15,676 research outputs found

    Almost affine codes and matroids

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    In this thesis we study various types of block codes, like linear, mutlti-linear, almost affine codes. We also look at how these codes can be described by associated matroids. In addition we look at flags (chains) of codes and see how their behavior can be described using demi-matroids. We also introduce weight polynomials for almost affine codes

    Explicit Constructions of Quasi-Uniform Codes from Groups

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    We address the question of constructing explicitly quasi-uniform codes from groups. We determine the size of the codebook, the alphabet and the minimum distance as a function of the corresponding group, both for abelian and some nonabelian groups. Potentials applications comprise the design of almost affine codes and non-linear network codes

    On the Combinatorics of Locally Repairable Codes via Matroid Theory

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    This paper provides a link between matroid theory and locally repairable codes (LRCs) that are either linear or more generally almost affine. Using this link, new results on both LRCs and matroid theory are derived. The parameters (n,k,d,r,δ)(n,k,d,r,\delta) of LRCs are generalized to matroids, and the matroid analogue of the generalized Singleton bound in [P. Gopalan et al., "On the locality of codeword symbols," IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory] for linear LRCs is given for matroids. It is shown that the given bound is not tight for certain classes of parameters, implying a nonexistence result for the corresponding locally repairable almost affine codes, that are coined perfect in this paper. Constructions of classes of matroids with a large span of the parameters (n,k,d,r,δ)(n,k,d,r,\delta) and the corresponding local repair sets are given. Using these matroid constructions, new LRCs are constructed with prescribed parameters. The existence results on linear LRCs and the nonexistence results on almost affine LRCs given in this paper strengthen the nonexistence and existence results on perfect linear LRCs given in [W. Song et al., "Optimal locally repairable codes," IEEE J. Sel. Areas Comm.].Comment: 48 pages. Submitted for publication. In this version: The text has been edited to improve the readability. Parameter d for matroids is now defined by the use of the rank function instead of the dual matroid. Typos are corrected. Section III is divided into two parts, and some numberings of theorems etc. have been change

    Characterisation of a family of neighbour transitive codes

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    We consider codes of length mm over an alphabet of size qq as subsets of the vertex set of the Hamming graph Γ=H(m,q)\Gamma=H(m,q). A code for which there exists an automorphism group XAut(Γ)X\leq Aut(\Gamma) that acts transitively on the code and on its set of neighbours is said to be neighbour transitive, and were introduced by the authors as a group theoretic analogue to the assumption that single errors are equally likely over a noisy channel. Examples of neighbour transitive codes include the Hamming codes, various Golay codes, certain Hadamard codes, the Nordstrom Robinson codes, certain permutation codes and frequency permutation arrays, which have connections with powerline communication, and also completely transitive codes, a subfamily of completely regular codes, which themselves have attracted a lot of interest. It is known that for any neighbour transitive code with minimum distance at least 3 there exists a subgroup of XX that has a 22-transitive action on the alphabet over which the code is defined. Therefore, by Burnside's theorem, this action is of almost simple or affine type. If the action is of almost simple type, we say the code is alphabet almost simple neighbour transitive. In this paper we characterise a family of neighbour transitive codes, in particular, the alphabet almost simple neighbour transitive codes with minimum distance at least 33, and for which the group XX has a non-trivial intersection with the base group of Aut(Γ)Aut(\Gamma). If CC is such a code, we show that, up to equivalence, there exists a subcode Δ\Delta that can be completely described, and that either C=ΔC=\Delta, or Δ\Delta is a neighbour transitive frequency permutation array and CC is the disjoint union of XX-translates of Δ\Delta. We also prove that any finite group can be identified in a natural way with a neighbour transitive code.Comment: 30 Page

    Relative generalized hamming weights and extended weight polynomials of almost affine codes

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, International Castle Meeting on Coding Theory and Applications ICMCTA 2017: Coding Theory and Applications, 207-216. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-66278-7_17 .This paper is devoted to giving a generalization from linear codes to the larger class of almost affine codes of two different results. One such result is how one can express the relative generalized Hamming weights of a pair of codes in terms of intersection properties between the smallest of these codes and subcodes of the largest code. The other result tells how one can find the extended weight polynomials, expressing the number of codewords of each possible weight, for each code in an infinite hierarchy of extensions of a code over a given alphabet. Our tools will be demi-matroids and matroids