9 research outputs found

    End-to-end eScience: integrating workflow, query, visualization, and provenance at an ocean observatory

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    Journal ArticleData analysis tasks at an Ocean Observatory require integrative and and domain-specialized use of database, workflow, visualization systems. We describe a platform to support these tasks developed as part of the cyberinfrastructure at the NSF Science and Technology Center for Coastal Margin Observation and Prediction integrating a provenance-aware workflow system, 3D visualization, and a remote query engine for large-scale ocean circulation models. We show how these disparate tools complement each other and give examples of real scientific insights delivered by the integrated system. We conclude that data management solutions for eScience require this kind of holistic, integrative approach, explain how our approach may be generalized, and recommend a broader, application-oriented research agenda to explore relevant architectures

    SciQL, Bridging the Gap between Science and Relational DBMS

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    Scientific discoveries increasingly rely on the ability to efficiently grind massive amounts of experimental data using database technologies. To bridge the gap between the needs of the Data-Intensive Research fields and the current DBMS technologies, we propose SciQL (pronounced as ‘cycle’), the first SQL-based query language for scientific applications with both tables and arrays as first class citizens. It provides a seamless symbiosis of array-, set- and sequence- interpretations. A key innovation is the extension of value-based grouping of SQL:2003 with structural grouping, i.e., fixed-sized and unbounded groups based on explicit relationships between elements positions. This leads to a generalisation of window-based query processing with wide applicability in science domains. This paper describes the main language features of SciQL and illustrates it using time-series concepts

    A Survey on Array Storage, Query Languages, and Systems

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    Since scientific investigation is one of the most important providers of massive amounts of ordered data, there is a renewed interest in array data processing in the context of Big Data. To the best of our knowledge, a unified resource that summarizes and analyzes array processing research over its long existence is currently missing. In this survey, we provide a guide for past, present, and future research in array processing. The survey is organized along three main topics. Array storage discusses all the aspects related to array partitioning into chunks. The identification of a reduced set of array operators to form the foundation for an array query language is analyzed across multiple such proposals. Lastly, we survey real systems for array processing. The result is a thorough survey on array data storage and processing that should be consulted by anyone interested in this research topic, independent of experience level. The survey is not complete though. We greatly appreciate pointers towards any work we might have forgotten to mention.Comment: 44 page

    SciQL, A query language for science applications

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    Scientific applications are still poorly served by contemporary relational database systems. At best, the system provides a bridge towards an external library using user-defined functions, explicit import/export facilities or linked-in Java/C# interpreters. Time has come to rectify this with SciQL, a SQL-query language for science applications with arrays as first class citizens. It provides a seamless symbiosis of array-, set-, and sequence- interpretation using a clear separation of the mathematical object from its underlying storage representation. The language extends value-based grouping in SQL with structural grouping, i.e., fixed-sized and unbounded groups based on explicit relationships between its index attributes. It leads to a generalization of window-based query processing. The SciQL architecture benefits from a column store system with an adaptive storage scheme, including keeping multiple representations around for reduced impedance mismatch. This paper is focused on the language features, its architectural consequences and extensive examples of its intended use

    Flexible and efficient IR using array databases

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    textabstractThe Matrix Framework is a recent proposal by IR researchers to flexibly represent all important information retrieval models in a single multi-dimensional array framework. Computational support for exactly this framework is provided by the array database system SRAM (Sparse Relational Array Mapping) that works on top of a DBMS. Information retrieval models can be specified in its comprehension-based array query language, in a way that directly corresponds to the underlying mathematical formulas. SRAM efficiently stores sparse arrays in (compressed) relational tables and translates and optimizes array queries into relational queries. In this work, we describe a number of array query optimization rules and demonstrate their effect on text retrieval in the TREC TeraByte track (TREC-TB) efficiency task, using the Okapi BM25 model as our example. It turns out that these optimization rules enable SRAM to automatically translate the BM25 array queries into the relational equivalent of inverted list processing including compression, score materialization and quantization, such as employed by custom-built IR systems. The use of the high-performance MonetDB/X100 relational backend, that provides transparent database compression, allows the system to achieve very fast response times with good precision and low resource usage

    Flexible and efficient IR using array databases

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    The Matrix Framework is a recent proposal by IR researchers to flexibly represent all important information retrieval models in a single multi-dimensional array framework. Computational support for exactly this framework is provided by the array database system SRAM (Sparse Relational Array Mapping) that works on top of a DBMS. Information retrieval models can be specified in its comprehension-based array query language, in a way that directly corresponds to the underlying mathematical formulas. SRAM efficiently stores sparse arrays in (compressed) relational tables and translates and optimizes array queries into relational queries. In this work, we describe a number of array query optimization rules and demonstrate their effect on text retrieval in the TREC TeraByte track (TREC-TB) efficiency task, using the Okapi BM25 model as our example. It turns out that these optimization rules enable SRAM to automatically translate the BM25 array queries into the relational equivalent of inverted list processing including compression, score materialization and quantization, such as employed by custom-built IR systems. The use of the high-performance MonetDB/X100 relational backend, that provides transparent database compression, allows the system to achieve very fast response times with good precision and low resource usage

    Noname manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Algebraic Manipulation of Scientific Datasets

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    The date of receipt and acceptance will be inserted by the editor Abstract We investigate algebraic processing strategies for large numeric datasets equipped with a possibly irregular grid structure. Such datasets arise, for example, in computational simulations, observation networks, medical imaging, and 2-D and 3-D rendering. Existing approaches for manipulating these datasets are incomplete: The performance of SQL queries for manipulating large numeric datasets is not competitive with specialized tools. Database extensions for processing multidimensional discrete data can only model regular, rectilinear grids. Visualization software libraries are designed to process arbitrary gridded datasets efficiently, but no algebra has been developed to simplify their use and afford optimization. Further, these libraries are data dependent – physical changes to data representation or organization break user programs. In this paper, we present an algebra of gridfields for manipulating arbitrary gridded datasets, algebraic optimization techniques, and an implementation backed by experimental results. We compare our techniques to those of spatial databases and visualization software libraries, using real examples from an Environmental Observation and Forecasting System. We find that our approach can express optimized plans inaccessible to other techniques, resulting in improved performance with reduced programming effort.