221 research outputs found

    Cross Z-Complementary Pairs for Optimal Training in Spatial Modulation Over Frequency Selective Channels

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    The contributions of this article are twofold: Firstly, we introduce a novel class of sequence pairs, called “cross Z-complementary pairs (CZCPs),” each displaying zero-correlation zone (ZCZ) properties for both their aperiodic autocorrelation sums and crosscorrelation sums. Systematic constructions of perfect CZCPs based on selected Golay complementary pairs (GCPs) are presented. Secondly, we point out that CZCPs can be utilized as a key component in designing training sequences for broadband spatial modulation (SM) systems. We show that our proposed SM training sequences derived from CZCPs lead to optimal channel estimation performance over frequency-selective channels

    Generalized discrete Fourier transform with non-linear phase : theory and design

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    Constant modulus transforms like discrete Fourier transform (DFT), Walsh transform, and Gold codes have been successfully used over several decades in various engineering applications, including discrete multi-tone (DMT), orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and code division multiple access (CDMA) communications systems. Among these popular transforms, DFT is a linear phase transform and widely used in multicarrier communications due to its performance and fast algorithms. In this thesis, a theoretical framework for Generalized DFT (GDFT) with nonlinear phase exploiting the phase space is developed. It is shown that GDFT offers sizable correlation improvements over DFT, Walsh, and Gold codes. Brute force search algorithm is employed to obtain orthogonal GDFT code sets with improved correlations. Design examples and simulation results on several channel types presented in the thesis show that the proposed GDFT codes, with better auto and cross-correlation properties than DFT, lead to better bit-error-rate performance in all multi-carrier and multi-user communications scenarios investigated. It is also highlighted how known constant modulus code families such as Walsh, Walsh-like and other codes are special solutions of the GDFT framework. In addition to theoretical framework, practical design methods with computationally efficient implementations of GDFT as enhancements to DFT are presented in the thesis. The main advantage of the proposed method is its ability to design a wide selection of constant modulus orthogonal code sets based on the desired performance metrics mimicking the engineering .specs of interest. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a leading candidate to be adopted for high speed 4G wireless communications standards due to its high spectral efficiency, strong resistance to multipath fading and ease of implementation with Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithms. However, the main disadvantage of an OFDM based communications technique is of its high PAPR at the RF stage of a transmitter. PAPR dominates the power (battery) efficiency of the radio transceiver. Among the PAPR reduction methods proposed in the literature, Selected Mapping (SLM) method has been successfully used in OFDM communications. In this thesis, an SLM method employing GDFT with closed form phase functions rather than fixed DFT for PAPR reduction is introduced. The performance improvements of GDFT based SLM PAPR reduction for various OFDM communications scenarios including the WiMAX standard based system are evaluated by simulations. Moreover, an efficient implementation of GDFT based SLM method reducing computational cost of multiple transform operations is forwarded. Performance simulation results show that power efficiency of non-linear RF amplifier in an OFDM system employing proposed method significantly improved

    Direct Antenna Modulation using Frequency Selective Surfaces

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    In the coming years, the number of connected wireless devices will increase dramatically, expanding the Internet of Things (IoT). It is likely that much of this capacity will come from network densification. However, base stations are inefficient and expensive, particularly the downlink transmitters. The main cause of this is the power amplifier (PA), which must amplify complex signals, so are expensive and often only 30% efficient. As such, the cost of densifying cellular networks is high. This thesis aims to overcome this problem through codesign of a low complexity, energy efficient transmitter through electromagnetic design; and a waveform which leverages the advantages and mitigates the disadvantages of the new technology, while being suitable for supporting IoT devices. Direct Antenna Modulation (DAM) is a low complexity transmitter architecture, where modulation occurs at the antenna at transmit power. This means a non-linear PA can efficiently amplify the carrier wave without added distortion. Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS) are presented here as potential phase modulators for DAM transmitters. The theory of operation is discussed, and a prototype DAM for QPSK modulation is simulated, designed and tested. Next, the design process for a continuous phase modulating antenna is explored. Simulations and measurement are used to fully characterise a prototype, and it is implemented in a line-of-sight end-to-end communications system, demonstrating BPSK, QPSK and 8-PSK. Due to the favourable effects of spread spectrum signalling on FSS DAM performance, Cyclic Prefix Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (CPDSSS) is developed. Conventional spreading techniques are extended using a cyclic prefix, making multipath interference entirely defined by the periodic autocorrelation of the sequence used. This is demonstrated analytically, through simulation and with experiments. Finally, CPDSSS is implemented using FSS DAM, demonstrating the potential of this new low cost, low complexity transmitter with CPDSSS as a scalable solution to IoT connectivity

