36 research outputs found

    Abordagem computacional para a identificação de elementos cis-regulatórios no genoma da soja.

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    Abordagem computacional para a identificação de elementos cis-regulatóriso no genoma da soja.

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    Novel Algorithms for LDD Motif Search

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    Background: Motifs are crucial patterns that have numerous applications including the identification of transcription factors and their binding sites, composite regulatory patterns, similarity between families of proteins, etc. Several motif models have been proposed in the literature. The (l,d)-motif model is one of these that has been studied widely. However, this model will sometimes report too many spurious motifs than expected. We interpret a motif as a biologically significant entity that is evolutionarily preserved within some distance. It may be highly improbable that the motif undergoes the same number of changes in each of the species. To address this issue, in this paper, we introduce a new model which is more general than (l,d)-motif model. This model is called (l,d1,d2)-motif model (LDDMS) and is NP-hard as well. We present three elegant as well as efficient algorithms to solve the LDDMS problem, i.e., LDDMS1, LDDMS2 and LDDMS3. They are all exact algorithms. Results: We did both theoretical analyses and empirical tests on these algorithms. Theoretical analyses demonstrate that our algorithms have less computational cost than the pattern driven approach. Empirical results on both simulated datasets and real datasets show that each of the three algorithms has some advantages on some (l,d1,d2) instances. Conclusions: We proposed LDDMS model which is more practically relevant. We also proposed three exact efficient algorithms to solve the problem. Besides, our algorithms can be nicely parallelized. We believe that the idea in this new model can also be extended to other motif search problems such as Edit-distance-based Motif Search (EMS) and Simple Motif Search (SMS)

    DoOP: Databases of Orthologous Promoters, collections of clusters of orthologous upstream sequences from chordates and plants

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    DoOP (http://doop.abc.hu/) is a database of eukaryotic promoter sequences (upstream regions) aiming to facilitate the recognition of regulatory sites conserved between species. The annotated first exons of human and Arabidopsis thaliana genes were used as queries in BLAST searches to collect the most closely related orthologous first exon sequences from Chordata and Viridiplantae species. Up to 3000 bp DNA segments upstream from these first exons constitute the clusters in the chordate and plant sections of the Database of Orthologous Promoters. Release 1.0 of DoOP contains 21 061 chordate clusters from 284 different species and 7548 plant clusters from 269 different species. The database can be used to find and retrieve promoter sequences of a given gene from various species and it is also suitable to see the most trivial conserved sequence blocks in the orthologous upstream regions. Users can search DoOP with either sequence or text (annotation) to find promoter clusters of various genes. In addition to the sequence data, the positions of the conserved sequence blocks derived from multiple alignments, the positions of repetitive elements and the positions of transcription start sites known from the Eukaryotic Promoter Database (EPD) can be viewed graphically

    KBERG: KnowledgeBase for Estrogen Responsive Genes

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    Estrogen has a profound impact on human physiology affecting transcription of numerous genes. To decipher functional characteristics of estrogen responsive genes, we developed KnowledgeBase for Estrogen Responsive Genes (KBERG). Genes in KBERG were derived from Estrogen Responsive Gene Database (ERGDB) and were analyzed from multiple aspects. We explored the possible transcription regulation mechanism by capturing highly conserved promoter motifs across orthologous genes, using promoter regions that cover the range of [−1200, +500] relative to the transcription start sites. The motif detection is based on ab initio discovery of common cis-elements from the orthologous gene cluster from human, mouse and rat, thus reflecting a degree of promoter sequence preservation during evolution. The identified motifs are linked to transcription factor binding sites based on the TRANSFAC database. In addition, KBERG uses two established ontology systems, GO and eVOC, to associate genes with their function. Users may assess gene functionality through the description terms in GO. Alternatively, they can gain gene co-expression information through evidence from human EST libraries via eVOC. KBERG is a user-friendly system that provides links to other relevant resources such as ERGDB, UniGene, Entrez Gene, HomoloGene, GO, eVOC and GenBank, and thus offers a platform for functional exploration and potential annotation of genes responsive to estrogen. KBERG database can be accessed at

