4 research outputs found

    A Reduced Reference Image Quality Measure Using Bessel K Forms Model for Tetrolet Coefficients

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    In this paper, we introduce a Reduced Reference Image Quality Assessment (RRIQA) measure based on the natural image statistic approach. A new adaptive transform called "Tetrolet" is applied to both reference and distorted images. To model the marginal distribution of tetrolet coefficients Bessel K Forms (BKF) density is proposed. Estimating the parameters of this distribution allows to summarize the reference image with a small amount of side information. Five distortion measures based on the BKF parameters of the original and processed image are used to predict quality scores. A comparison between these measures is presented showing a good consistency with human judgment

    Variational approach for restoring blurred images with cauchy noise

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    Image reconstruction under non-Gaussian noise

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    Débruitage de séquences vidéo en présence de perturbations fortement impulsives

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    In this document, we are interested to the video denoising in the presence of heavily impulsiveperturbations. These additive perturbations which can occur during acquisition, transmission orcompression of video ows cannot be modeled in an adequate way by a Gaussian distribution.To address this problem two types of solutions are generally adopted : parametric methods andnon-parametric methods.In a first part, we propose to use the higher order statistics (HOS). The HOS-based algorithmsare compared with the techniques based on the second order statistics (SOS). The experimentalevaluation of the performances emphasizes the interest of such approach.In a second part, we propose to model the perturbation process by the α-stable distribution.The treatments resulting from this modeling show the eectiveness of the approach suggestedin term of SNR and computational time gain.Dans ce document, nous nous intĂ©ressons au dĂ©bruitage de sĂ©quences vidĂ©o en prĂ©sence de perturbationsfortement impulsives. Ces perturbations additives qui peuvent ĂȘtre rencontrĂ©es lorsde l'acquisition, de la transmission ou compression des ux vidĂ©o ne peuvent ĂȘtre modĂ©lisĂ©es defaçon adĂ©quate par une distribution gaussienne.Pour aborder ce problĂšme deux types de solutions sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement adoptĂ©es : les mĂ©thodesparamĂ©triques et les mĂ©thodes non paramĂ©triques.Dans une premiĂšre partie, nous proposons d'utiliser des statistiques d'ordre supĂ©rieur. Les algorithmesproposĂ©s sont comparĂ©s au techniques basĂ©es sur les statistiques du second ordre.L'Ă©valuation expĂ©rimentale des performances met en valeur l'intĂ©rĂȘt d'une telle approche.Dans une seconde partie, nous proposons de modĂ©liser le processus perturbateur par une loiα-stable. Les traitements issus de cette modĂ©lisation montrent l'ecacitĂ© de l'approche proposĂ©een terme de gain en SNR et de temps de calcul