3,444 research outputs found

    Algorithm development for night charging electric vehicles optimization in big data applications

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    In this paper a night charging method that optimizes the recharging process of electric vehicles (EVs) depending on hourly energy price in a peer to peer (P2P) energy trading system is presented. This algorithm determines how much energy should be recharged in the battery of each EV and the corresponding time slot to do it, avoiding the discontinuities in the charging process and considering the users’ personal mobility constraints

    A novel ensemble method for electric vehicle power consumption forecasting: Application to the Spanish system

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    The use of electric vehicle across the world has become one of the most challenging issues for environmental policies. The galloping climate change and the expected running out of fossil fuels turns the use of such non-polluting cars into a priority for most developed countries. However, such a use has led to major concerns to power companies, since they must adapt their generation to a new scenario, in which electric vehicles will dramatically modify the curve of generation. In this paper, a novel approach based on ensemble learning is proposed. In particular, ARIMA, GARCH and PSF algorithms' performances are used to forecast the electric vehicle power consumption in Spain. It is worth noting that the studied time series of consumption is non-stationary and adds difficulties to the forecasting process. Thus, an ensemble is proposed by dynamically weighting all algorithms over time. The proposal presented has been implemented for a real case, in particular, at the Spanish Control Centre for the Electric Vehicle. The performance of the approach is assessed by means of WAPE, showing robust and promising results for this research field.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Proyectos ENE2016-77650-R, PCIN-2015-04 y TIN2017-88209-C2-R

    Comparison of intelligent charging algorithms for electric vehicles to reduce peak load and demand variability in a distribution grid

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    A potential breakthrough of the electrification of the vehicle fleet will incur a steep rise in the load on the electrical power grid. To avoid huge grid investments, coordinated charging of those vehicles is a must. In this paper, we assess algorithms to schedule charging of plug-in (hybrid) electric vehicles as to minimize the additional peak load they might cause. We first introduce two approaches, one based on a classical optimization approach using quadratic programming, and a second one, market based coordination, which is a multi-agent system that uses bidding on a virtual market to reach an equilibrium, price that matches demand and supply. We benchmark these two methods against each other, as well as to a baseline scenario of uncontrolled charging. Our simulation results covering a residential area with 63 households show that controlled charging reduces peak load, load variability, and deviations from the nominal grid voltage

    Big Data for Urban Sustainability: Integrating Personal Mobility Dynamics in Environmental Assessments.

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    To alleviate fossil fuel use, reduce air emissions, and mitigate climate change, “new mobility” systems start to emerge with technologies such as electric vehicles, multi-modal transportation enabled by information and communications technology, and car/ride sharing. Current literature on the environmental implications of these emerging systems is often limited by using aggregated travel pattern data to characterize personal mobility dynamics, neglecting the individual heterogeneity. Individual travel patterns affect several key factors that determine potential environmental impacts, including charging behaviors, connection needs between different transportation modes, and car/ride sharing potentials. Therefore, to better understand these systems and inform decision making, travel patterns at the individual level need to be considered. Using vehicle trajectory data of over 10,000 taxis in Beijing, this research demonstrates the benefits of integrating individual travel patterns into environmental assessments through three case studies (vehicle electrification, charging station siting, and ride sharing) focusing on two emerging systems: electric vehicles and ride sharing. Results from the vehicle electrification study indicate that individual travel patterns can impact the environmental performance of fleet electrification. When battery cost exceeds 200/kWh,vehicleswithgreaterbatteryrangecannotcontinuouslyimprovetravelelectrificationandcanreduceelectrificationrate.Atthecurrentbatterycostof200/kWh, vehicles with greater battery range cannot continuously improve travel electrification and can reduce electrification rate. At the current battery cost of 400/kWh, targeting subsidies to vehicles with battery range around 90 miles can achieve higher electrification rate. The public charging station siting case demonstrates that individual travel patterns can better estimate charging demand and guide charging infrastructure development. Charging stations sited according to individual travel patterns can increase electrification rate by 59% to 88% compared to existing sites. Lastly, the ride sharing case shows that trip details extracted from vehicle trajectory data enable dynamic ride sharing modeling. Shared taxi rides in Beijing can reduce total travel distance and air emissions by 33% with 10-minute travel time deviation tolerance. Only minimal tolerance to travel time change (4 minutes) is needed from the riders to enable significant ride sharing (sharing 60% of the trips and saving 20% of travel distance). In summary, vehicle trajectory data can be integrated into environmental assessments to capture individual travel patterns and improve our understanding of the emerging transportation systems.PhDNatural Resources and Environment and Environmental EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113510/1/caih_1.pd

