53 research outputs found


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    Capital, in the form of foreign aid, is a very substantial revenue form for many developing nations. Foreign aid is integral to strategies of nations working to relieve human suffering and achieve a secure, stable world. One of the greatest impediments to foreign aid effectiveness is unpredictability, or capital volatility. At a macro level, capital volatility’s impact in developing nations is multiples of that in the industrialized world. Capital volatility has been shown to substantially impact social welfare costs and both the efficiency and effectiveness of aid. Thus, volatility reduces the value of foreign aid. This investigation explored linkages between organizational behavior and capital volatility by analyzing the promises and disbursement conditions agreed to by donors and microfinance recipient organizations: capital investment deals. Capital volatility is defined as the difference between commitments and disbursements. The examination utilized a case study of a donor collaborative project—Microfinance Institution Technical Assistance Facility in Sierra Leone—the first of over 20 created to develop an inclusive, pro-poor financial sector by assisting microfinance institutions. Disbursement conditions and bureaucracy alone are not sufficient explanations of capital volatility. A deeper analysis revealed the role of each party’s perceptions and expectations in their respective understandings of a performance based agreement that defines the deal as a relationship, not just a legal document. These understandings are the bases of each party’s decisions and actions, often with ethical implications and consequences. This project has produced a theoretical lens – the Capitalflow Bureaucratic Triad - to understand this complexity and plan future volatility reducing strategies

    Transbasin water transfers

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    Presented at the 2001 USCID water management conference, Transbasin water transfers on June 27-30, 2001 in Denver, Colorado.Includes bibliographical references.As the headwaters for seven major rivers, water resources in Colorado have been diverted for use for over 150 years. Transbasin diversions have been developed to move water from one river basin to another, including transmountain diversions, which move water over the continental divide. Transmountain diversions have historically been developed to provide water for irrigated agriculture and municipal purposes. This paper briefly discusses the development of each of Colorado's 30 transmountain diversions between the Colorado, South Platte, Arkansas and Rio Grande river basins, and provides a summary of diversions for recent years

    Transbasin water transfers

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    Presented at the 2001 USCID water management conference, Transbasin water transfers on June 27-30, 2001 in Denver, Colorado.It too often is the case that transbasin water transfer projects, worldwide, could be beneficial to an entire region and are well engineered and yet will never be constructed. This paper reviews social, political, financial, economic, and environmental factors that were dealt with in an effective manner by strong project advocates to realize the construction of the Laja Diguillin Irrigation Project. The Project is located in Region VIII of southern Chile. It stretches across nearly 100 kilometers of stream-dissected terrain to the south of the City of Chillan. The newly built primary transmission canal was designed to convey 1400 cusecs (40 cumecs) of diverted river flow from the Laja River, across six intermediate streams, to discharge some 28 miles (45 kilometers) distant into a pool created by a rubber dam on the Diguillin River. From this pool at the town of Bulnes the water is to be further diverted, along with flow of the Diguillin River, into a system of large primary irrigation canals. This transbasin diversion project was designed to provide economic uplift to the farmers of the region who had not participated in the near countrywide economic boom of the 199Os. Thus the Chilean Government chose to plan, design, and build the project while still maintaining the principle that the private sector should own, operate, and maintain irrigation projects. Additionally, the Directorate of Irrigation of the Ministry of Public Works was empowered, after some 50 years without designing a major irrigation project, to carry out with government financing the Laja Diguillin Project. The coalescence of factors that the Ministry recognized and made effective accommodations for may be grouped into four categories. They were: 1) advocacy, which was strongly provided by Directorate personnel; 2) social, characterized by the challenge to integrate newly enfranchised irrigators with existing water users and their organizations; 3) government, which as a dynamic emergent democracy with an established bureaucracy of skilled technocrats and economists was flexible and able to adopt new or innovative approaches; and 4) competing interests for water and land, embodied in three groups who actively opposed the project for environmental and commercial reasons

    Transbasin water transfers

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    Presented at the 2001 USCID water management conference, Transbasin water transfers on June 27-30, 2001 in Denver, Colorado.Includes bibliographical references.Manusmara River Basin, a sub-basin of the Bagmati River Basin, lies in the Terai of Nepal. It lies in the sub-tropical climatic zone. The topography is almost flat with a very gentle slope towards the south. Up to the mid 1960s, a large portion was covered by dense, Sal forest. At present, only 6% of the area is occupied by forest. Over the last few decades, consumption of water especially for agriculture has increased tremendously. This paper draws out the history of agricultural development in the basin and its interface with the efforts made by the fanners to use the basin water resources. Water accounting has revealed that Manusmara is an "open basin" and it still offers ample scope for transbasin transfers and further harnessing of the available water. Even during the driest year, only 46% of the available water resources is depleted. This leaves more than half of the basin's yield for undeclared uses. The basin is at the initial stage of development. On the basis of the water account and an institutional analysis, the paper offers some suggestions for integrated development of the basin