    The 2006 NESCent Phyloinformatics Hackathon: A Field Report

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    In December, 2006, a group of 26 software developers from some of the most widely used life science programming toolkits and phylogenetic software projects converged on Durham, North Carolina, for a Phyloinformatics Hackathon, an intense five-day collaborative software coding event sponsored by the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent). The goal was to help researchers to integrate multiple phylogenetic software tools into automated workflows. Participants addressed deficiencies in interoperability between programs by implementing “glue code” and improving support for phylogenetic data exchange standards (particularly NEXUS) across the toolkits. The work was guided by use-cases compiled in advance by both developers and users, and the code was documented as it was developed. The resulting software is freely available for both users and developers through incorporation into the distributions of several widely-used open-source toolkits. We explain the motivation for the hackathon, how it was organized, and discuss some of the outcomes and lessons learned. We conclude that hackathons are an effective mode of solving problems in software interoperability and usability, and are underutilized in scientific software development

    Genome Biol.

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    With genome analysis expanding from the study of genes to the study of gene regulation, 'regulatory genomics' utilizes sequence information, evolution and functional genomics measurements to unravel how regulatory information is encoded in the genome

    Identification of conserved regulatory elements by comparative genome analysis

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    BACKGROUND: For genes that have been successfully delineated within the human genome sequence, most regulatory sequences remain to be elucidated. The annotation and interpretation process requires additional data resources and significant improvements in computational methods for the detection of regulatory regions. One approach of growing popularity is based on the preferential conservation of functional sequences over the course of evolution by selective pressure, termed 'phylogenetic footprinting'. Mutations are more likely to be disruptive if they appear in functional sites, resulting in a measurable difference in evolution rates between functional and non-functional genomic segments. RESULTS: We have devised a flexible suite of methods for the identification and visualization of conserved transcription-factor-binding sites. The system reports those putative transcription-factor-binding sites that are both situated in conserved regions and located as pairs of sites in equivalent positions in alignments between two orthologous sequences. An underlying collection of metazoan transcription-factor-binding profiles was assembled to facilitate the study. This approach results in a significant improvement in the detection of transcription-factor-binding sites because of an increased signal-to-noise ratio, as demonstrated with two sets of promoter sequences. The method is implemented as a graphical web application, ConSite, which is at the disposal of the scientific community at . CONCLUSIONS: Phylogenetic footprinting dramatically improves the predictive selectivity of bioinformatic approaches to the analysis of promoter sequences. ConSite delivers unparalleled performance using a novel database of high-quality binding models for metazoan transcription factors. With a dynamic interface, this bioinformatics tool provides broad access to promoter analysis with phylogenetic footprinting

    Computational prediction of transcription-factor binding site locations

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    Identifying genomic locations of transcription-factor binding sites, particularly in higher eukaryotic genomes, has been an enormous challenge. Various experimental and computational approaches have been used to detect these sites; methods involving computational comparisons of related genomes have been particularly successful

    Module Finder : a computational model for the identification of Cis regulatory modules

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 55-57).Regulation of gene expression occurs largely through the binding of sequence- specific transcription factors (TFs) to genomic DNA binding sites (BSs). This thesis presents a rigorous scoring scheme, implemented as a C program termed "ModuleFinder", that evaluates the likelihood that a given genomic region is a cis regulatory module (CRM) for an input set of TFs according to its degree of: (1) homotypic site clustering; (2) heterotypic site clustering; and (3) evolutionary conservation across multiple genomes. Importantly, ModuleFinder obtains all parameters needed to appropriately weight the relative contributions of these sequence features directly from the input sequences and TFBS motifs, and does not need to first be trained. Using two previously described collections of experimentally verified CRMs in mammals as validation datasets, we show that ModuleFinder is able to identify CRMs with great sensitivity and specificity. We also evaluated ModuleFinder on a set of DNA binding site data for the human TFs Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor HNF1 [alpha], HNF4 [alpha] and HNF6 and compared its performance with logistic regression and neural network models.by Fangxue He.S.M