    Research on Location of Electric Vehicle Charging Station Based on Voronoi Diagram and Improved Particle Swarm Algorithm

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    In order to reduce the blindness of charging station construction and improve the overall satisfaction of charging station construction and operation enterprises and electric vehicle users, this paper researches the location of electric vehicle charging station. First, the number of electric vehicles in the future is predicted by the grey model. The electric vehicle charging demand is calculated based on the road network, traffic flow and user charging behavior characteristics. Then the charging station service range is quickly divided by the Voronoi diagram. And a mathematical model is established based on the minimum total social cost. Finally, Improved particle swarm optimization algorithm and Voronoi graph are combined to solve the problem. The results of the example show that the algorithm can efficiently and accurately obtain the site selection scheme with the minimum social total cost, which is of great significance to urban development planning

    Electric vehicle route recommender system

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    This paper presents a recommender system responsible for processing information that will help the driver in the daily use of his Electric Vehicle (EV), minimizing the problem of range anxiety through a personalized range prediction and by presenting in real time relevant information about the charging stations that can be reached within the range autonomy. Given the success of recommendation systems on automatic delivery of relevant information in numerous areas of usage, this type of systems can also be applied in the electric mobility scenario, with the objective of maximizing the relevance of the information presented to the driver, which should be the strictly needed data for the driver to make important decisions, filtering out the unnecessary information.This work is financed by FEDER Funds, through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors – COMPETE, and by National Funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal, under the project PTDC/EEA-EEL/104569/2008 and the project MIT-PT/EDAM-SMS/0030/2008

    Reinforcement learning for EV charging optimization : A holistic perspective for commercial vehicle fleets

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    Recent years have seen an unprecedented uptake in electric vehicles, driven by the global push to reduce carbon emissions. At the same time, intermittent renewables are being deployed increasingly. These developments are putting flexibility measures such as dynamic load management in the spotlight of the energy transition. Flexibility measures must consider EV charging, as it has the ability to introduce grid constraints: In Germany, the cumulative power of all EV onboard chargers amounts to ca. 120 GW, while the German peak load only amounts to 80 GW. Commercial operations have strong incentives to optimize charging and flatten peak loads in real-time, given that the highest quarter-hour can determine the power-related energy bill, and that a blown fuse due to overloading can halt operations. Increasing research efforts have therefore gone into real-time-capable optimization methods. Reinforcement Learning (RL) has particularly gained attention due to its versatility, performance and real- time capabilities. This thesis implements such an approach and introduces FleetRL as a realistic RL environment for EV charging, with a focus on commercial vehicle fleets. Through its implementation, it was found that RL saved up to 83% compared to static benchmarks, and that grid overloading was entirely avoided in some scenarios by sacrificing small portions of SOC, or by delaying the charging process. Linear optimization with one year of perfect knowledge outperformed RL, but reached its practical limits in one use-case, where a feasible solution could not be found by the solver. Overall, this thesis makes a strong case for RL-based EV charging. It further provides a foundation which can be built upon: a modular, open-source software framework that integrates an MDP model, schedule generation, and non-linear battery degradationElektrifieringen av transportsektorn är en nödvändig men utmanande uppgift. I kombination med ökande solcellsproduktion och förnybara energikällor skapar det ett dilemma för elnätet som kräver omfattande flexibilitetsåtgärder. Dessa åtgärder måste inkludera laddning av elbilar, ett fenomen som har lett till aldrig tidigare skådade belastningstoppar. Ur ett kommersiellt perspektiv är incitamentet att optimera laddningsprocessen och säkerställa drifttid. Forskningen har fokuserat på realtidsoptimeringsmetoder som Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). Denna avhandling introducerar FleetRL som en ny RL-miljö för EV-laddning av kommersiella flottor. Genom att tillämpa ramverket visade det sig att RL sparade upp till 83% jämfört med statiska riktmärken, och att överbelastning av nätet helt kunde undvikas i de flesta scenarier. Linjär optimering överträffade RL men nådde sina gränser i snävt begränsade användningsfall. Efter att ha funnit ett positivt business case för varje kommersiellt användningsområde, ger denna avhandling ett starkt argument för RL-baserad laddning och en grund för framtida arbete via praktiska insikter och ett modulärt mjukvaruramverk med öppen källko