    Transbasin water transfers

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    Presented at the 2001 USCID water management conference, Transbasin water transfers on June 27-30, 2001 in Denver, Colorado.To view the abstract, please see the full text of the document

    Agricultural Innovation in Asia: Drivers, Paradigms and Performance

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    Agriculture in Asia has shown impressive advances over the last two decades. Yet, enormous challenges lie ahead. Rising food prices, climate change, the loss of agricultural land to erosion and urbanization, and a growing and more affluent population will require continuous increases in productivity and improvements in sustainability. To answer those challenges Asian agriculture will need to become much more knowledge intensive and innovative. This study analyzes the theory and practice of agricultural innovation, focusing on the nature of the innovation process, the forces that drive agricultural innovation, the core actors involved, and the key techno-institutional innovation paradigms that have emerged. On the basis of this theoretical framework the study presents an analysis of agricultural innovation in four Asian countries: Indonesia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Vietnam, analyzing innovation at the levels of the agricultural production system, the national innovation system, and discussing the roles of public and private actors and innovation networks. The study finds that four different techno-institutional paradigms can be distinguished, based on four revolutions in Asian agriculture: the green revolution, the sustainability revolution, the biotechnology revolution and the supermarket revolution. These paradigms are based on fundamentally different technologies, involve different actors and innovation networks and show different patterns of performance across Asia. To be effective, agricultural research and innovation policies need to reflect the specific opportunities and constraints of the four techno-institutional paradigms

    Linking farm economics and hydrology: Model integration for watershed-level irrigation management applied to Chile

