11 research outputs found

    Mining Posets from Linear Orders

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    There has been much research on the combinatorial problem of generating the linear extensions of a given poset. This paper focuses on the reverse of that problem, where the input is a set of linear orders, and the goal is to construct a poset or set of posets that generates the input. Such a problem 铿乶ds applications in computational neuroscience, systems biology, paleontology, and physical plant engineering. In this paper, several algorithms are presented for efficiently 铿乶ding a single poset that generates the input set of linear orders. The variation of the problem where a minimum set of posets that cover the input is also explored. It is found that the problem is polynomially solvable for one class of simple posets (kite(2) posets) but NP-complete for a related class (hammock(2,2,2) posets)

    Extensi贸n del concepto de utop铆a para el problema de la agregaci贸n de rankings sin empates

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    The use of rankings and how to aggregate or summarize them has received increasing attention in various fields: bibliometrics, web search, data mining, statistics, educational quality, and computational biology. For the Optimal Bucket Order Problem, the concept of Utopian Matrix was recently introduced: an ideal and not necessarily feasible solution with an unsurpassed quality for the feasible solutions of the problem. This work proposes an extension of the notion of Utopian Matrix to the Rank Aggregation Problem in which ties are not allowed between elements in the output ranking. Beyond the extension that is direct, the work focuses on studying its usefulness as an idealization or super optimal solution. As the Rank Aggregation Problem can be solved exactly based on its definition as an Integer Linear Programming Problem, an experimental study is presented where it is analyzed the relationship that exists between utopian (and anti utopian) values and the optimal solution in several instances solved by using the open source software SCIP. Among the 47 instances analyzed, in 19 the Utopian Value turned out to be equal to the optimal value (40.43 % feasibility) and in 18 the Anti Utopian Value also turned out to be feasible (38.00 %). This experimental study demonstrates the usefulness of utopian and anti utopian values to be considered as extreme values in the Rank Aggregation Problem, thus being able to find higher and lower bounds for optimization very quickly.El uso de los rankings y la forma de agregarlos o resumirlos ha recibido una atenci贸n creciente en diversos campos: bibliometr铆a, b煤squedas web, miner铆a de datos, estad铆stica, calidad educativa y biolog铆a computacional. Para el Problema de Ordenamiento 脫ptimo con empates fue introducido recientemente el concepto de Matriz Ut贸pica: una soluci贸n ideal y no necesariamente factible con una calidad insuperable para las soluciones factibles del problema. Este trabajo propone una extensi贸n de la noci贸n de Matriz Ut贸pica para el Problema de Agregaci贸n de Rankings en que no se permiten empates entre elementos en el ranking de salida. M谩s all谩 de la extensi贸n que es directa, el trabajo se centra en estudiar su valor como idealizaci贸n o soluci贸n s煤per 贸ptima. Como el Problema de Agregaci贸n de Rankings puede resolverse de forma exacta a partir de su definici贸n como Problema de Programaci贸n Lineal Entera, se presenta un estudio experimental donde se analiza la relaci贸n que existe entre los valores ut贸picos (y anti ut贸picos) y la soluci贸n 贸ptima en instancias resueltas con la ayuda del software de c贸digo abierto SCIP. Entre las 47 instancias analizadas, en 19 el Valor Ut贸pico result贸 ser igual al valor 贸ptimo (40,43 % de factibilidad) y en 18 el Valor Anti Ut贸pico tambi茅n result贸 ser factible (38,00 %). Este estudio experimental demuestra la utilidad de los valores ut贸picos y anti ut贸picos para ser considerados como valores extremos en el Problema de Agregaci贸n de Rankings, pudiendo as铆 encontrase muy r谩pidamente cotas superiores e inferiores para la optimizaci贸n

    On Discovering Bucket Orders from Preference Data

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    Computational Techniques to Identify Rare Events in Spatio-temporal Data

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation.May 2018. Major: Computer Science. Advisor: Vipin Kumar. 1 computer file (PDF); xi, 96 pages.Recent attention on the potential impacts of land cover changes to the environment as well as long-term climate change has increased the focus on automated tools for global-scale land surface monitoring. Advancements in remote sensing and data collection technologies have produced large earth science data sets that can now be used to build such tools. However, new data mining methods are needed to address the unique characteristics of earth science data and problems. In this dissertation, we explore two of these interesting problems, which are (1) build predictive models to identify rare classes when high quality annotated training samples are not available, and (2) classification enhancement of existing imperfect classification maps using physics-guided constraints. We study the problem of identifying land cover changes such as forest fires as a supervised binary classification task with the following characteristics: (i) instead of true labels only imperfect labels are available for training samples. These imperfect labels can be quite poor approximation of the true labels and thus may have little utility in practice. (ii) the imperfect labels are available for all instances (not just the training samples). (iii) the target class is a very small fraction of the total number of samples (traditionally referred to as the rare class problem). In our approach, we focus on leveraging imperfect labels and show how they, in conjunction with attributes associated with instances, open up exciting opportunities for performing rare class prediction. We applied this approach to identify burned areas using data from earth observing satellites, and have produced a database, which is more reliable and comprehensive (three times more burned area in tropical forests) compared to the state-of-art NASA product. We explore approaches to reduce errors in remote sensing based classification products, which are common due to poor data quality (eg., instrument failure, atmospheric interference) as well as limitations of the classification models. We present classification enhancement approaches, which aim to improve the input (imperfect) classification by using some implicit physics-based constraints related to the phenomena under consideration. Specifically, our approach can be applied in domains where (i) physical properties can be used to correct the imperfections in the initial classification products, and (ii) if clean labels are available, they can be used to construct the physical properties