4,461 research outputs found

    The performance of object decomposition techniques for spatial query processing

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    Approximation Schemes for Partitioning: Convex Decomposition and Surface Approximation

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    We revisit two NP-hard geometric partitioning problems - convex decomposition and surface approximation. Building on recent developments in geometric separators, we present quasi-polynomial time algorithms for these problems with improved approximation guarantees.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Approximating the Maximum Overlap of Polygons under Translation

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    Let PP and QQ be two simple polygons in the plane of total complexity nn, each of which can be decomposed into at most kk convex parts. We present an (1ε)(1-\varepsilon)-approximation algorithm, for finding the translation of QQ, which maximizes its area of overlap with PP. Our algorithm runs in O(cn)O(c n) time, where cc is a constant that depends only on kk and ε\varepsilon. This suggest that for polygons that are "close" to being convex, the problem can be solved (approximately), in near linear time

    On k-Convex Polygons

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    We introduce a notion of kk-convexity and explore polygons in the plane that have this property. Polygons which are \mbox{kk-convex} can be triangulated with fast yet simple algorithms. However, recognizing them in general is a 3SUM-hard problem. We give a characterization of \mbox{22-convex} polygons, a particularly interesting class, and show how to recognize them in \mbox{O(nlogn)O(n \log n)} time. A description of their shape is given as well, which leads to Erd\H{o}s-Szekeres type results regarding subconfigurations of their vertex sets. Finally, we introduce the concept of generalized geometric permutations, and show that their number can be exponential in the number of \mbox{22-convex} objects considered.Comment: 23 pages, 19 figure

    Separation-Sensitive Collision Detection for Convex Objects

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    We develop a class of new kinetic data structures for collision detection between moving convex polytopes; the performance of these structures is sensitive to the separation of the polytopes during their motion. For two convex polygons in the plane, let DD be the maximum diameter of the polygons, and let ss be the minimum distance between them during their motion. Our separation certificate changes O(log(D/s))O(\log(D/s)) times when the relative motion of the two polygons is a translation along a straight line or convex curve, O(D/s)O(\sqrt{D/s}) for translation along an algebraic trajectory, and O(D/s)O(D/s) for algebraic rigid motion (translation and rotation). Each certificate update is performed in O(log(D/s))O(\log(D/s)) time. Variants of these data structures are also shown that exhibit \emph{hysteresis}---after a separation certificate fails, the new certificate cannot fail again until the objects have moved by some constant fraction of their current separation. We can then bound the number of events by the combinatorial size of a certain cover of the motion path by balls.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures; to appear in Proc. 10th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 1999; see also http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/jeffe/pubs/kollide.html ; v2 replaces submission with camera-ready versio

    Distance-Sensitive Planar Point Location

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    Let S\mathcal{S} be a connected planar polygonal subdivision with nn edges that we want to preprocess for point-location queries, and where we are given the probability γi\gamma_i that the query point lies in a polygon PiP_i of S\mathcal{S}. We show how to preprocess S\mathcal{S} such that the query time for a point~pPip\in P_i depends on~γi\gamma_i and, in addition, on the distance from pp to the boundary of~PiP_i---the further away from the boundary, the faster the query. More precisely, we show that a point-location query can be answered in time O(min(logn,1+logarea(Pi)γiΔp2))O\left(\min \left(\log n, 1 + \log \frac{\mathrm{area}(P_i)}{\gamma_i \Delta_{p}^2}\right)\right), where Δp\Delta_{p} is the shortest Euclidean distance of the query point~pp to the boundary of PiP_i. Our structure uses O(n)O(n) space and O(nlogn)O(n \log n) preprocessing time. It is based on a decomposition of the regions of S\mathcal{S} into convex quadrilaterals and triangles with the following property: for any point pPip\in P_i, the quadrilateral or triangle containing~pp has area Ω(Δp2)\Omega(\Delta_{p}^2). For the special case where S\mathcal{S} is a subdivision of the unit square and γi=area(Pi)\gamma_i=\mathrm{area}(P_i), we present a simpler solution that achieves a query time of O(min(logn,log1Δp2))O\left(\min \left(\log n, \log \frac{1}{\Delta_{p}^2}\right)\right). The latter solution can be extended to convex subdivisions in three dimensions