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    As largest user of fresh water, the agricultural sector must resolve conflict of objectives ranging from economic goals of farmers to societal and environmental targets. Research must deliver tools to manage these objectives simultaneously. Single disciplines have resolved numerous problems with disciplinary solutions. However, problems emerging from interactions and feedbacks between disciplines can only be assessed with interdisciplinary tools and managed by institutions that coordinate across departments. Such complex problems are becoming an epochal task for Natural Resource Management (NRM). A number of modeling tools exist for irrigation management at watershed level that quantify biophysical processes and water quality. Simultaneously, agricultural economics developed production planning methods for allocating water resources optimally. However, integrated planning support tools are not available that take into account both domains and their interactions. Within a larger research project, it was the objective of this Ph.D. project to develop and test methods that integrate two complex modelling softwares for irrigation management. The distributed runoff model WaSiM-ETH quantifies water flows and evapotranspiration. The dynamic land use model MP-MAS is a multi-agent system in which farmers use economic reasoning to derive cropping decisions under given environmental conditions. Furthermore, the MP-MAS software contains the bucket model EDIC, which parameterizes the distribution of water from rivers to individual farmers through the canal system. Finally, the MP-MAS software was extended with a crop yield model with complementary irrigation. Model integration is understood as service provided within a research context. This context is defined by the study region, the project setting and by the strategic decisions within the research project - such as the choice of partner institutions and disciplines. Within the Maule River watershed in Chile (Linares Province, Region VII), the project ?Integrating Governance and Modeling? assessed the use of water in agriculture. Empirical research questions as well as modeling software were also part of this research context. Integration requires the conceptual, the technical and the procedural level. Conceptual integration describes processes and interactions between farmers, the canal system as distribution infrastructure and the natural system. It also describes how farmers plan and produce within this environment. Here, scale-dependent processes like irrigation efficiency or access to water by individuals were scrutinized. Technical integration is the implementation of the conceptual system into source code, e.g. by adapting legacy software, and by creating a software layer for hierarchical coupling of all software components. Procedural integration is the calibration, analysis, error eradication and validation of these models within the research context. Calibration and analysis of integrated model components is a step-by-step procedure. For all relevant processes and interactions, empirical data was first compiled and cross-evaluated. Then, standalone model components were calibrated so that interactions were parameterized as boundary conditions that are consistent across all disciplines. Empirical data pinpointed conceptual inconsistencies in the description of interactions, and standalone models were improved together with project partners. Ultimately, model components were coupled in such ways that interactions can be analyzed dynamically at minimum model- and software complexity. The calibration process along transdisciplinary cause-effect-chains resulted in the improvement of disciplinary models and model results. For example, the relevance of access to water beyond legalized water rights became apparent when empirical data and models were combined. Also, the calibration of the EDIC model required consistent use of data from all four disciplines and improved the calibration of the MP-MAS model. For the WaSiM-ETH model, an irrigation module was developed that is consistent across scales and reflects the needs of extension workers. Finally, model integration and coupling is discussed as research process. The process of calibrating a model with four components is not only a technical challenge for modellers and data management, but also a procedural challenge with regards to cooperation beyond disciplinary institutions and cultures. The structure of the integration process should be robust against errors and equally facilitate knowledge transfer between disciplines, iterative calibration across disciplines. Success factors are suggested to reduce transaction cost during the integration process.Als größter Nutzer von Süßwasser steht Bewässerungsmanagement in einem Zielkonflikt zwischen den ökonomischen Zielen von Landwirten und Nachhaltigkeitszielen für Gesellschaft und Umwelt. Zur Handhabung dieses Zielkonflikts werden von praxisnaher Forschung Werkzeuge erwartet. Während einzelne Disziplinen erfolgreich disziplinäre Lösungen für etliche Probleme entwickelten, können komplexere Wechselwirkungen nur durch diziplinenübergreifende Betrachtung verstanden werden. Auch die Umsetzung von komplexen Lösungen durch Institutionen bedarf einer Koordination über Fachbereiche hinweg. Solche komplexeren Probleme der Interaktion und Rückkopplung werden zu einer epochalen Aufgabe für das Management natürlicher Ressourcen. Für Bewässerungsmanagement auf Einzugsbereichsebene stehen Modellierungswerkzeuge zur Verfügung, die biophysikalische Prozesse quantifizieren und Wasserqualität darstellen. Parallel werden agrar-ökonomische Methoden genutzt, um Wasserressourcen optimal einzusetzen. Integrierte Planungssysteme hingegen sind nicht erhältlich, die gleichzeitig beide Aspekte sowie Wechselwirkungen dieser Domänen berücksichtigen. Innerhalb eines Rahmenprojektes war es Ziel dieser Dissertation, eine Methode zu entwickeln und zu testen, mit der zwei komplexe Modellierungsprogramme für das Bewässerungsmanagement integriert werden. Als dynamisches Landnutzungsmodell stellt das Multiagentensystem MP-MAS die Produktionsentscheidungen von Landwirten unter gegebenen Umweltbedingungen dar. Gleichzeitig wird das hydrologisches Standort- und Einzugsgebietsmodell WaSiM-ETH verwendet, um Wasserflüsse zu quantifizieren. Zusätzlich beschreibt das Brückenmodell EDIC vereinfacht die Wasserlieferung von Flüssen zu Farmern, und die MP-MAS Software wurde um ein Pflanzenertragsmodell für komplementäre Bewässerung erweitert. Modellintegration wird als Dienstleistung innerhalb eines Forschungskontextes verstanden. Forschungsgebiet, Projektarchitektur und richtungsweisende Projektentscheidungen (z.B. die Wahl von Partnerinstitutionen und -disziplinen) stellen den Rahmen einer Modellintegration dar und werden im Methodenteil beschrieben. Das Einzugsgebiet des Chilenischen Flusses Maule (Linares Province, Region VII) und die darin stattfindende Bewässerungslandwirtschaft wird durch das Projekt ?Integrating Governance and Modeling? betrachtet. Sowohl empirische Fragestellungen als auch Modelierungssoftware werden durch diesen Forschungskontext festgelegt. Der konzeptionelle Teil der Integration beschreibt Prozesse und Wechselwirkungen zwischen Landwirten, dem Kanalsystem sowie den natürlichen Gegebenheiten. Landwirte planen und wirtschaften innerhalb dieses Rahmens. Skalenabhängige Prozessbeschreibungen wie Bewässererungseffizienz und Zugang zu Wasser werden dabei hinterfragt. Technische Integration beschreibt dann die Implementierung des konzeptionellen Systems in Computermodelle bzw. in die existierende Modellsoftware, sowie die Programmierung einer zusätlichen Softwareebene für die hierarchische Kopplung der Modellkomponenten. Die Kalibrierung und Analyse der integrierten Modellkomponenten erfolgte schrittweise. Zuerst wurden empirische Daten zur Beschreibung aller Prozesse undWechselwirkungen gesammelt und ausgewertet. Dann wurden Einzelmodelle so kalibriert, dass in Einzelmodellen die Wechselwirkungen als Randbedingungen konsistent definiert und parametrisiert sind. Hier deuteten empirische Daten auf Inkonsistenzen der konzeptionellen Systembeschreibung hin, so dass Einzelmodelle mit Projektpartnern verbessert werden mussten. Danach wurden Einzelmodelle so gekoppelt, dass Wechselwirkungen bei minimaler Modell- und Softwarekomplexität dynamisch analysiert werden konnten. Ein Kalibrierungsprozess mit disziplinenübergreifenden Ursache-Wirkungs-Ketten resultierte in Verbesserungen disziplinärer Modelle und Ergebnisse. Die Relevanz von Zugang zu Wasser jenseits des legalen Regelwerks wurde durch die Kombination empirischer Daten und Modelle deutlich. Die Kalibrierung des EDIC Modells konnte nur mit konsistenten Nutzung von Daten aus allen Disziplinen erfolgen. Dies verbesserte die Kalibrierung der MP-MAS Modelkomponente. Für das Modell WaSiM-ETH wurde ein Bewässerungsmodel entwickelt, das skalenkonsistent ist und praktischen Ansprüchen entspricht. Zuletzt wird Modellintegration und -kopplung als ein Forschungsprozess diskutiert. Der Kalibrierungsprozess eines Vier-Komponenten-Modells ist nicht nur eine technische Herausforderung für Modell- und Datenmanagement, sondern auch eine prozedurale für die Zusammenarbeit jenseits disziplinärer Institutionen und Kulturen. Die Struktur des Integrationsprozesses sollte gleichzeitig Wissenstransfer zwischen Disziplinen erleichtern, iterative Kalibrierungs- und rekursive Lernprozesse ermöglichen sowie fehlerfreundlich sein. Abschließend werden Erfolgsfaktoren vorgeschlagen welche Transaktionskosten in Integrationsprozessen reduzieren