    Single and multi-antenna MC-DS-CDMA with joint detection for broadband block-fading channels

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    In the context of broadband wireless communications using code division multiple access (CDMA), the main multiple access (MA) options include single-carrier direct sequence CDMA (SC-DS-CDMA) using time-domain direct sequence spreading [1, p. 728], multicarrier CDMA (MC-CDMA) using frequency-domain spreading [2, 3] and multicarrier DS-CDMA (MC-DS-CDMA) using time-domain direct sequence spreading of the individual sub-carrier signals [4, 5]. It was shown in [6] that MC-DS-CDMA has the highest degrees of freedom in the family of CDMA schemes that can be beneficially exploited during the system design and reconfiguration procedures. An amalgam of MC-CDMA and MC-DS-CDMA known as time and frequency domain spreading (TF-domain spreading) MC-DS-CDMA was proposed in [6]. TF-domain spreading MC-DS-CDMA has several benefits over conventional MC-DS-CDMA with regard to both capacity and performance [7]. However, in contrast to conventional MC-DS-CDMA, TF-domain spreading MC-DS-CDMA introduces MUI, which necessitates the use of joint detection at the receiver. Recently, multiple input multiple output (MIMO) or multi-antenna TF-domain spreading MC-DS-CDMA schemes have been proposed in the literature that e ciently exploit both the spatial and frequency diversity available in MIMO frequency-selective channels [8, 9]. Although an extensive amount of research has been done on single and multi-antenna TF-domain spreading MC-DS-CDMA schemes that achieve both spatial and frequency diversity in frequency-selective slow fading channels [6–9], very little research considers the time-selectivity of the wireless channels encountered. Thus, the above-mentioned schemes may not be su ciently e cient, when communicating over wireless channels exhibiting both frequency-selective and time-selective fading. There are very few MC-DS-CDMA schemes in the literature that consider the time-selectivity of the wireless channels encountered. This study considers the design of single and multi-antenna TF-domain spreading MC-DS-CDMA, for frequency-selective block-fading channels, which are capable of exploiting the full diversity available in the channel (i.e. spatial, frequency and temporal diversity), using various methods of joint detection at the receiver. It has been shown that the diversity gain in block-fading channels can be improved by coding across multiple fading blocks [10–12]. Single-antenna TF-domain spreading MC-DS-CDMA is considered for the quasi-synchronous uplink channel, and multi-antenna TF-domain spreading MC-DS-CDMA is considered for the synchronous downlink channel. Numerous simulated bit error rate (BER) performance curves, obtained using a triply selective MIMO channel platform, are presented in this study using optimal and sub-optimal joint detection algorithms at the receiver. In addition, this study investigates the impact of spatial correlation on the BER performance of the MC-DS-CDMA schemes considered. From these simulated results, one is able to conclude that TF-domain spreading MC-DS-CDMA designed for frequency-selective block-fading channels performs better than previously proposed schemes designed for frequency-selective slow fading channels, owing to the additional temporal diversity exploited under the block-fading assumption. AFRIKAANS : In die konteks van bre¨eband- draadlose kommunikasie deur die gebruik van kodeverdelingveelvuldige toegang (KVVT) behels