4,581 research outputs found

    Reliable Linear, Sesquilinear and Bijective Operations On Integer Data Streams Via Numerical Entanglement

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    A new technique is proposed for fault-tolerant linear, sesquilinear and bijective (LSB) operations on MM integer data streams (Mā‰„3M\geq3), such as: scaling, additions/subtractions, inner or outer vector products, permutations and convolutions. In the proposed method, the MM input integer data streams are linearly superimposed to form MM numerically-entangled integer data streams that are stored in-place of the original inputs. A series of LSB operations can then be performed directly using these entangled data streams. The results are extracted from the MM entangled output streams by additions and arithmetic shifts. Any soft errors affecting any single disentangled output stream are guaranteed to be detectable via a specific post-computation reliability check. In addition, when utilizing a separate processor core for each of the MM streams, the proposed approach can recover all outputs after any single fail-stop failure. Importantly, unlike algorithm-based fault tolerance (ABFT) methods, the number of operations required for the entanglement, extraction and validation of the results is linearly related to the number of the inputs and does not depend on the complexity of the performed LSB operations. We have validated our proposal in an Intel processor (Haswell architecture with AVX2 support) via fast Fourier transforms, circular convolutions, and matrix multiplication operations. Our analysis and experiments reveal that the proposed approach incurs between 0.03%0.03\% to 7%7\% reduction in processing throughput for a wide variety of LSB operations. This overhead is 5 to 1000 times smaller than that of the equivalent ABFT method that uses a checksum stream. Thus, our proposal can be used in fault-generating processor hardware or safety-critical applications, where high reliability is required without the cost of ABFT or modular redundancy.Comment: to appear in IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 201

    Generalized Numerical Entanglement For Reliable Linear, Sesquilinear And Bijective Operations On Integer Data Streams

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    We propose a new technique for the mitigation of fail-stop failures and/or silent data corruptions (SDCs) within linear, sesquilinear or bijective (LSB) operations on M integer data streams (M ā©¾ 3). In the proposed approach, the M input streams are linearly superimposed to form M numerically entangled integer data streams that are stored in-place of the original inputs, i.e., no additional (aka. ā€œchecksumā€) streams are used. An arbitrary number of LSB operations can then be performed in M processing cores using these entangled data streams. The output results can be extracted from any (M-K) entangled output streams by additions and arithmetic shifts, thereby mitigating K fail-stop failures (K ā‰¤ āŒŠ(M-1)/2 āŒ‹ ), or detecting up to K SDCs per M-tuple of outputs at corresponding in-stream locations. Therefore, unlike other methods, the number of operations required for the entanglement, extraction and recovery of the results is linearly related to the number of the inputs and does not depend on the complexity of the performed LSB operations. Our proposal is validated within an Amazon EC2 instance (Haswell architecture with AVX2 support) via integer matrix product operations. Our analysis and experiments for failstop failure mitigation and SDC detection reveal that the proposed approach incurs 0.75% to 37.23% reduction in processing throughput in comparison to the equivalent errorintolerant processing. This overhead is found to be up to two orders of magnitude smaller than that of the equivalent checksum-based method, with increased gains offered as the complexity of the performed LSB operations is increasing. Therefore, our proposal can be used in distributed systems, unreliable multicore clusters and safety-critical applications, where robustness against failures and SDCs is a necessity

    Integration of tools for the Design and Assessment of High-Performance, Highly Reliable Computing Systems (DAHPHRS), phase 1

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    Systems for Space Defense Initiative (SDI) space applications typically require both high performance and very high reliability. These requirements present the systems engineer evaluating such systems with the extremely difficult problem of conducting performance and reliability trade-offs over large design spaces. A controlled development process supported by appropriate automated tools must be used to assure that the system will meet design objectives. This report describes an investigation of methods, tools, and techniques necessary to support performance and reliability modeling for SDI systems development. Models of the JPL Hypercubes, the Encore Multimax, and the C.S. Draper Lab Fault-Tolerant Parallel Processor (FTPP) parallel-computing architectures using candidate SDI weapons-to-target assignment algorithms as workloads were built and analyzed as a means of identifying the necessary system models, how the models interact, and what experiments and analyses should be performed. As a result of this effort, weaknesses in the existing methods and tools were revealed and capabilities that will be required for both individual tools and an integrated toolset were identified