    Grassroots Innovation Movements

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    Innovation is increasingly invoked by policy elites and business leaders as vital for tackling global challenges like sustainable development. Often overlooked, however, is the fact that networks of community groups, activists, and researchers have been innovating grassroots solutions for social justice and environmental sustainability for decades. Unencumbered by disciplinary boundaries, policy silos, or institutional logics, these ‘grassroots innovation movements’ identify issues and questions neglected by formal science, technology and innovation organizations. Grassroots solutions arise in unconventional settings through unusual combinations of people, ideas and tools. This book examines six diverse grassroots innovation movements in India, South America and Europe, situating them in their particular dynamic historical contexts. Analysis explains why each movement frames innovation and development differently, resulting in a variety of strategies. The book explores the spaces where each of these movements have grown, or attempted to do so. It critically examines the pathways they have developed for grassroots innovation and the challenges and limitations confronting their approaches. With mounting pressure for social justice in an increasingly unequal world, policy makers are exploring how to foster more inclusive innovation. In this context grassroots experiences take on added significance. This book provides timely and relevant ideas, analysis and recommendations for activists, policy-makers, students and scholars interested in encounters between innovation, development and social movements


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    The contributors to Cocaine analyze the contemporary production, transit, and consumption of cocaine throughout the Americas and the illicit economy's entanglement with local communities. Based on in-depth interviews and archival research, these essays examine how government agents, acting both within and outside the law, and criminal actors seek to manage the flow of illicit drugs to both maintain order and earn profits. Whether discussing the moral economy of coca cultivation in Bolivia, criminal organizations and drug traffickers in Mexico, or the routes cocaine takes as it travels into and through Guatemala, the contributors demonstrate how entire ways of life are built around cocaine commodification. They consider how the authority of state actors is coupled with the self-regulating practices of drug producers, traffickers, and dealers, complicating notions of governance and of the relationships between economic and moral economies. The collection also outlines a more progressive drug policy that acknowledges the important role drugs play in the lives of those at the urban and rural margins. Contributors. Enrique Desmond Arias, Lilian Bobea, Philippe Bourgois, Anthony W. Fontes, Robert Gay, Paul Gootenberg, Romain Le Cour Grandmaison, Thomas Grisaffi, Laurie Kain Hart, Annette Idler, George Karandinos, Fernando Montero, Dennis Rodgers, Taniele Rui, Cyrus Veeser, Autumn Zellers-Leó