4,495 research outputs found

    Algorithms for finding K-best perfect matchings

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    AbstractIn the K-best perfect matching problem (KM) one wants to find K pairwise different, perfect matchings M1,…,Mk such that w(M1) ≥ w(M2) ≥ ⋯ ≥ w(Mk) ≥ w(M), ∀M ≠ M1, M2,…, Mk. The procedure discussed in this paper is based on a binary partitioning of the matching solution space. We survey different algorithms to perform this partitioning. The best complexity bound of the resulting algorithms discussed is O(Kn3), where n is the number of nodes in the graph

    Exact Covers via Determinants

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    Given a k-uniform hypergraph on n vertices, partitioned in k equal parts such that every hyperedge includes one vertex from each part, the k-dimensional matching problem asks whether there is a disjoint collection of the hyperedges which covers all vertices. We show it can be solved by a randomized polynomial space algorithm in time O*(2^(n(k-2)/k)). The O*() notation hides factors polynomial in n and k. When we drop the partition constraint and permit arbitrary hyperedges of cardinality k, we obtain the exact cover by k-sets problem. We show it can be solved by a randomized polynomial space algorithm in time O*(c_k^n), where c_3=1.496, c_4=1.642, c_5=1.721, and provide a general bound for larger k. Both results substantially improve on the previous best algorithms for these problems, especially for small k, and follow from the new observation that Lovasz' perfect matching detection via determinants (1979) admits an embedding in the recently proposed inclusion-exclusion counting scheme for set covers, despite its inability to count the perfect matchings

    Belief-Propagation for Weighted b-Matchings on Arbitrary Graphs and its Relation to Linear Programs with Integer Solutions

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    We consider the general problem of finding the minimum weight \bm-matching on arbitrary graphs. We prove that, whenever the linear programming (LP) relaxation of the problem has no fractional solutions, then the belief propagation (BP) algorithm converges to the correct solution. We also show that when the LP relaxation has a fractional solution then the BP algorithm can be used to solve the LP relaxation. Our proof is based on the notion of graph covers and extends the analysis of (Bayati-Shah-Sharma 2005 and Huang-Jebara 2007}. These results are notable in the following regards: (1) It is one of a very small number of proofs showing correctness of BP without any constraint on the graph structure. (2) Variants of the proof work for both synchronous and asynchronous BP; it is the first proof of convergence and correctness of an asynchronous BP algorithm for a combinatorial optimization problem.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to SIAM journal on Discrete Mathematics on March 19, 2009; accepted for publication (in revised form) August 30, 2010; published electronically July 1, 201

    Space Saving by Dynamic Algebraization

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    Dynamic programming is widely used for exact computations based on tree decompositions of graphs. However, the space complexity is usually exponential in the treewidth. We study the problem of designing efficient dynamic programming algorithm based on tree decompositions in polynomial space. We show how to construct a tree decomposition and extend the algebraic techniques of Lokshtanov and Nederlof such that the dynamic programming algorithm runs in time O∗(2h)O^*(2^h), where hh is the maximum number of vertices in the union of bags on the root to leaf paths on a given tree decomposition, which is a parameter closely related to the tree-depth of a graph. We apply our algorithm to the problem of counting perfect matchings on grids and show that it outperforms other polynomial-space solutions. We also apply the algorithm to other set covering and partitioning problems.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Counting Shortest Two Disjoint Paths in Cubic Planar Graphs with an NC Algorithm

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    Given an undirected graph and two disjoint vertex pairs s1,t1s_1,t_1 and s2,t2s_2,t_2, the Shortest two disjoint paths problem (S2DP) asks for the minimum total length of two vertex disjoint paths connecting s1s_1 with t1t_1, and s2s_2 with t2t_2, respectively. We show that for cubic planar graphs there are NC algorithms, uniform circuits of polynomial size and polylogarithmic depth, that compute the S2DP and moreover also output the number of such minimum length path pairs. Previously, to the best of our knowledge, no deterministic polynomial time algorithm was known for S2DP in cubic planar graphs with arbitrary placement of the terminals. In contrast, the randomized polynomial time algorithm by Bj\"orklund and Husfeldt, ICALP 2014, for general graphs is much slower, is serial in nature, and cannot count the solutions. Our results are built on an approach by Hirai and Namba, Algorithmica 2017, for a generalisation of S2DP, and fast algorithms for counting perfect matchings in planar graphs
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