die belangrikste veelvuldigetoegang- (VT) opsies enkel-draer direkte-sekwensie KVVT (ED-DS-KVVT), deur die gebruik van tyd-domein direkte sekwensie-verspreiding [1, p. 728], veelvuldigedraer-KVVT (VD-KVVT) deur die gebruik van frekwensiedomein-verspreiding [2, 3] en VD-DS- KVVT deur die gebruik van tyd-domein direkte sekwensie-verspreiding van die individuele sub-draerseine [4, 5]. Daar is in [6] aangetoon dat VD-DS-KVVT die hoogste vlakke van vryheid in die familie KVVT-skemas het wat voordelig benut kan word gedurende sisteemontwerp en rekonfigurasieprosedures. ’n Amalgaam van VD-KVVT en VD-DS-KVVT bekend as tyd-en-frekwensiedomeinverspreiding (TF-domeinverspreiding) VD-DS-KVVT is voorgestel in [6]. TF-domeinverspreiding VD-DS-KVVT het verskeie voordele bo konvensionele VD-DS-KVVT wat sowel kapasiteit as werkverrigting betref [7]. In teenstelling met konvensionele VD-DS-KVVT benut TF-domeinverspreiding VD-DS-KVVT multi-gebruiker-interferensie, wat die gebruik van gesamentlike opsporing by die ontvanger noodsaak. In die onlangse verlede is in die literatuur veelvuldige-inset-veelvuldige-uitset- (VIVU) of veelvuldige-antenna TF-omeinverspreiding VD-DS-KVVT-skemas voorgestel wat sowel die ruimtelike as frekwensiediversiteit wat in VIVU frekwensie-selektiewe kanale beskikbaar is, e ektief gebruik [8, 9]. Hoewel uitgebreide navorsing onderneem is oor enkel- en multi-antenna TF-domeinverspreiding VD-DS-KVVT-skemas wat sowel ruimtelike as frekwensie diversiteit in frekwensie-selektiewe stadig deinende kanale bereik [6–9], oorweeg baie min navorsing die tyd-selektiwiteit van die draadlose kanale wat betrokke is. Bogenoemde skemas mag dus nie e ektief genoeg wees nie wanneer kommunikasie plaasvind oor draadlose kanale wat sowel frekwensie-selektiewe as tyd-selektiewe wegsterwing toon. Baie min VD-DS-KVVT-skemas in die literatuur skenk aandag aan die tyd-selektiwiteit van die betrokke draadlose kanale. Die studie ondersoek die ontwerp van enkel- en multi-antenna TF-domeinverspreiding VD-DS-KVVT vir frekwensie-selektiewe blokwegsterwingkanale, wat in staat is om die volle diversiteit wat in die kanaal beskikbaar is, te benut (i.e. ruimtelike, frekwensie- en tyddiversiteit), deur die gebruik van verskeie metodes van gesamentlike opsporing by die ontvanger. Daar is aangetoon dat die diversiteitwins in blokwegsterwingkanale verbeter kan word deur kodering oor veelvuldige deinende blokke [10–12]. Enkel-antenna TF-domeinverspreiding VD-DS-KVVT word oorweeg vir die kwasi-sinchroniese opverbinding-kanaal, en multi-antenna TF-domeinverspreiding VD-DS-KVVT vir die sinchroniese afverbinding-kanaal. Talryke gesimuleerde bisfouttempo (BFT) werkverrigtingkurwes wat verkry is deur die gebruik van ’n drie-voudige selektiewe VIVU-kanaalplatform, word in hierdie studie aangebied, deur die gebruik van optimale en sub-optimale gesamentlike opsporingsalgoritmes by die ontvanger. Daarbenewens ondersoek hierdie studie die impak van ruimtelike korrelasie op die BFT-werkverrigring van die VD-DS-KVVT-skemas wat oorweeg word. Uit hierdie gesimuleerde resultate is dit moontlik om tot die gevolgtrekking te kom dat TF-domeinverspreiding VD-DS-KVVT wat ontwerp is vir frekwensie-selektiese blokwegsterwingkanale beter werkverrigting toon as vroe¨er voorgestelde skemas wat ontwerp is vir frekwensie-selektiewe stadig deinende kanale, te danke aan die ekstra tyddiversiteit wat deur die blokwegsterwing-aanname benut word. CopyrightDissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2010.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte

