20 research outputs found

    Algorithms for Visualizing Phylogenetic Networks

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    We study the problem of visualizing phylogenetic networks, which are extensions of the Tree of Life in biology. We use a space filling visualization method, called DAGmaps, in order to obtain clear visualizations using limited space. In this paper, we restrict our attention to galled trees and galled networks and present linear time algorithms for visualizing them as DAGmaps.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2016

    Level-k Phylogenetic Network can be Constructed from a Dense Triplet Set in Polynomial Time

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    Given a dense triplet set T\mathcal{T}, there arise two interesting questions: Does there exists any phylogenetic network consistent with T\mathcal{T}? And if so, can we find an effective algorithm to construct one? For cases of networks of levels k=0k=0 or 1 or 2, these questions were answered with effective polynomial algorithms. For higher levels kk, partial answers were recently obtained with an O(Tk+1)O(|\mathcal{T}|^{k+1}) time algorithm for simple networks. In this paper we give a complete answer to the general case. The main idea is to use a special property of SN-sets in a level-k network. As a consequence, we can also find the level-k network with the minimum number of reticulations in polynomial time

    Constructing the Simplest Possible Phylogenetic Network from Triplets,

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    A phylogenetic network is a directed acyclic graph that visualises an evolutionary history containing so-called reticulations such as recombinations, hybridisations or lateral gene transfers. Here we consider the construction of a simplest possible phylogenetic network consistent with an input set T, where T contains at least one phylogenetic tree on three leaves (a triplet) for each combination of three taxa. To quantify the complexity of a network we consider both the total number of reticulations and the number of reticulations per biconnected component, called the level of the network. We give polynomial-time algorithms for constructing a level-1 respectively a level-2 network that contains a minimum number of reticulations and is consistent with T (if such a network exists). In addition, we show that if T is precisely equal to the set of triplets consistent with some network, then we can construct such a network, which minimises both the level and the total number of reticulations, in time O(|T|^{k+1}), if k is a fixed upper bound on the level

    When two trees go to war

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    Rooted phylogenetic networks are often constructed by combining trees, clusters, triplets or characters into a single network that in some well-defined sense simultaneously represents them all. We review these four models and investigate how they are related. In general, the model chosen influences the minimum number of reticulation events required. However, when one obtains the input data from two binary trees, we show that the minimum number of reticulations is independent of the model. The number of reticulations necessary to represent the trees, triplets, clusters (in the softwired sense) and characters (with unrestricted multiple crossover recombination) are all equal. Furthermore, we show that these results also hold when not the number of reticulations but the level of the constructed network is minimised. We use these unification results to settle several complexity questions that have been open in the field for some time. We also give explicit examples to show that already for data obtained from three binary trees the models begin to diverge

    Phylogenetic Networks Do not Need to Be Complex: Using Fewer Reticulations to Represent Conflicting Clusters

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    Phylogenetic trees are widely used to display estimates of how groups of species evolved. Each phylogenetic tree can be seen as a collection of clusters, subgroups of the species that evolved from a common ancestor. When phylogenetic trees are obtained for several data sets (e.g. for different genes), then their clusters are often contradicting. Consequently, the set of all clusters of such a data set cannot be combined into a single phylogenetic tree. Phylogenetic networks are a generalization of phylogenetic trees that can be used to display more complex evolutionary histories, including reticulate events such as hybridizations, recombinations and horizontal gene transfers. Here we present the new CASS algorithm that can combine any set of clusters into a phylogenetic network. We show that the networks constructed by CASS are usually simpler than networks constructed by other available methods. Moreover, we show that CASS is guaranteed to produce a network with at most two reticulations per biconnected component, whenever such a network exists. We have implemented CASS and integrated it in the freely available Dendroscope software

    Kernelizations for the hybridization number problem on multiple nonbinary trees

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    Given a finite set XX, a collection T\mathcal{T} of rooted phylogenetic trees on XX and an integer kk, the Hybridization Number problem asks if there exists a phylogenetic network on XX that displays all trees from T\mathcal{T} and has reticulation number at most kk. We show two kernelization algorithms for Hybridization Number, with kernel sizes 4k(5k)t4k(5k)^t and 20k2(Δ+1)20k^2(\Delta^+-1) respectively, with tt the number of input trees and Δ+\Delta^+ their maximum outdegree. Experiments on simulated data demonstrate the practical relevance of these kernelization algorithms. In addition, we present an nf(k)tn^{f(k)}t-time algorithm, with n=Xn=|X| and ff some computable function of kk

    Spaces of phylogenetic networks from generalized nearest-neighbor interchange operations

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    Phylogenetic networks are a generalization of evolutionary or phylogenetic trees that are used to represent the evolution of species which have undergone reticulate evolution. In this paper we consider spaces of such networks defined by some novel local operations that we introduce for converting one phylogenetic network into another. These operations are modeled on the well-studied nearest-neighbor interchange (NNI) operations on phylogenetic trees, and lead to natural generalizations of the tree spaces that have been previously associated to such operations. We present several results on spaces of some relatively simple networks, called level-1 networks, including the size of the neighborhood of a fixed network, and bounds on the diameter of the metric defined by taking the smallest number of operations required to convert one network into another.We expect that our results will be useful in the development of methods for systematically searching for optimal phylogenetic networks using, for example, likelihood and Bayesian approaches

    Constructing level-2 phylogenetic networks from triplets

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    Jansson and Sung showed that, given a dense set of input triplets T (representing hypotheses about the local evolutionary relationships of triplets of species), it is possible to determine in polynomial time whether there exists a level-1 network consistent with T, and if so to construct such a network. They also showed that, unlike in the case of trees (i.e. level-0 networks), the problem becomes NP-hard when the input is non-dense. Here we further extend this work by showing that, when the set of input triplets is dense, the problem is even polynomial-time solvable for the construction of level-2 networks. This shows that, assuming density, it is tractable to construct plausible evolutionary histories from input triplets even when such histories are heavily non-tree like. This further strengthens the case for the use of triplet-based methods in the construction of phylogenetic networks. We also show that, in the non-dense case, the level-2 problem remains NP-hard