3,373 research outputs found

    Worst case and probabilistic analysis of the 2-Opt algorithm for the TSP

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    2-Opt is probably the most basic local search heuristic for the TSP. This heuristic achieves amazingly good results on “real world” Euclidean instances both with respect to running time and approximation ratio. There are numerous experimental studies on the performance of 2-Opt. However, the theoretical knowledge about this heuristic is still very limited. Not even its worst case running time on 2-dimensional Euclidean instances was known so far. We clarify this issue by presenting, for every p∈N , a family of L p instances on which 2-Opt can take an exponential number of steps. Previous probabilistic analyses were restricted to instances in which n points are placed uniformly at random in the unit square [0,1]2, where it was shown that the expected number of steps is bounded by O~(n10) for Euclidean instances. We consider a more advanced model of probabilistic instances in which the points can be placed independently according to general distributions on [0,1] d , for an arbitrary d≥2. In particular, we allow different distributions for different points. We study the expected number of local improvements in terms of the number n of points and the maximal density ϕ of the probability distributions. We show an upper bound on the expected length of any 2-Opt improvement path of O~(n4+1/3⋅ϕ8/3) . When starting with an initial tour computed by an insertion heuristic, the upper bound on the expected number of steps improves even to O~(n4+1/3−1/d⋅ϕ8/3) . If the distances are measured according to the Manhattan metric, then the expected number of steps is bounded by O~(n4−1/d⋅ϕ) . In addition, we prove an upper bound of O(ϕ√d) on the expected approximation factor with respect to all L p metrics. Let us remark that our probabilistic analysis covers as special cases the uniform input model with ϕ=1 and a smoothed analysis with Gaussian perturbations of standard deviation σ with ϕ∼1/σ d

    Fast Algorithm for Partial Covers in Words

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    A factor uu of a word ww is a cover of ww if every position in ww lies within some occurrence of uu in ww. A word ww covered by uu thus generalizes the idea of a repetition, that is, a word composed of exact concatenations of uu. In this article we introduce a new notion of α\alpha-partial cover, which can be viewed as a relaxed variant of cover, that is, a factor covering at least α\alpha positions in ww. We develop a data structure of O(n)O(n) size (where n=wn=|w|) that can be constructed in O(nlogn)O(n\log n) time which we apply to compute all shortest α\alpha-partial covers for a given α\alpha. We also employ it for an O(nlogn)O(n\log n)-time algorithm computing a shortest α\alpha-partial cover for each α=1,2,,n\alpha=1,2,\ldots,n

    The Sampling-and-Learning Framework: A Statistical View of Evolutionary Algorithms

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    Evolutionary algorithms (EAs), a large class of general purpose optimization algorithms inspired from the natural phenomena, are widely used in various industrial optimizations and often show excellent performance. This paper presents an attempt towards revealing their general power from a statistical view of EAs. By summarizing a large range of EAs into the sampling-and-learning framework, we show that the framework directly admits a general analysis on the probable-absolute-approximate (PAA) query complexity. We particularly focus on the framework with the learning subroutine being restricted as a binary classification, which results in the sampling-and-classification (SAC) algorithms. With the help of the learning theory, we obtain a general upper bound on the PAA query complexity of SAC algorithms. We further compare SAC algorithms with the uniform search in different situations. Under the error-target independence condition, we show that SAC algorithms can achieve polynomial speedup to the uniform search, but not super-polynomial speedup. Under the one-side-error condition, we show that super-polynomial speedup can be achieved. This work only touches the surface of the framework. Its power under other conditions is still open

    On rr-Guarding Thin Orthogonal Polygons

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    Guarding a polygon with few guards is an old and well-studied problem in computational geometry. Here we consider the following variant: We assume that the polygon is orthogonal and thin in some sense, and we consider a point pp to guard a point qq if and only if the minimum axis-aligned rectangle spanned by pp and qq is inside the polygon. A simple proof shows that this problem is NP-hard on orthogonal polygons with holes, even if the polygon is thin. If there are no holes, then a thin polygon becomes a tree polygon in the sense that the so-called dual graph of the polygon is a tree. It was known that finding the minimum set of rr-guards is polynomial for tree polygons, but the run-time was O~(n17)\tilde{O}(n^{17}). We show here that with a different approach the running time becomes linear, answering a question posed by Biedl et al. (SoCG 2011). Furthermore, the approach is much more general, allowing to specify subsets of points to guard and guards to use, and it generalizes to polygons with hh holes or thickness KK, becoming fixed-parameter tractable in h+Kh+K.Comment: 18 page

    On the class of graphs with strong mixing properties

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    We study three mixing properties of a graph: large algebraic connectivity, large Cheeger constant (isoperimetric number) and large spectral gap from 1 for the second largest eigenvalue of the transition probability matrix of the random walk on the graph. We prove equivalence of this properties (in some sense). We give estimates for the probability for a random graph to satisfy these properties. In addition, we present asymptotic formulas for the numbers of Eulerian orientations and Eulerian circuits in an undirected simple graph

    A Simply Exponential Upper Bound on the Maximum Number of Stable Matchings

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    Stable matching is a classical combinatorial problem that has been the subject of intense theoretical and empirical study since its introduction in 1962 in a seminal paper by Gale and Shapley. In this paper, we provide a new upper bound on f(n)f(n), the maximum number of stable matchings that a stable matching instance with nn men and nn women can have. It has been a long-standing open problem to understand the asymptotic behavior of f(n)f(n) as nn\to\infty, first posed by Donald Knuth in the 1970s. Until now the best lower bound was approximately 2.28n2.28^n, and the best upper bound was 2nlognO(n)2^{n\log n- O(n)}. In this paper, we show that for all nn, f(n)cnf(n) \leq c^n for some universal constant cc. This matches the lower bound up to the base of the exponent. Our proof is based on a reduction to counting the number of downsets of a family of posets that we call "mixing". The latter might be of independent interest