14 research outputs found

    Brief Announcement: Space Bounds for Reliable Multi-Writer Data Store:Inherent Cost of Read/Write Primitives

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    LNCS v. 9363 entitled: Distributed Computing: 29th International Symposium, DISC 2015, Tokyo, Japan, October 7-9, 2015, ProceedingsBack Matter pp. 647-678We consider a complete graph of n nodes, any pair of which can communicate with each other directly through one of F available wireless channels. n is not known to the nodes. Time is divided into synchronous rounds. In each round, a node can select at most one channel to listen to or transmit on. Transmission is successful if there is exactly one node transmitting on a channel (and one or more nodes listening). If two or more nodes transmit on the same channel, a collision occurs and their transmissions fail. Nodes can detect collisions, i.e., can distinguish collision from silence. We study distributed solutions to the information exchange problem: given initially k nodes each holding a packet, the task is to disseminate these k packets to all n nodes as quickly as possible. We assume that multiple packets can be packed in a single message. Recently, due to the advent of mobile devices that can operate on multiple channels, some attention has been given to studying the effect of multiple channels on improving communication [1–4]. However, all existing works require prior knowledge of n. In ad hoc networks, to make n known to all the nodes in fact can be a tough task. Moreover, in ad hoc networks, the value of n could change sporadically or even frequently due to nodes leaving and joining. Hence, there is practical need for designing uniform protocols that do not require any prior information about the network including n and k. Not knowing the parameters n or k greatly increases the difficulty of designing fast algorithms, especially in the case where different nodes can operate on different channels, as it is hard to manage the transmission probabilities over the distributed set of nodes

    Brief Announcement: Non-Blocking Dynamic Unbounded Graphs with Worst-Case Amortized Bounds

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    This paper reports a new concurrent graph data structure that supports updates of both edges and vertices and queries: Breadth-first search, Single-source shortest-path, and Betweenness centrality. The operations are provably linearizable and non-blocking

    Efficient Lock-free Binary Search Trees

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    In this paper we present a novel algorithm for concurrent lock-free internal binary search trees (BST) and implement a Set abstract data type (ADT) based on that. We show that in the presented lock-free BST algorithm the amortized step complexity of each set operation - {\sc Add}, {\sc Remove} and {\sc Contains} - is O(H(n)+c)O(H(n) + c), where, H(n)H(n) is the height of BST with nn number of nodes and cc is the contention during the execution. Our algorithm adapts to contention measures according to read-write load. If the situation is read-heavy, the operations avoid helping pending concurrent {\sc Remove} operations during traversal, and, adapt to interval contention. However, for write-heavy situations we let an operation help pending {\sc Remove}, even though it is not obstructed, and so adapt to tighter point contention. It uses single-word compare-and-swap (\texttt{CAS}) operations. We show that our algorithm has improved disjoint-access-parallelism compared to similar existing algorithms. We prove that the presented algorithm is linearizable. To the best of our knowledge this is the first algorithm for any concurrent tree data structure in which the modify operations are performed with an additive term of contention measure.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, submitted to POD

    Poly-Logarithmic Adaptive Algorithms Require Unconditional Primitives

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    This paper studies the step complexity of adaptive algorithms using primitives stronger than reads and writes. We first consider unconditional primitives, like fetch&inc, which modify the value of the register to which they are applied, regardless of its current value. Unconditional primitives admit snapshot algorithms with O(log(k)) step complexity, where k is the total or the point contention. These algorithms combine a renaming algorithm with a mechanism for propagating values so they can be quickly collected. When only conditional primitives, e.g., compare&swap or LL/SC, are used (in addition to reads and writes), we show that any collect algorithm must perform Omega(k) steps, in an execution with total contention k in O(log(log(n))). The lower bound applies for snapshot and renaming, both one-shot and long-lived. Note that there are snapshot algorithms whose step complexity is polylogarithmic in n using only reads and writes, but there are no adaptive algorithms whose step complexity is polylogarithmic in the contention, even when compare&swap and LL/SC are used

    Space Complexity of Fault-Tolerant Register Emulations

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    Driven by the rising popularity of cloud storage, the costs associated with implementing reliable storage services from a collection of fault-prone servers have recently become an actively studied question. The well-known ABD result shows that an f-tolerant register can be emulated using a collection of 2f + 1 fault-prone servers each storing a single read-modify-write object type, which is known to be optimal. In this paper we generalize this bound: we investigate the inherent space complexity of emulating reliable multi-writer registers as a fucntion of the type of the base objects exposed by the underlying servers, the number of writers to the emulated register, the number of available servers, and the failure threshold. We establish a sharp separation between registers, and both max-registers (the base object types assumed by ABD) and CAS in terms of the resources (i.e., the number of base objects of the respective types) required to support the emulation; we show that no such separation exists between max-registers and CAS. Our main technical contribution is lower and upper bounds on the resources required in case the underlying base objects are fault-prone read/write registers. We show that the number of required registers is directly proportional to the number of writers and inversely proportional to the number of servers.Comment: Conference version appears in Proceedings of PODC '1

    The SkipTrie: low-depth concurrent search without rebalancing

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    To date, all concurrent search structures that can support predecessor queries have had depth logarithmic in m, the number of elements. This paper introduces the SkipTrie, a new concurrent search structure supporting predecessor queries in amortized expected O(log log u + c) steps, insertions and deletions in O(c log log u), and using O(m) space, where u is the size of the key space and c is the contention during the recent past. The SkipTrie is a probabilistically-balanced version of a y-fast trie consisting of a very shallow skiplist from which randomly chosen elements are inserted into a hash-table based x-fast trie. By inserting keys into the x-fast-trie probabilistically, we eliminate the need for rebalancing, and can provide a lock-free linearizable implementation. To the best of our knowledge, our proof of the amortized expected performance of the SkipTrie is the first such proof for a tree-based data structure.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-1217921)United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (Grant ER26116/DE-SC0008923)Oracle CorporationIntel Corporatio

    Recoverable, Abortable, and Adaptive Mutual Exclusion with Sublogarithmic RMR Complexity

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    We present the first recoverable mutual exclusion (RME) algorithm that is simultaneously abortable, adaptive to point contention, and with sublogarithmic RMR complexity. Our algorithm has O(min(K,log_W N)) RMR passage complexity and O(F + min(K,log_W N)) RMR super-passage complexity, where K is the number of concurrent processes (point contention), W is the size (in bits) of registers, and F is the number of crashes in a super-passage. Under the standard assumption that W = ?(log N), these bounds translate to worst-case O((log N)/(log log N)) passage complexity and O(F + (log N)/(log log N)) super-passage complexity. Our key building blocks are: - A D-process abortable RME algorithm, for D ? W, with O(1) passage complexity and O(1+F) super-passage complexity. We obtain this algorithm by using the Fetch-And-Add (FAA) primitive, unlike prior work on RME that uses Fetch-And-Store (FAS/SWAP). - A generic transformation that transforms any abortable RME algorithm with passage complexity of B < W, into an abortable RME lock with passage complexity of O(min(K,B))