1,535 research outputs found

    On Recursive Edit Distance Kernels with Application to Time Series Classification

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    This paper proposes some extensions to the work on kernels dedicated to string or time series global alignment based on the aggregation of scores obtained by local alignments. The extensions we propose allow to construct, from classical recursive definition of elastic distances, recursive edit distance (or time-warp) kernels that are positive definite if some sufficient conditions are satisfied. The sufficient conditions we end-up with are original and weaker than those proposed in earlier works, although a recursive regularizing term is required to get the proof of the positive definiteness as a direct consequence of the Haussler's convolution theorem. The classification experiment we conducted on three classical time warp distances (two of which being metrics), using Support Vector Machine classifier, leads to conclude that, when the pairwise distance matrix obtained from the training data is \textit{far} from definiteness, the positive definite recursive elastic kernels outperform in general the distance substituting kernels for the classical elastic distances we have tested.Comment: 14 page

    Autoregressive Kernels For Time Series

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    We propose in this work a new family of kernels for variable-length time series. Our work builds upon the vector autoregressive (VAR) model for multivariate stochastic processes: given a multivariate time series x, we consider the likelihood function p_{\theta}(x) of different parameters \theta in the VAR model as features to describe x. To compare two time series x and x', we form the product of their features p_{\theta}(x) p_{\theta}(x') which is integrated out w.r.t \theta using a matrix normal-inverse Wishart prior. Among other properties, this kernel can be easily computed when the dimension d of the time series is much larger than the lengths of the considered time series x and x'. It can also be generalized to time series taking values in arbitrary state spaces, as long as the state space itself is endowed with a kernel \kappa. In that case, the kernel between x and x' is a a function of the Gram matrices produced by \kappa on observations and subsequences of observations enumerated in x and x'. We describe a computationally efficient implementation of this generalization that uses low-rank matrix factorization techniques. These kernels are compared to other known kernels using a set of benchmark classification tasks carried out with support vector machines

    Kernel Manifold Alignment

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    We introduce a kernel method for manifold alignment (KEMA) and domain adaptation that can match an arbitrary number of data sources without needing corresponding pairs, just few labeled examples in all domains. KEMA has interesting properties: 1) it generalizes other manifold alignment methods, 2) it can align manifolds of very different complexities, performing a sort of manifold unfolding plus alignment, 3) it can define a domain-specific metric to cope with multimodal specificities, 4) it can align data spaces of different dimensionality, 5) it is robust to strong nonlinear feature deformations, and 6) it is closed-form invertible which allows transfer across-domains and data synthesis. We also present a reduced-rank version for computational efficiency and discuss the generalization performance of KEMA under Rademacher principles of stability. KEMA exhibits very good performance over competing methods in synthetic examples, visual object recognition and recognition of facial expressions tasks

    Times series averaging from a probabilistic interpretation of time-elastic kernel

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    At the light of regularized dynamic time warping kernels, this paper reconsider the concept of time elastic centroid (TEC) for a set of time series. From this perspective, we show first how TEC can easily be addressed as a preimage problem. Unfortunately this preimage problem is ill-posed, may suffer from over-fitting especially for long time series and getting a sub-optimal solution involves heavy computational costs. We then derive two new algorithms based on a probabilistic interpretation of kernel alignment matrices that expresses in terms of probabilistic distributions over sets of alignment paths. The first algorithm is an iterative agglomerative heuristics inspired from the state of the art DTW barycenter averaging (DBA) algorithm proposed specifically for the Dynamic Time Warping measure. The second proposed algorithm achieves a classical averaging of the aligned samples but also implements an averaging of the time of occurrences of the aligned samples. It exploits a straightforward progressive agglomerative heuristics. An experimentation that compares for 45 time series datasets classification error rates obtained by first near neighbors classifiers exploiting a single medoid or centroid estimate to represent each categories show that: i) centroids based approaches significantly outperform medoids based approaches, ii) on the considered experience, the two proposed algorithms outperform the state of the art DBA algorithm, and iii) the second proposed algorithm that implements an averaging jointly in the sample space and along the time axes emerges as the most significantly robust time elastic averaging heuristic with an interesting noise reduction capability. Index Terms-Time series averaging Time elastic kernel Dynamic Time Warping Time series clustering and classification
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