19 research outputs found

    Algorithm Refinement for Fluctuating Hydrodynamics

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    This paper introduces an adaptive mesh and algorithm refinement method for fluctuating hydrodynamics. This particle-continuum hybrid simulates the dynamics of a compressible fluid with thermal fluctuations. The particle algorithm is direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC), a molecular-level scheme based on the Boltzmann equation. The continuum algorithm is based on the Landau–Lifshitz Navier–Stokes (LLNS) equations, which incorporate thermal fluctuations into macroscopic hydrodynamics by using stochastic fluxes. It uses a recently developed solver for the LLNS equations based on third-order Runge–Kutta. We present numerical tests of systems in and out of equilibrium, including time-dependent systems, and demonstrate dynamic adaptive refinement by the computation of a moving shock wave. Mean system behavior and second moment statistics of our simulations match theoretical values and benchmarks well. We find that particular attention should be paid to the spectrum of the flux at the interface between the particle and continuum methods, specifically for the nonhydrodynamic (kinetic) time scales

    Algorithm Refinement for Fluctuating Hydrodynamics

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    Algorithm Refinement for Fluctuating Hydrodynamics

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    This paper introduces an adaptive mesh and algorithm refinement method for fluctuating hydrodynamics. This particle-continuum hybrid simulates the dynamics of a compressible fluid with thermal fluctuations. The particle al

    Meshfree method for the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz Navier-Stokes equations

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    The current study aimed to develop a meshfree Lagrangian particle method for the Landau-Lifshitz Navier-Stokes (LLNS) equations. The LLNS equations incorporate thermal fluctuation into macroscopic hydrodynamics by addition of white noise fluxes whose magnitudes are set by a fluctuation-dissipation theorem. Moreover, the study focuses on capturing correct variance and correlation computed at equilibrium flows, which are compared with available theoretical values and found very good agreement

    A Thermodynamically-Consistent Non-Ideal Stochastic Hard-Sphere Fluid

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    A grid-free variant of the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is proposed, named the Isotropic DSMC (I-DSMC) method, that is suitable for simulating dense fluid flows at molecular scales. The I-DSMC algorithm eliminates all grid artifacts from the traditional DSMC algorithm; it is Galilean invariant and microscopically isotropic. The stochastic collision rules in I-DSMC are modified to yield a non-ideal structure factor that gives consistent compressibility, as first proposed in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 101:075902 (2008)]. The resulting Stochastic Hard Sphere Dynamics (SHSD) fluid is empirically shown to be thermodynamically identical to a deterministic Hamiltonian system of penetrable spheres interacting with a linear core pair potential, well-described by the hypernetted chain (HNC) approximation. We apply a stochastic Enskog kinetic theory for the SHSD fluid to obtain estimates for the transport coefficients that are in excellent agreement with particle simulations over a wide range of densities and collision rates. The fluctuating hydrodynamic behavior of the SHSD fluid is verified by comparing its dynamic structure factor against theory based on the Landau-Lifshitz Navier-Stokes equations. We also study the Brownian motion of a nano-particle suspended in an SHSD fluid and find a long-time power-law tail in its velocity autocorrelation function consistent with hydrodynamic theory and molecular dynamics calculations.Comment: 30 pages, revision adding some clarifications and a new figure. See also arXiv:0803.035

    Predictive Scale-Bridging Simulations through Active Learning

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    Throughout computational science, there is a growing need to utilize the continual improvements in raw computational horsepower to achieve greater physical fidelity through scale-bridging over brute-force increases in the number of mesh elements. For instance, quantitative predictions of transport in nanoporous media, critical to hydrocarbon extraction from tight shale formations, are impossible without accounting for molecular-level interactions. Similarly, inertial confinement fusion simulations rely on numerical diffusion to simulate molecular effects such as non-local transport and mixing without truly accounting for molecular interactions. With these two disparate applications in mind, we develop a novel capability which uses an active learning approach to optimize the use of local fine-scale simulations for informing coarse-scale hydrodynamics. Our approach addresses three challenges: forecasting continuum coarse-scale trajectory to speculatively execute new fine-scale molecular dynamics calculations, dynamically updating coarse-scale from fine-scale calculations, and quantifying uncertainty in neural network models

    On the Suppression and Distortion of Non-Equilibrium Fluctuations by Transpiration

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    A fluid in a non-equilibrium state exhibits long-ranged correlations of its hydrodynamic fluctuations. In this article, we examine the effect of a transpiration interface on these correlations -- specifically, we consider a dilute gas in a domain bisected by the interface. The system is held in a non-equilibrium steady state by using isothermal walls to impose a temperature gradient. The gas is simulated using both direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) and fluctuating hydrodynamics (FHD). For the FHD simulations two models are developed for the interface based on master equation and Langevin approaches. For appropriate simulation parameters, good agreement is observed between DSMC and FHD results with the latter showing a significant advantage in computational speed. For each approach we quantify the effects of transpiration on long-ranged correlations in the hydrodynamic variables

    Computational fluctuating fluid dynamics

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    This paper describes the extension of a recently developed numerical solver for the Landau-Lifshitz Navier-Stokes (LLNS) equations to binary mixtures in three dimensions. The LLNS equations incorporate thermal fluctuations into macroscopic hydrodynamics by using white-noise fluxes. These stochastic PDEs are more complicated in three dimensions due to the tensorial form of the correlations for the stochastic fluxes and in mixtures due to couplings of energy and concentration fluxes (e.g., Soret effect). We present various numerical tests of systems in and out of equilibrium, including time-dependent systems, and demonstrate good agreement with theoretical results and molecular simulatio