6 research outputs found

    Cross-Layer Inexact Design for Low-Power Applications

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    Approximate and error tolerant circuits are a radical new approach to trade calculation accuracy for better speed, power, area and yield. The IcySoC project platform revisits low-power and low-voltage VLSI design through a cross-layer combined inexact design framework

    Hardware-Software Inexactness in Noise-aware Design of Low-Power Body Sensor Nodes

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    Wireless Body Sensor Nodes (WBSNs) are miniaturized and ultra-low-power devices, able to acquire and wirelessly trans- mit biosignals such as electrocardiograms (ECG) for extended periods of times and with little discomfort for subjects [1]. Energy efficiency is of paramount importance for WBSNs, because it allows a higher wearability (by requiring a smaller battery) and/or an increased mean time between charges. In this paper, we investigate how noise-aware design choices can be made to minimize energy consumption in WBSNs. Noise is unavoidable in biosignals acquisitions, either due to external factors (in case of ECGs, muscle contractions and respiration of subjects [2]) or to the design of the front- end analog acquisition block. From this observation stems the opportunity to apply inexact strategies such as on-node lossy compression to minimize the bandwidth over the energy- hungry wireless link [3], as long as the output quality of the signal, when reconstructed on the receiver side, is not constrained by the performed compression. To maximize gains, ultra-low-power platforms must be employed to perform the above-mentioned Digital Signal Processing (DSP) techniques. To this end, we propose an under-designed (but extremely efficient) architecture that only guarantees the correctness of operations performed on the most significant data (i.e., data most affecting the final results), while allowing sporadic errors for the less significant data

    Warp: A Hardware Platform for Efficient Multi- Modal Sensing with Adaptive Approximation

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    We present Warp, the first open hardware platform designed explicitly to support research in approximate computing. Warp incorporates 21 sensors, computation, and circuit-level facilities designed explicitly to enable approximate computing research, in a 3.6 cm×3.3 cm×0.5 cm area. Warp uses these facilities to support a wide range of precision and accuracy versus power and performance tradeoffs

    Precision-Energy-Throughput Scaling Of Generic Matrix Multiplication and Convolution Kernels Via Linear Projections

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    Generic matrix multiplication (GEMM) and one-dimensional convolution/cross-correlation (CONV) kernels often constitute the bulk of the compute- and memory-intensive processing within image/audio recognition and matching systems. We propose a novel method to scale the energy and processing throughput of GEMM and CONV kernels for such error-tolerant multimedia applications by adjusting the precision of computation. Our technique employs linear projections to the input matrix or signal data during the top-level GEMM and CONV blocking and reordering. The GEMM and CONV kernel processing then uses the projected inputs and the results are accumulated to form the final outputs. Throughput and energy scaling takes place by changing the number of projections computed by each kernel, which in turn produces approximate results, i.e. changes the precision of the performed computation. Results derived from a voltage- and frequency-scaled ARM Cortex A15 processor running face recognition and music matching algorithms demonstrate that the proposed approach allows for 280%~440% increase of processing throughput and 75%~80% decrease of energy consumption against optimized GEMM and CONV kernels without any impact in the obtained recognition or matching accuracy. Even higher gains can be obtained if one is willing to tolerate some reduction in the accuracy of the recognition and matching applications