279,304 research outputs found

    Current US algae biorefineries, projects and perspectives

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    Large challenges remain to take advantage of algae (cyanobacteria, microalgae, and macroalgae) as a bioenergy, biofuels, and bioproducts crop. Traditional applications in the nutraceutical and food industry, have shown more promise. New efforts in combining a biorefinery approach with wastewater treatment, anaerobic digestion, and biomass utilization are becoming more popular and successful towards providing a middle ground for implementation of algae cultivation systems. An overview will be provided of the growth in fundamental and applied algae research in recent years, which will include a review of the scientific literature and key programs in bioenergy in the US leading to a resurgence and interest in algae. With this presentation, a discussion will ensue on the challenges being tackled to make the algae biorefinery a viable industry, including progress and opportunities available to develop algae as a key crop for the bioenergy and the bioproducts industries.Universidad de Málaga.Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucia Tec

    Light control of the flow of phototactic microswimmer suspensions

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    Some micro-algae are sensitive to light intensity gradients. This property is known as phototaxis: the algae swim toward a light source (positive phototaxis). We use this property to control the motion of micro-algae within a Poiseuille flow using light. The combination of flow vorticity and phototaxis results in a concentration of algae around the center of the flow. Intermittent light exposure allows analysis of the dynamics of this phenomenon and its reversibility. With this phenomenon, we hope to pave the way toward new algae concentration techniques (a bottleneck challenge in hydrogen algal production) and toward the improvement of pollutant bio-detector technology

    Discovery of viruses lysing blue-green algae in the Dneprovsk reservoirs. [Translation of: Water blooms (ed. A. V. Topachevskii) pp.171-174. Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1968]

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    Viruses, which are characterised by a relative simplicity of chemical composition, are involved with all the groups of the animal and plant world. The discovery of viruses of lower organisms has special interest. Along with the already known viruses lysing bacteria and actinomycetes, viruses have been discovered in recent years which lyse algae. During investigations of water from water-bloom patches and of mud taken from zones of massive accumulation of blue-green algae in the Dneprovsk reservoirs, the authors obtained viruses lysing algae. The revealing of viruses producing lysis of blue-green algae, which one could use in the control of water-blooms, has the greatest interest. With this aim, samples of water were collected from various zones of water-bloom patches in the Kremenchug, Dneprovsk and Kukhov reservoirs. For viruses lysing algae we propose the name 'algophages'. Along with the existence of viruses of algae of the phage type, one cannot deny the possibility of the existence of viruses of another type, multiplying in the cells of algae and causing their virus illnesses

    Lipid content and biomass analysis in autotrophic and heterotrophic algal species

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    Biofuels are a form of renewable energy derived from living matter, typically plants. The push for biofuels began in order to decrease the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the atmosphere, as biofuels are essentially carbon neutral. The idea is the same amount of CO2 the plants took in to perform photosynthesis will then be released in the burning of the biofuels. Algae is an excellent source of biofuels because it grows quickly and is versatile in terms of the type of fuel it can produce. The two most common mechanisms for algae growth are heterotrophic or photoautotrophic. Heterotrophically grown algae uses an exogenous energy source, such as glucose, and uses the energy stored in it to perform cellular functions. Glucose also serves as a source of carbon and hydrogen, which are the primary elements found in lipids. In addition heterotrophic algae requires other nutrients for survival, such as water, vitamins, and inorganic ions. Algae grown photoautotrophically uses pigments in cellular photoreceptors to convert energy from light into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), an energy source, and to produce glucose. It also requires water, vitamins, and inorganic ions like the heterotrophic algae does. Some algal species, such as Chlorella zofingiensis, can be grown both photoautotrophically and heterotrophically. This algae species will be the subject of our experiment. Our experiment seeks to discover the most efficient way of growing algae to produce the highest amount of lipids. In addition to serving as a key component of cell and organelle membranes, lipids are a common form of high efficiency, long-term energy storage for living organisms, which is why lipids are extracted and processed to form biofuels. We propose growing one species of algae photoautotrophically by providing it with proper amounts of light but eliminating any glucose available. We will also grow the same species heterotrophically, with exogenous access to glucose, but eliminating all exposure to light sources. Finally, we will grow the same species mixotrophically with access to both glucose and light. Once the algae is grown, it will be harvested and analyzed for its lipid profile to determine which algae sample has the highest percent lipid content. We will also measure the percent biomass of each sample to determine which primary energy source leads to the greatest amount of total algal growth, percent organic material, and percent lipid content. We predict the algae grown with access to both sunlight and exogenous glucose will produce both the highest lipid content and the highest percent of biomass

