8 research outputs found

    All-pass section with high gain opportunity

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    Minaei, Shahram (Dogus Author) -- Conference full title: 33rd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, TSP 2010; Baden near Vienna; Austria; 17 August 2010 through 20 August 2010 -- Paper published in Radioengineering, 20 (1) pp. 3-9. Fultext accessible via https://hdl.handle.net/11376/1383In this paper, a new circuit configuration for realizing voltage-mode (VM) all-pass section (APS) is presented. The circuit is cascadable with other VM circuits because of its high input and low output impedances. It consists of two differential difference current conveyors (DDCCs), one grounded resistor and one grounded capacitor. The proposed circuit can be slightly changed by using two additional grounded resistors to provide high gain. Moreover, a quadrature oscillator with minimum number of active and passive elements is derived from the proposed APS. SPICE simulations are performed to verify the theory.Motorol

    All-Pass Sections with High Gain Opportunity

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    In this paper, two new circuits for realizing firstorder voltage-mode (VM) all-pass section (APS) with variable gain are presented. The first proposed filter uses a single differential difference current conveyor (DDCC), one grounded capacitor and three resistors. The second proposed filter consists of two DDCCs, three grounded resistors and one grounded capacitor. It provides highinput and low-output impedances and can provide high gain. Both of the proposed circuits do not require any element matching condition. Moreover, oscillator circuits with minimum number of active and passive elements are derived from the proposed APSs. The proposed circuits are tested experimentally or by simulation using SPICE program to confirm the theory

    Cascadable Current-Mode First-Order All-Pass Filter Based on Minimal Components

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    A novel current-mode first-order all-pass filter with low input and high output impedance feature is presented. The circuit realization employs a single dual-X-second-generation current conveyor, one grounded capacitor, and one grounded resistor, which is a minimum component realization. The theoretical results are verified using PSPICE simulation program with TSMC 0.35 μm CMOS process parameters

    Realization of first-order current-mode filters with low number of MOS transistors

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    In this paper, a new current-mode (CM) circuit for realizing all of the first-order filter responses is suggested. The proposed configuration contains low number of components, only two NMOS transistors both operating in saturation region, two capacitors and two resistors. Major advantages of the presented circuit are low voltage, low noise and high linearity. The proposed filter circuit can simultaneously provide both inverting and non-inverting first-order low-pass, high-pass and all-pass filter responses. Computer simulation results achieved through SPICE tool and experimental results are given as examples to demonstrate performance and effectiveness of the proposed topology.In this paper, a new current-mode (CM) circuit for realizing all of the first-order filter responses is suggested. The proposed configuration contains low number of components, only two NMOS transistors both operating in saturation region, two capacitors and two resistors. Major advantages of the presented circuit are low voltage, low noise and high linearity. The proposed filter circuit can simultaneously provide both inverting and non-inverting first-order low-pass, high-pass and all-pass filter responses. Computer simulation results achieved through SPICE tool and experimental results are given as examples to demonstrate performance and effectiveness of the proposed topology

    Novi kvadraturni oscilator trećeg reda s uzemljenim kondenzatorima

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    This paper presents two Current Differencing Transconductance Amplifiers (CDTA)-based current-mode resistors-less variable frequency third-order Quadrature Oscillators (TOQO). The proposed TOQOs consist of minimum number of active and passive components, especially the first TOQO, only two CDTAs and three capacitors are used in it. The two TOQOs are completely resistor-less, and the capacitors used in the TOQOs are all grounded, which are ideal for monolithic integration. The condition of oscillation (CO) and frequency of oscillation (FO) of the TOQOs can be controlled electronically and independently, which make them suitable for variable frequency oscillator (VFO). Moreover, the two TOQOs can provide four explicit quadrature current outputs at high output impedance terminals, and they can be directly cascaded with other current-mode circuits without any impedance matching requirements. Cadence IC Design Tools 5.1.41 post-layout simulation results and experimental evidence are included to confirm all the theory.U ovom radu prikazana su dva kvadratična oscilatora trećeg reda (TOQO) zasnovana na strminskim pojačalima diferenciranja struja (CDTA), korištena u strujnom režimu bez otpornika uz promjenjivu frekvenciju. Predloženi TOQO-ovi sastoje se od najmanjeg mogućeg broja aktivnih i pasivnih komponenti, osobito prva inačica TOQO-a, u kojoj su korištena samo dva CDTA-a i tri kondenzatora. TOQO-ovi ne posjeduju niti jedan otpornik, dok su svi kondenzatori korišteni u TOQO-ovima uzemljeni, što je idealno za monolitnu integraciju. Uvjet osciliranja (CO) i frekvencija osciliranja (FO) TOQO-ova može biti upravljana elektronički i nezavisno, što ih čini pogodnima za oscilatore promjenjive frekvencije (VFO). Nadalje, dva TOQO-a mogu isporučivati četiri eksplicitna kvadratična strujna izlaza na priključku visoke izlazne impedancije, te mogu biti u direktnoj kaskadi s drugim krugovima u strujnom režimu bez ikakvih zahtjeva na poklapanje impedancija. Simulacijski rezultati za prikazane sheme dobiveni su korištenjem Cadence IC Design Tools 5.1.41 alata, a uključeni su i eksperimentalni pokazatelji kako bi se potvrdila sva prikazana teorijska osnova

    Current Conveyor All-Pass Sections: Brief Review and Novel Solution

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    This study relates to the review of an important analog electronic function in form of all-pass filter’s realization using assorted current conveyor types and their relative performances, which resulted in a novel solution based on a new proposed active element. The study encompasses notable proposals during last the decade or more, and provides a platform for a broader future survey on the topic for enhancing the knowledge penetration amongst the researchers in the specified field. A new active element named EXCCII (Extra-X second generation current conveyor) with buffered output is found in the study along with its use in a new first-order all-pass section, with possible realization using commercially available IC (AD-844) and results

    All grounded passive elements current-mode all-pass filter

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    In this paper, a new current-mode (CM) all-pass filter employing two Dual-Output Second-Generation Current Conveyors (DO-CCIIs), one grounded resistor and one grounded capacitor is presented. The proposed circuit exhibits low input impedance and high output impedance, which makes it suitable for cascading. Moreover, adding two extra resistors to the proposed circuit, a new gain-variable voltage-mode (VM) all pass filter is obtained. A quadrature oscillator employing minimum number of grounded passive components is derived from the developed CM filter as an application of the first-order all-pass filter. Both of the proposed all-pass filters do not require matching of passive components. The effects of the parasitic impedances of the DO-CCIIs on the transfer function (TF) of the proposed CM filter as an example are investigated. In addition, the proposed CM all-pass filter and oscillator circuit are simulated using SPICE simulation program to confirm the theory