467 research outputs found

    Pseudo-factorials, elliptic functions, and continued fractions

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    This study presents miscellaneous properties of pseudo-factorials, which are numbers whose recurrence relation is a twisted form of that of usual factorials. These numbers are associated with special elliptic functions, most notably, a Dixonian and a Weierstrass function, which parametrize the Fermat cubic curve and are relative to a hexagonal lattice. A continued fraction expansion of the ordinary generating function of pseudo-factorials, first discovered empirically, is established here. This article also provides a characterization of the associated orthogonal polynomials, which appear to form a new family of "elliptic polynomials", as well as various other properties of pseudo-factorials, including a hexagonal lattice sum expression and elementary congruences.Comment: 24 pages; with correction of typos and minor revision. To appear in The Ramanujan Journa

    On 3-dimensional lattice walks confined to the positive octant

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    Many recent papers deal with the enumeration of 2-dimensional walks with prescribed steps confined to the positive quadrant. The classification is now complete for walks with steps in {0,±1}2\{0, \pm 1\}^2: the generating function is D-finite if and only if a certain group associated with the step set is finite. We explore in this paper the analogous problem for 3-dimensional walks confined to the positive octant. The first difficulty is their number: there are 11074225 non-trivial and non-equivalent step sets in {0,±1}3\{0, \pm 1\}^3 (instead of 79 in the quadrant case). We focus on the 35548 that have at most six steps. We apply to them a combined approach, first experimental and then rigorous. On the experimental side, we try to guess differential equations. We also try to determine if the associated group is finite. The largest finite groups that we find have order 48 -- the larger ones have order at least 200 and we believe them to be infinite. No differential equation has been detected in those cases. On the rigorous side, we apply three main techniques to prove D-finiteness. The algebraic kernel method, applied earlier to quadrant walks, works in many cases. Certain, more challenging, cases turn out to have a special Hadamard structure, which allows us to solve them via a reduction to problems of smaller dimension. Finally, for two special cases, we had to resort to computer algebra proofs. We prove with these techniques all the guessed differential equations. This leaves us with exactly 19 very intriguing step sets for which the group is finite, but the nature of the generating function still unclear.Comment: Final version, to appear in Annals of Combinatorics. 36 page

    New Results on Massive 3-Loop Wilson Coefficients in Deep-Inelastic Scattering

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    We present recent results on newly calculated 2- and 3-loop contributions to the heavy quark parts of the structure functions in deep-inelastic scattering due to charm and bottom.Comment: Contribution to the Proc. of Loops and Legs 2016, PoS, in prin

    Computing the NN-th Term of a qq-Holonomic Sequence

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    International audienceIn 1977, Strassen invented a famous baby-step / giant-step algorithm that computes the factorial N!N! in arithmetic complexity quasi-linear in N\sqrt{N}. In 1988, the Chudnovsky brothers generalized Strassen’s algorithm to the computation of the NN-th term of any holonomic sequence in the same arithmetic complexity. We design qq-analogues of these algorithms. We first extend Strassen’s algorithm to the computation of the qq-factorial of NN, then Chudnovskys' algorithm to the computation of the NN-th term of any qq-holonomic sequence. Both algorithms work in arithmetic complexity quasi-linear in~N\sqrt{N}. We describe various algorithmic consequences, including the acceleration of polynomial and rational solving of linear qq-differential equations, and the fast evaluation of large classes of polynomials, including a family recently considered by Nogneng and Schost

    On the quantum K-theory of the quintic

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    Quantum K-theory of a smooth projective variety at genus zero is a collection of integers that can be assembled into a generating series J(Q,q,t)J(Q,q,t) that satisfies a system of linear differential equations with respect to tt and qq-difference equations with respect to QQ. With some mild assumptions on the variety, it is known that the full theory can be reconstructed from its small JJ-function J(Q,q,0)J(Q,q,0) which, in the case of Fano manifolds, is a vector-valued qq-hypergeometric function. On the other hand, for the quintic 3-fold we formulate an explicit conjecture for the small JJ-function and its small linear qq-difference equation expressed linearly in terms of the Gopakumar-Vafa invariants. Unlike the case of quantum knot invariants, and the case of Fano manifolds, the coefficients of the small linear qq-difference equations are not Laurent polynomials, but rather analytic functions in two variables determined linearly by the Gopakumar-Vafa invariants of the quintic. Our conjecture for the small JJ-function agrees with a proposal of Jockers-Mayr.Comment: 22 page