31 research outputs found

    Auto-Surprise: An Automated Recommender-System (AutoRecSys) Library with Tree of Parzens Estimator (TPE) Optimization

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    We introduce Auto-Surprise, an Automated Recommender System library. Auto-Surprise is an extension of the Surprise recommender system library and eases the algorithm selection and configuration process. Compared to out-of-the-box Surprise library, Auto-Surprise performs better when evaluated with MovieLens, Book Crossing and Jester Datasets. It may also result in the selection of an algorithm with significantly lower runtime. Compared to Surprise's grid search, Auto-Surprise performs equally well or slightly better in terms of RMSE, and is notably faster in finding the optimum hyperparameters.Comment: To be presented at RecSys '20 Fourteenth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, September 21-26, 2020, Virtual Even

    Improving accountability in recommender systems research through reproducibility

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    Reproducibility is a key requirement for scientific progress. It allows the reproduction of the works of others, and, as a consequence, to fully trust the reported claims and results. In this work, we argue that, by facilitating reproducibility of recommender systems experimentation, we indirectly address the issues of accountability and transparency in recommender systems research from the perspectives of practitioners, designers, and engineers aiming to assess the capabilities of published research works. These issues have become increasingly prevalent in recent literature. Reasons for this include societal movements around intelligent systems and artificial intelligence striving toward fair and objective use of human behavioral data (as in Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, or Human–Computer Interaction). Society has grown to expect explanations and transparency standards regarding the underlying algorithms making automated decisions for and around us. This work surveys existing definitions of these concepts and proposes a coherent terminology for recommender systems research, with the goal to connect reproducibility to accountability. We achieve this by introducing several guidelines and steps that lead to reproducible and, hence, accountable experimental workflows and research. We additionally analyze several instantiations of recommender system implementations available in the literature and discuss the extent to which they fit in the introduced framework. With this work, we aim to shed light on this important problem and facilitate progress in the field by increasing the accountability of researchThis work has been funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (reference: PID2019-108965GB-I00

    The Potential of AutoML for Recommender Systems

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    Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) has greatly advanced applications of Machine Learning (ML) including model compression, machine translation, and computer vision. Recommender Systems (RecSys) can be seen as an application of ML. Yet, AutoML has found little attention in the RecSys community; nor has RecSys found notable attention in the AutoML community. Only few and relatively simple Automated Recommender Systems (AutoRecSys) libraries exist that adopt AutoML techniques. However, these libraries are based on student projects and do not offer the features and thorough development of AutoML libraries. We set out to determine how AutoML libraries perform in the scenario of an inexperienced user who wants to implement a recommender system. We compared the predictive performance of 60 AutoML, AutoRecSys, ML, and RecSys algorithms from 15 libraries, including a mean predictor baseline, on 14 explicit feedback RecSys datasets. To simulate the perspective of an inexperienced user, the algorithms were evaluated with default hyperparameters. We found that AutoML and AutoRecSys libraries performed best. AutoML libraries performed best for six of the 14 datasets (43%), but it was not always the same AutoML library performing best. The single-best library was the AutoRecSys library Auto-Surprise, which performed best on five datasets (36%). On three datasets (21%), AutoML libraries performed poorly, and RecSys libraries with default parameters performed best. Although, while obtaining 50% of all placements in the top five per dataset, RecSys algorithms fall behind AutoML on average. ML algorithms generally performed the worst

    Understanding and Mitigating Multi-sided Exposure Bias in Recommender Systems

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    Fairness is a critical system-level objective in recommender systems that has been the subject of extensive recent research. It is especially important in multi-sided recommendation platforms where it may be crucial to optimize utilities not just for the end user, but also for other actors such as item sellers or producers who desire a fair representation of their items. Existing solutions do not properly address various aspects of multi-sided fairness in recommendations as they may either solely have one-sided view (i.e. improving the fairness only for one side), or do not appropriately measure the fairness for each actor involved in the system. In this thesis, I aim at first investigating the impact of unfair recommendations on the system and how these unfair recommendations can negatively affect major actors in the system. Then, I seek to propose solutions to tackle the unfairness of recommendations. I propose a rating transformation technique that works as a pre-processing step before building the recommendation model to alleviate the inherent popularity bias in the input data and consequently to mitigate the exposure unfairness for items and suppliers in the recommendation lists. Also, as another solution, I propose a general graph-based solution that works as a post-processing approach after recommendation generation for mitigating the multi-sided exposure bias in the recommendation results. For evaluation, I introduce several metrics for measuring the exposure fairness for items and suppliers, and show that these metrics better capture the fairness properties in the recommendation results. I perform extensive experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed solutions. The experiments on different publicly-available datasets and comparison with various baselines confirm the superiority of the proposed solutions in improving the exposure fairness for items and suppliers.Comment: Doctoral thesi

    Fairness of Exposure in Dynamic Recommendation

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    Exposure bias is a well-known issue in recommender systems where the exposure is not fairly distributed among items in the recommendation results. This is especially problematic when bias is amplified over time as a few items (e.g., popular ones) are repeatedly over-represented in recommendation lists and users' interactions with those items will amplify bias towards those items over time resulting in a feedback loop. This issue has been extensively studied in the literature in static recommendation environment where a single round of recommendation result is processed to improve the exposure fairness. However, less work has been done on addressing exposure bias in a dynamic recommendation setting where the system is operating over time, the recommendation model and the input data are dynamically updated with ongoing user feedback on recommended items at each round. In this paper, we study exposure bias in a dynamic recommendation setting. Our goal is to show that existing bias mitigation methods that are designed to operate in a static recommendation setting are unable to satisfy fairness of exposure for items in long run. In particular, we empirically study one of these methods and show that repeatedly applying this method fails to fairly distribute exposure among items in long run. To address this limitation, we show how this method can be adapted to effectively operate in a dynamic recommendation setting and achieve exposure fairness for items in long run. Experiments on a real-world dataset confirm that our solution is superior in achieving long-term exposure fairness for the items while maintaining the recommendation accuracy