    Mitigating Silent Data Corruptions In Integer Matrix Products: Toward Reliable Multimedia Computing On Unreliable Hardware

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    The generic matrix multiply (GEMM) routine comprises the compute and memory-intensive part of many information retrieval, machine learning and object recognition systems that process integer inputs. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to ensure that integer GEMM computations remain robust to silent data corruptions (SDCs), which stem from accidental voltage or frequency overscaling, or other hardware non-idealities. In this paper, we introduce a new method for SDC mitigation based on the concept of numerical packing. The key difference between our approach and all existing methods is the production of redundant results within the numerical representation of the outputs, rather than as a separate set of checksums. Importantly, unlike well-known algorithm-based fault tolerance (ABFT) approaches for GEMM, the proposed approach can reliably detect the locations of the vast majority of all possible SDCs in the results of GEMM computations. An experimental investigation of voltage-scaled integer GEMM computations for visual descriptor matching within state-of-the art image and video retrieval algorithms running on an Intel i7- 4578U 3GHz processor shows that SDC mitigation based on numerical packing leads to comparable or lower execution and energy-consumption overhead in comparison to all other alternatives

    Fault tolerant architectures for integrated aircraft electronics systems, task 2

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    The architectural basis for an advanced fault tolerant on-board computer to succeed the current generation of fault tolerant computers is examined. The network error tolerant system architecture is studied with particular attention to intercluster configurations and communication protocols, and to refined reliability estimates. The diagnosis of faults, so that appropriate choices for reconfiguration can be made is discussed. The analysis relates particularly to the recognition of transient faults in a system with tasks at many levels of priority. The demand driven data-flow architecture, which appears to have possible application in fault tolerant systems is described and work investigating the feasibility of automatic generation of aircraft flight control programs from abstract specifications is reported

    Critical fault patterns determination in fault-tolerant computer systems

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    The method proposed tries to enumerate all the critical fault-patterns (successive occurrences of failures) without analyzing every single possible fault. The conditions for the system to be operating in a given mode can be expressed in terms of the static states. Thus, one can find all the system states that correspond to a given critical mode of operation. The next step consists in analyzing the fault-detection mechanisms, the diagnosis algorithm and the process of switch control. From them, one can find all the possible system configurations that can result from a failure occurrence. Thus, one can list all the characteristics, with respect to detection, diagnosis, and switch control, that failures must have to constitute critical fault-patterns. Such an enumeration of the critical fault-patterns can be directly used to evaluate the overall system tolerance to failures. Present research is focused on how to efficiently make use of these system-level characteristics to enumerate all the failures that verify these characteristics

    Sequential Circuit Design for Embedded Cryptographic Applications Resilient to Adversarial Faults

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    In the relatively young field of fault-tolerant cryptography, the main research effort has focused exclusively on the protection of the data path of cryptographic circuits. To date, however, we have not found any work that aims at protecting the control logic of these circuits against fault attacks, which thus remains the proverbial Achillesā€™ heel. Motivated by a hypothetical yet realistic fault analysis attack that, in principle, could be mounted against any modular exponentiation engine, even one with appropriate data path protection, we set out to close this remaining gap. In this paper, we present guidelines for the design of multifault-resilient sequential control logic based on standard Error-Detecting Codes (EDCs) with large minimum distance. We introduce a metric that measures the effectiveness of the error detection technique in terms of the effort the attacker has to make in relation to the area overhead spent in implementing the EDC. Our comparison shows that the proposed EDC-based technique provides superior performance when compared against regular N-modular redundancy techniques. Furthermore, our technique scales well and does not affect the critical path delay
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