22 research outputs found

    Lipschitz extensions of definable p-adic functions

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    In this paper, we prove a definable version of Kirszbraun's theorem in a non-Archimedean setting for definable families of functions in one variable. More precisely, we prove that every definable function f:X×YQpsf : X \times Y \to \mathbb{Q}_p^s, where XQpX\subset \mathbb{Q}_p and YQprY \subset \mathbb{Q}_p^r, that is λ\lambda-Lipschitz in the first variable, extends to a definable function f~:Qp×YQps\tilde{f}:\mathbb{Q}_p\times Y \to \mathbb{Q}_p^s that is λ\lambda-Lipschitz in the first variable.Comment: 11 page

    p-adically closed rings

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    Cell decomposition and classification of definable sets in p-optimal fields

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    We prove that for p-optimal fields (a very large subclass of p-minimal fields containing all the known examples) a cell decomposition theorem follows from methods going back to Denef’s paper [7]. We derive from it the existence of definable Skolem functions and strong p-minimality. Then we turn to strongly p-minimal fields satisfying the Extreme Value Property—a property which in particular holds in fields which are elementarily equivalent to a p-adic one. For such fields K, we prove that every definable subset of K × K d whose fibers over K are inverse images by the valuation of subsets of the value group is semialgebraic. Combining the two we get a preparation theorem for definable functions on p-optimal fields satisfying the Extreme Value Property, from which it follows that infinite sets definable over such fields are in definable bijection iff they have the same dimension

    On non-compact pp-adic definable groups

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    Peterzil and Steinhorn proved that if a group GG definable in an oo-minimal structure is not definably compact, then GG contains a definable torsion-free subgroup of dimension one. We prove here a pp-adic analogue of the Peterzil-Steinhorn theorem, in the special case of abelian groups. Let GG be an abelian group definable in a pp-adically closed field MM. If GG is not definably compact then there is a definable subgroup HH of dimension one which is not definably compact. In a future paper we will generalize this to non-abelian GG.Comment: 24 page