383 research outputs found

    Computational Theory of Mind for Human-Agent Coordination

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    In everyday life, people often depend on their theory of mind, i.e., their ability to reason about unobservable mental content of others to understand, explain, and predict their behaviour. Many agent-based models have been designed to develop computational theory of mind and analyze its effectiveness in various tasks and settings. However, most existing models are not generic (e.g., only applied in a given setting), not feasible (e.g., require too much information to be processed), or not human-inspired (e.g., do not capture the behavioral heuristics of humans). This hinders their applicability in many settings. Accordingly, we propose a new computational theory of mind, which captures the human decision heuristics of reasoning by abstracting individual beliefs about others. We specifically study computational affinity and show how it can be used in tandem with theory of mind reasoning when designing agent models for human-agent negotiation. We perform two-agent simulations to analyze the role of affinity in getting to agreements when there is a bound on the time to be spent for negotiating. Our results suggest that modeling affinity can ease the negotiation process by decreasing the number of rounds needed for an agreement as well as yield a higher benefit for agents with theory of mind reasoning.</p

    DeepTMH: Multimodal Semi-supervised framework leveraging Affective and Cognitive engagement for Telemental Health

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    To aid existing telemental health services, we propose DeepTMH, a novel framework that models telemental health session videos by extracting latent vectors corresponding to Affective and Cognitive features frequently used in psychology literature. Our approach leverages advances in semi-supervised learning to tackle the data scarcity in the telemental health session video domain and consists of a multimodal semi-supervised GAN to detect important mental health indicators during telemental health sessions. We demonstrate the usefulness of our framework and contrast against existing works in two tasks: Engagement regression and Valence-Arousal regression, both of which are important to psychologists during a telemental health session. Our framework reports 40% improvement in RMSE over SOTA method in Engagement Regression and 50% improvement in RMSE over SOTA method in Valence-Arousal Regression. To tackle the scarcity of publicly available datasets in telemental health space, we release a new dataset, MEDICA, for mental health patient engagement detection. Our dataset, MEDICA consists of 1299 videos, each 3 seconds long. To the best of our knowledge, our approach is the first method to model telemental health session data based on psychology-driven Affective and Cognitive features, which also accounts for data sparsity by leveraging a semi-supervised setup

    A Biosymtic (Biosymbiotic Robotic) Approach to Human Development and Evolution. The Echo of the Universe.

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    In the present work we demonstrate that the current Child-Computer Interaction paradigm is not potentiating human development to its fullest – it is associated with several physical and mental health problems and appears not to be maximizing children’s cognitive performance and cognitive development. In order to potentiate children’s physical and mental health (including cognitive performance and cognitive development) we have developed a new approach to human development and evolution. This approach proposes a particular synergy between the developing human body, computing machines and natural environments. It emphasizes that children should be encouraged to interact with challenging physical environments offering multiple possibilities for sensory stimulation and increasing physical and mental stress to the organism. We created and tested a new set of computing devices in order to operationalize our approach – Biosymtic (Biosymbiotic Robotic) devices: “Albert” and “Cratus”. In two initial studies we were able to observe that the main goal of our approach is being achieved. We observed that, interaction with the Biosymtic device “Albert”, in a natural environment, managed to trigger a different neurophysiological response (increases in sustained attention levels) and tended to optimize episodic memory performance in children, compared to interaction with a sedentary screen-based computing device, in an artificially controlled environment (indoors) - thus a promising solution to promote cognitive performance/development; and that interaction with the Biosymtic device “Cratus”, in a natural environment, instilled vigorous physical activity levels in children - thus a promising solution to promote physical and mental health

    Over-reliance on English hinders cognitive science

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    English is the dominant language in the study of human cognition and behavior: the individuals studied by cognitive scientists, as well as most of the scientists themselves, are frequently English speakers. However, English differs from other languages in ways that have consequences for the whole of the cognitive sciences, reaching far beyond the study of language itself. Here, we review an emerging body of evidence that highlights how the particular characteristics of English and the linguistic habits of English speakers bias the field by both warping research programs (e.g., overemphasizing features and mechanisms present in English over others) and overgeneralizing observations from English speakers’ behaviors, brains, and cognition to our entire species. We propose mitigating strategies that could help avoid some of these pitfalls

    Autonomous Exchanges: Human-Machine Autonomy in the Automated Media Economy

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    Contemporary discourses and representations of automation stress the impending “autonomy” of automated technologies. From pop culture depictions to corporate white papers, the notion of autonomous technologies tends to enliven dystopic fears about the threat to human autonomy or utopian potentials to help humans experience unrealized forms of autonomy. This project offers a more nuanced perspective, rejecting contemporary notions of automation as inevitably vanquishing or enhancing human autonomy. Through a discursive analysis of industrial “deep texts” that offer considerable insights into the material development of automated media technologies, I argue for contemporary automation to be understood as a field for the exchange of autonomy, a human-machine autonomy in which autonomy is exchanged as cultural and economic value. Human-machine autonomy is a shared condition among humans and intelligent machines shaped by economic, legal, and political paradigms with a stake in the cultural uses of automated media technologies. By understanding human-machine autonomy, this project illuminates complications of autonomy emerging from interactions with automated media technologies across a range of cultural contexts

    ESCOM 2017 Book of Abstracts

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    An Investigation of Human Annotators' AI Teammate Selection and Compliance Behaviours

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    Human-artificial intelligence (AI) collaborative annotation has gained increasing prominence as a result of its enormous potential to complement human and AI strengths as well as AI's recent development. However, it is not straightforward to form suitable human-AI teams and design human-AI interaction mechanisms for effective collaborative annotation. Through an exploratory study, this thesis investigated a diverse set of factors that may influence humans' AI teammate selection and compliance behaviours in a collaborative annotation context wherein AI agents serve as suggesters to humans. The study results indicate that multiple factors influenced which AI agents the participants chose to receive suggestions from, such as the AI agents' recent and overall accuracies as well as the participants' suggestion compliance records. We also discovered that the participants' AI compliance decisions were swayed by factors including whether the AI agents' suggestions aligned with the participants' top choices and whether such suggestions provided novel perspectives to the participants. Moreover, it was found that most of the participants constructed narratives to interpret the differences in various AI teammates' behaviours based on limited evidence. This thesis also contributes by presenting MIA, a versatile web platform for mixed-initiative annotation. Based on the weaknesses of MIA's current designs, as informed by empirical results of the aforementioned exploratory study and another human-AI collaborative annotation study, as well as the goals to improve MIA's scalability and adaptability, this thesis proposes design changes to MIA; these design changes also apply to other mixed-initiative annotation platforms

    Metalearning-Informed Competence in Children: Implications for Responsible Brain-Inspired Artificial Intelligence

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    This paper offers a novel conceptual framework comprising four essential cognitive mechanisms that operate concurrently and collaboratively to enable metalearning (knowledge and regulation of learning) strategy implementation in young children. A roadmap incorporating the core mechanisms and the associated strategies is presented as an explanation of the developing brain's remarkable cross-context learning competence. The tetrad of fundamental complementary processes is chosen to collectively represent the bare-bones metalearning architecture that can be extended to artificial intelligence (AI) systems emulating brain-like learning and problem-solving skills. Utilizing the metalearning-enabled young mind as a model for brain-inspired computing, this work further discusses important implications for morally grounded AI.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figure
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