    Learning to Demodulate from Few Pilots via Offline and Online Meta-Learning

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    This paper considers an Internet-of-Things (IoT) scenario in which devices sporadically transmit short packets with few pilot symbols over a fading channel. Devices are characterized by unique transmission non-idealities, such as I/Q imbalance. The number of pilots is generally insufficient to obtain an accurate estimate of the end-to-end channel, which includes the effects of fading and of the transmission-side distortion. This paper proposes to tackle this problem by using meta-learning. Accordingly, pilots from previous IoT transmissions are used as meta-training data in order to train a demodulator that is able to quickly adapt to new end-to-end channel conditions from few pilots. Various state-of-the-art meta-learning schemes are adapted to the problem at hand and evaluated, including Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML), First-Order MAML (FOMAML), REPTILE, and fast Context Adaptation VIA meta-learning (CAVIA). Both offline and online solutions are developed. In the latter case, an integrated online meta-learning and adaptive pilot number selection scheme is proposed. Numerical results validate the advantages of meta-learning as compared to training schemes that either do not leverage prior transmissions or apply a standard joint learning algorithms on previously received data.Comment: journal paper to appear in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, subsumes (arXiv:1903.02184

    System Level Analysis And Design For Wireless Inter-Chip Interconnection Communication Systems By Applying Advanced Wireless Communication Technologies

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    As the dramatic development of high speed integrated circuits has progressed, the 60 GHz silicon technology has been introduced to enable much faster computer systems and their corresponding applications. However, when signals are propagating at 60 GHz or higher frequencies on a PCB (Printed Circuit Board), the crosstalk among signal buses and devices, trace losses, and introduced parasitic capacitance and inductance between high density traces, become significant and may be severe enough such that the inter-chip communications will not be able to meet computer system signal specifications. High speed circuit signal integrity researchers in both electronic industries and academia have explored various methodologies to resolve these high frequency issues. Moreover, Intel is introducing Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI) for multi-core server systems, which demands more than 2.44 Tbps data rate between two CPUs, and 1.5 Tbps data rate for PCIe channel operation. Recently, the concept of the wireless inter/intra-chip interconnection (WIIC) technology was introduced [19, 23] for solving high frequency signal integrity issues. Here this dissertation mainly focuses on the inter-chip case while still using the WIIC designation for generality. Various WIIC technologies have been presented in the literature, which have focused on the investigations on Ultra Wide-Band (UWB), propagation channels, modulations, antennas, and power controls and interference. However, not much research has focused on a system level design, which includes the lowest two layers of the communication protocol in a WIIC system, namely, the physical, and data link layers. Also, the previously published literature has rarely reached the data rate at 100 Gbps or higher, and none of the prior research has obtained a spectrum utilization ratio of 4 bit/Hz or greater. In addition, currently existing research has not fully taken advantage of advanced and matured wireless communication technologies such as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), high order modulation, and Multiple-Input/Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems for increasing data rates and improving reliability, although the use of UWB [29], conventional FDMA or TDMA [39], and binary modulations including Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) [22], On-Off Keying (OOK) [31], and Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) [35] have been studied in previous research. In this dissertation, a complete WIIC system and a representative WIIC channel model have been developed by taking full advantages of advanced wireless communication techniques. First, this research has analyzed the potential of higher-order modulation, error correction, OFDM, and channel coding to the WIIC setting. Although MIMO, interleaving and scrambling are also analyzed but not included in the current version of the proposed WIIC system, they could be featured in hypothetically ideal future research to determine their potential benefits. Second, the performance of a proposed WIIC system has been analyzed in order to reach 100 Gbps data rate. Third, a 60 GHz WIIC channel based on metamaterial Electronic Band Gap (EBG) absorbers has been designed and analyzed using the numerical electromagnetics solver HFSS® and this EBG is integrated into the representative WIIC channel. Moreover, the impulse response of the WIIC channel is numerically extracted and is used for the system validation and testing. Furthermore, the system has been simulated with the WIIC channel and the wired PCB channel. It has been found that, the Bit Error Rate (BER) performance of the proposed WIIC channel is close to that of an AWGN channel with FEC, and much better than the AWGN channel without FEC, which means that the designed WIIC system and channel work properly within the frequency band centered at 60 GHz, while the wired PCB channel is almost cut off at 15 GHz or higher for the cases investigated. With only five or six layers on a PCB board, the WIIC system is able to provide 384 Gbps data rate theoretically with 12 GHz bandwidth, while the wired PCB counterpart needs more than 20 layers in order to avoid severe SI problems and to properly layout the Tbps channels. The current version of the WIIC system is able to provide 24 Gbps data rate with the bandwidth of 12 GHz using OFDM and QPSK

    Receiver design for nonlinearly distorted OFDM : signals applications in radio-over-fiber systems

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    Multicarrier-signal design with low peaks and low out-of-band power

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    Projecte fet en col.laboració amb el Department of Electrical and Information Technology. Lund UniversityThe high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) and the high out-of-band power (OBP) are two major drawbacks of multicarrier communication systems. Many PAPR reduction and OBP supression techniques have been proposed in the literature whereas not much has been proposed regarding the jointly reduction performance. This thesis focuses on joint reducing time-domain peaks and out-of-band leakage of OFDM signals. The resulting algorithm combines the bene ts of both methods and yields better results than each method does separately