddings jointly. Ourmodel exploits large corpora and knowl-edge from semantic networks in order toproduce a unified vector space of wordand sense embeddings. We evaluate themain features of our approach both qual-itatively and quantitatively in a variety oftasks, highlighting the advantages of theproposed method in comparison to state-of-the-art word- and sense-based models
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