57,796 research outputs found

    An integrated placement and routing approach

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    As the feature size continues scaling down, interconnects become the major contributor of signal delay. Since interconnects are mainly determined by placement and routing, these two stages play key roles to achieve high performance. Historically, they are divided into two separate stages to make the problem tractable. Therefore, the routing information is not available during the placement process. Net models such as HPWL, are employed to approximate the routing to simplify the placement problem. However, the good placement in terms of these objectives may not be routable at all in the routing stage because different objectives are optimized in placement and routing stages. This inconsistancy makes the results obtained by the two-step optimization method far from optimal;In order to achieve high-quality placement solution and ensure the following routing, we propose an integrated placement and routing approach. In this approach, we integrate placement and routing into the same framework so that the objective optimized in placement is the same as that in routing. Since both placement and routing are very hard problems (NP-hard), we need to have very efficient algorithms so that integrating them together will not lead to intractable complexity;In this dissertation, we first develop a highly efficient placer - FastPlace 3.0 for large-scale mixed-size placement problem. Then, an efficient and effective detailed placer - FastDP is proposed to improve global placement by moving standard cells in designs. For high-degree nets in designs, we propose a novel performance-driven topology design algorithm to generate good topologies to achieve very strict timing requirement. In the routing phase, we develop two global routers, FastRoute and FastRoute 2.0. Compared to traditional global routers, they can generate better solutions and are two orders of magnitude faster. Finally, based on these efficient and high-quality placement and routing algorithms, we propose a new flow which integrates placement and routing together closely. In this flow, global routing is extensively applied to obtain the interconnect information and direct the placement process. In this way, we can get very good placement solutions with guaranteed routability

    Methodology for standard cell compliance and detailed placement for triple patterning lithography

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    As the feature size of semiconductor process further scales to sub-16nm technology node, triple patterning lithography (TPL) has been regarded one of the most promising lithography candidates. M1 and contact layers, which are usually deployed within standard cells, are most critical and complex parts for modern digital designs. Traditional design flow that ignores TPL in early stages may limit the potential to resolve all the TPL conflicts. In this paper, we propose a coherent framework, including standard cell compliance and detailed placement to enable TPL friendly design. Considering TPL constraints during early design stages, such as standard cell compliance, improves the layout decomposability. With the pre-coloring solutions of standard cells, we present a TPL aware detailed placement, where the layout decomposition and placement can be resolved simultaneously. Our experimental results show that, with negligible impact on critical path delay, our framework can resolve the conflicts much more easily, compared with the traditional physical design flow and followed layout decomposition

    Requirements for a Research-oriented IC Design System

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    Computer-aided design techniques for integrated circuits grown in an incremental way, responding to various perceived needs, so that today there are a number of useful programs for logic generation, simulation at various levels, test preparation, artwork generation and analysis (including design rule checking), and interactive graphical editing. While the design of many circuits has benefitted from these programs, when industry wants to produce a high-volume part, the design and layout are done manually, followed by digitizing and perhaps some graphic editing before it is converted to pattern generation format, leading to the often heard statement that computer-aided design of integrated circuits doesn't work. If progress is to be made, it seems clear that the entire design process has to be thought through in basic terms, and much more attention must be paid to the way in which computational techniques can complement the designer's abilities. Currently, it is appropriate to try to characterize the design process in abstract terms, so that implementation and technological biases don't cloud the view of a desired system. In this paper, we briefly describe the conversion of algorithms to masks at a very general level, and then describe several projects at MIT which aim to provide contributions to an integrated design system. It is emphasized that no complete system design exists now at MIT, and that we believe that general design considerations must constantly be tested by building (and rebuilding) the various subcomponents, the structure of which is guided by our view of the overall design process

    Placement driven retiming with a coupled edge timing model

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    Retiming is a widely investigated technique for performance optimization. It performs powerful modifications on a circuit netlist. However, often it is not clear, whether the predicted performance improvement will still be valid after placement has been performed. This paper presents a new retiming algorithm using a highly accurate timing model taking into account the effect of retiming on capacitive loads of single wires as well as fanout systems. We propose the integration of retiming into a timing-driven standard cell placement environment based on simulated annealing. Retiming is used as an optimization technique throughout the whole placement process. The experimental results show the benefit of the proposed approach. In comparison with the conventional design flow based on standard FEAS our approach achieved an improvement in cycle time of up to 34% and 17% on the average

    An improved simulated annealing algorithm for standard cell placement

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    Simulated annealing is a general purpose Monte Carlo optimization technique that was applied to the problem of placing standard logic cells in a VLSI ship so that the total interconnection wire length is minimized. An improved standard cell placement algorithm that takes advantage of the performance enhancements that appear to come from parallelizing the uniprocessor simulated annealing algorithm is presented. An outline of this algorithm is given

    JIGSAW-GEO (1.0): locally orthogonal staggered unstructured grid generation for general circulation modelling on the sphere

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    An algorithm for the generation of non-uniform, locally-orthogonal staggered unstructured spheroidal grids is described. This technique is designed to generate very high-quality staggered Voronoi/Delaunay meshes appropriate for general circulation modelling on the sphere, including applications to atmospheric simulation, ocean-modelling and numerical weather prediction. Using a recently developed Frontal-Delaunay refinement technique, a method for the construction of high-quality unstructured spheroidal Delaunay triangulations is introduced. A locally-orthogonal polygonal grid, derived from the associated Voronoi diagram, is computed as the staggered dual. It is shown that use of the Frontal-Delaunay refinement technique allows for the generation of very high-quality unstructured triangulations, satisfying a-priori bounds on element size and shape. Grid-quality is further improved through the application of hill-climbing type optimisation techniques. Overall, the algorithm is shown to produce grids with very high element quality and smooth grading characteristics, while imposing relatively low computational expense. A selection of uniform and non-uniform spheroidal grids appropriate for high-resolution, multi-scale general circulation modelling are presented. These grids are shown to satisfy the geometric constraints associated with contemporary unstructured C-grid type finite-volume models, including the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS-O). The use of user-defined mesh-spacing functions to generate smoothly graded, non-uniform grids for multi-resolution type studies is discussed in detail.Comment: Final revisions, as per: Engwirda, D.: JIGSAW-GEO (1.0): locally orthogonal staggered unstructured grid generation for general circulation modelling on the sphere, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 2117-2140, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-10-2117-2017, 201
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