    Calculating the global contribution of coralline algae to carbon burial

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    The ongoing increase in anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is changing the global marine environment and is causing warming and acidification of the oceans. Reduction of CO2 to a sustainable level is required to avoid further marine change. Many studies investigate the potential of marine carbon sinks (e.g. seagrass) to mitigate anthropogenic emissions, however, information on storage by coralline algae and the beds they create is scant. Calcifying photosynthetic organisms, including coralline algae, can act as a CO2 sink via photosynthesis and CaCO3 dissolution and act as a CO2 source during respiration and CaCO3 production on short-term time scales. Long-term carbon storage potential might come from the accumulation of coralline algae deposits over geological time scales. Here, the carbon storage potential of coralline algae is assessed using meta-analysis of their global organic and inorganic carbon production and the processes involved in this metabolism. Organic and inorganic production were estimated at 330 g C m−2 yr−1 and 880 g CaCO3 m−2 yr−1 respectively giving global organic/inorganic C production of 0.7/1.8 × 109 t C yr−1. Calcium carbonate production by free-living/crustose coralline algae (CCA) corresponded to a sediment accretion of 70/450 mm kyr−1. Using this potential carbon storage by coralline algae, the global production of free-living algae/CCA was 0.4/1.2 × 109 t C yr−1 suggesting a total potential carbon sink of 1.6 × 109 t C yr−1. Coralline algae therefore have production rates similar to mangroves, saltmarshes and seagrasses representing an as yet unquantified but significant carbon store, however, further empirical investigations are needed to determine the dynamics and stability of that store

    Algae Biofuel Triacylglyceride Transesterification Optimization

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    Algae biofuels may hold the key to solving the problem of fossil fuel consumption by being comparable in content, renewable, and carbon-neutral. Many biofuel researchers and corporations have undertaken to increase the production rate or capacity of triacylglycerides (TAG), the fat precursor to biodiesel fuel produced by algae, in algae cultures and published articles documenting their findings. This research is devoted to evaluating the effect of water that may be present in samples on the conversion efficiency of TAG into fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), commonly referred to as biodiesel. Therefore, that efficiency was studied to find the water content which optimizes the yield and determine if further drying of algae was necessary as an additional step in sample preparation. The results showed that the water content typically present in lyophilized algae samples is not sufficient to appreciably inhibit the reaction efficiency and necessitate extensive drying as a sample preparation step prior to transesterification

    Algal substratum preferences of the alien foraminiferan Amphistegina lobifera in shallow water

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    The Lessepsian foraminiferan Amphistegina lobifera is particularly numerous on algae in shallow water. We sampled foraminiferans from three algae (Cystoseira spp., Padina pavonica and Halopteris sp.) within the 0.75 - 2.0 m depth zone from five different sites around the island of Malta. There was a significant difference in the population density of live Amphistegina between the algae studied with Halopteris being preferred to Padina and with very sparse populations on Cystoseira.peer-reviewe

    Co-Cultures of Oophila Amblystomatis Between Ambystoma Maculatum and Ambystoma Gracile Hosts Show Host-Symbiont Fidelity

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    A unique symbiosis occurs between embryos of the spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) and a green alga (Oophila amblystomatis). Unlike most vertebrate host-symbiont relationships, which are ectosymbiotic, A. maculatum exhibits both an ecto- and an endo-symbiosis, where some of the green algal cells living inside egg capsules enter embryonic tissues as well as individual salamander cells. Past research has consistently categorized this symbiosis as a mutualism, making this the first example of a “beneficial” microbe entering vertebrate cells. Another closely related species of salamander, Ambystoma gracile, also harbors beneficial Oophila algae in its egg capsules. However, our sampling within the A. gracile range consistently shows this to be a strict ectosymbiotic interaction—with no sign of tissue or presumably cellular entry. In this study we swapped cultured algae derived from intracapsular fluid of different salamander hosts to test the fidelity of tissue entry in these symbioses. Both A. maculatum and A. gracile embryos were raised in cultures with their own algae or algae cultured from the other host. Under these in vitro culture conditions A. maculatum algae will enter embryonic A. maculatum tissues. Additionally, although at a much lower frequency, A. gracile derived algae will also enter A. maculatum host tissues. However, neither Oophila strain enters A. gracile hosts in these co-culture conditions. These data reveal a potential host-symbiont fidelity that allows the unique endosymbiosis to occur in A. maculatum, but not in A. gracile. However, preliminary trials in our study found that persistent endogenous A. maculatum algae, as opposed to the cultured algae used in subsequent trials, enters host tissues at a higher frequency. An analysis of previously published Oophila transcriptomes revealed dramatic differences in gene expression between cultured and intracapsular Oophila. These include a suite of genes in protein and cell wall synthesis, photosynthesis, central carbon metabolism suggesting the intracapsular algae are assimilating ammonia for nitrogen metabolism and may be undergoing a life-cycle transition. Further refinements of these co-culture conditions could help determine physiological differences between cultured and endogenous algae, as well as rate-limiting cues provided for the alga by the salamander

    Benthic algae and seagrasses of the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets Marine Park, Western Australia

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    A survey of the marine plants of the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets Marine Park has recorded 49 species of marine benthic algae and seagrasses, including 15 green algae, 11 brown algae, 18 red algae, 4 seagrasses, and one cyanobacterium, representing a substantial increase on the 14 previously recorded species. Most species are relatively common elements of the south-western Australian marine flora, but several are of taxonomic or biogeographic and ecological interest. Included in this group are: a new species of the green algal genus Codium, the first records of previously unknown reproductive phases in the red algae Mazoyerella australis and Spermothamnion cymosum, and a new distribution record for Ossiella pacifica, a species hitherto known only from warmer waters of the Pacific Ocean and not recorded for mainland Australia. The species diversity in the inlets decreases markedly with increasing distance from the ocean, reflecting a reducing marine and increasing estuarine influence